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Instructions: Use your textbook CH 2 and reliable sources on the Internet to find accurate and correct information and pictures. Copy and Paste all of.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions: Use your textbook CH 2 and reliable sources on the Internet to find accurate and correct information and pictures. Copy and Paste all of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions: Use your textbook CH 2 and reliable sources on the Internet to find accurate and correct information and pictures. Copy and Paste all of the websites that you use onto the Works Cited Slide at the end of this PowerPoint. All directions are in red throughout the presentation. After completing each slide, you can delete the red portions. You can also delete this slide and the ending instructions slide when you finish. Make sure your slides are easy to read and see. Use proper grammar and complete, concise sentences. Choose pictures that are easy to see and understand, and make sure to size them appropriately. You will be presenting this PowerPoint to the class, so make sure it is nice!


3 Introduction What is the name of your gemstone? What mineral is that gemstone considered? Is your gemstone Precious or Semi-Precious? What color(s) is your gemstone? Is there one color that is more common than others? Provide 1-2 good pictures of your gemstone.

4 Mineral Properties What mineral is your gemstone made of? What chemical formula(s) make your gemstone? – What mineral group does it belong to? (Silicates, Carbonates…etc.) Provide a good picture/diagram of the mineral’s chemical structure.

5 Color What creates the color(s) of your gemstone? What is the most valuable/prized color of this gemstone? Provide a picture that clearly shows the color(s) of your gemstone.

6 Gemstone Properties Depending on what information is available for your gemstone, describe at least 2 of the following 3 properties – Streak – Luster – Crystal From Provide a picture that shows this property well.

7 Hardness What hardness is your gemstone according to the MOHS scale? What type of jewelry is best suited for a gemstone of this hardness? Describe what can or can’t scratch your gemstone. Provide a diagram of the Mohs scale of hardness.

8 Gemstone Properties Depending on what information is available for your gemstone, describe at least 1 of the following 3 properties – Cleavage – Fracture – Density Provide a picture that shows this property well.

9 Distinct properties of Gemstone What makes your gemstone unique? Provide 2-3 facts specifically about your gemstone. Provide at least one picture related to these facts.

10 Jewelry What is the most common type(s) of jewelry made from this gemstone? What is the approximate price range for jewelry with this gemstone? What can affect the price of this gemstone? Provide one good picture of a piece of jewelry with this gemstone

11 Works Cited Use to create a works cited list in MLA format for the websites you For example – say you use the following link: Copy and paste that into easybib, and it will format it for you in MLA format: "Emerald." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 01 May 2014. Web. 06 Jan. 2014. List all your sources in alphabetical order, using MLA format.

12 You’re Done!!! Now…. 1) Double check your PowerPoint for spelling, accuracy, completeness, and correctness. Make sure it will be easy for your classmates to see and read. 2) SAVE your PowerPoint to your Z:/ drive using the following file format: Group# Gemstone Name PowerPoint Example: Group 3 Diamond PowerPoint 3) SUBMIT your PowerPoint to on the “Online Assignments” 4) PRACTICE your presentation. Make sure you know how to pronounce all of the words in your presentation. The presentation should be split as equally as possible amongst group members.

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