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Birds, BO’s and Mitigation, Joint Region Marianas.

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1 Birds, BO’s and Mitigation, Joint Region Marianas


3 Mariana Islands Range Complex - - Marianas Islands Training and Testing - Farallon de Medinilla range Aerial bombardment, missile ex, gunnery ex, naval surface firing. 200 ac, 1.7 mi long, 0.3 mi at widest Species present: Endangered Micronesian Megapode Migratory Birds: Greater Frigate - limited population size Red-footed Booby Masked Booby Brown Booby

4 Migratory Bird Act: Take of Migratory Birds by DoD, 2007 National Defense Authorization Act- Secretary of the Interior prescribed regulations to exempt Armed Forces from incidental take, regulations were developed by FWS in coordination and cooperation with DoD allowing take for military readiness. Any action that “…may result in a significant adverse impact on a population of migratory bird species, then they must confer and cooperate with the Service to develop appropriate and reasonable conservation measures to minimize or mitigate identified significant adverse effects”.

5 Conservation Measures to benefit Megapodes Targeting restricted Megapode life history research on Saipan and Sarigan islands Megapode surveys on FDM Quarterly seabird monitoring on FDM Removal of rats from FDM- not possible Conservation recommendations completed from earlier EIS Removal of goats and pigs on Sarigan and Anatahan Islands Micronesian Megapode

6 197 counts Feb 1997-Aug 2014 8,786 brown booby 15,878 masked booby 57,304 red-footed booby Results of analysis are non- significant. Noisiness of counts preclude definite conclusions on long-term trends. An underlying fluctuation in counts for the 3 species appears as an increasing and decreasing pattern. Environmental factors ie: El Nino, Climate Change Severe storms/typhoons Disturbance due to training Red-footed counts

7 Tinian 39 sq miles 12 mi long, 5 mi wide 5 miles from Saipan Island Military Lease Area 15,400 ac Species present: Endangered Micronesian Megapode Threatened Mariana fruit bat 1914 forests were cleared for sugarcane production World War II battle site and base Current population less than 3,000 Critical habitat likely to be proposed for all MLA

8 Tinian, 1945 1914 forests were cleared for sugarcane production World War II battle site and base Current population less than 3,000

9 Mariana fruit dove Bridled white-eye Collared kingfisher Rufous fantail Micronesian honeyeater Species present: Endangered Micronesian Megapode Threatened Mariana fruit bat 9 forest bird species White tern Red-tailed tropic bird

10 Tinian Monarch – island endemic Listed as Endangered 1970 Island wide estimates 1996 - 105,300 1984 - 95,916 Delisted in 2004 2008 - 56,300 Petition to list Tinian Monarch by the Center for Biological Diversity (2013) 2013 - 91,420

11 Guam 212 sq miles 30 mi long, 9 mi wide 53,709 ac JRM managed for natural resources 1994 Agreement to avoid declaration of Critical Habitat: Undeveloped lands included as ‘Overlay Refuge’ in the Guam National Wildlife Refuge 2 Listed bird species present Mariana swiftlet Mariana moorhen ESA Consultations include all species including extirpated Mariana crow Guam Micronesian kingfisher Guam rail Critical Habitat likely to be proposed for all ‘Overlay Refuge’ lands

12 Guam Micronesian kingfisher -+150 individuals in zoos Guam rail – doing well in captivity, 2 experimental populations on neighboring islands Mariana crow - declining population on Rota Island

13 Brown treesnakes accidentally introduced after WWII, responsible for the extinction or extirpation of 13 of the 22 native breeding birds and 2 of 11 native lizards. Current Navy projects: Artificial lure development for BTS trapping Characterization of BTS sex pheromone Indirect transfer of toxins to non-target organisms through scavenging Assessment of target and non-target bait take around swiftlet caves BTS surveys at 3 swiftlet caves Extracting BTS eDNA from soil samples Low-density detection of BTS – refining radio telemetry movement Effects of large meals on BTS movement and detectability Developing a predator-proof nest box for cavity nesting birds

14 Guam Micronesian kingfisher Not present in the wild -+150 individuals in zoos Kingfisher Recovery Habitat

15 Native limestone forest



18 Crow Recovery Habitat Mariana crow - declining population on Rota

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