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ACTFL Update Meeting with the States NECTFL March 27, 2014 Boston.

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2 ACTFL Update Meeting with the States NECTFL March 27, 2014 Boston

3 Unlock the Gateway to Communication

4 State Advocacy Teams Hello Collaboration facilitated among State Organizations Quarterly conference calls Supported by The Sheridan Group

5 State Advocacy Teams Hello Monthly conference calls Does your state or state organization …YesNo have an official proclamation supporting languages?1518 collect enrollment data for world language courses?1914 meet with State Legislative or Congressional representatives? 1517 have a Teacher of the Year Program?295 have a state supervisor for world languages?1816 have a program recognition process?721 have a PK-16 vertical alignment initiative?624 Assembly of Delegates 2013

6 State Advocacy Teams Hello Monthly conference calls Does your state or state organization …YesNo have a bank of IPA-based thematic units (or model curriculum)? 1119 support National Board Certification (with stipends or license renewal)? 1316 support language programs in the early grades?622 have a state-sanctioned recognition for language learning (Seal of Biliteracy, credit by exam or proof of competency)? 1015 have a Language Roadmap initiative?421 have PK-16 agreements that establish policies for secondary to postsecondary transition? 1211 include language learning as one element in the state's school ranking formula? 319 Assembly of Delegates 2013

7 In which area does your state organization plan to put its main advocacy energy in 2014? Advocate for a state supervisor for world languages at the state department of education 30% Start a program recognition process 20% Advocate for a state-sanctioned recognition for language learning (Seal of Biliteracy; competency-based credit) 10% Lobby for collection of enrollment data for language courses 10% Faciliate a PK-16 vertical alignment initiative 5% Secure the inclusion of language learning as one element in state's school ranking formula 5% Create a bank of IPA-based thematic units (or model curriculum) 5% Arrange meeting with State Legislative or Congressional Reps. 5% Assembly of Delegates 2013

8 Seal of Biliteracy Update on State Implementation California: Passed in 2011, implemented in 2012; not tied to a specific proficiency level (evidence includes years of study of a language) New York: Passed in 2012; criterion is “high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages, in addition to English;” 2014-15 is one-year pilot implementation program; 2015-16 will be full implementation with participating districts Illinois: Passed in 2013; developing administrative rules New Mexico: Passed by legislature in 2014; signed by Governor March 8; next is to identify administrative rules Hello

9 Position Statements Creating Position Statements The ACTFL Board of Directors identifies need and outlines the topic Draft presented for review and comment through the ACTFL Assembly of Delegates (November Convention) Revised draft submitted to member organizations for final review and comment Final version approved by ACTFL Board of Directors Disseminated through all member organizations Available at ACTFL website: Hello

10 Position Statement - Draft Reaching Global Competence The ability to communicate with respect and cultural understanding in more than one language is an essential element of global competency. Global Competence vital for global economy, diplomacy/defense, global problem-solving, diverse communities Global Competence described: readiness to communicate, interact, withhold judgment, be alert to differences and miscommunication, act with respect, and increase knowledge of other cultures Hello

11 Position Statement - Draft Teacher Effectiveness & Student Growth Demonstrate for stakeholders the value of successful language learning and teaching; Need multiple measures of student growth based on evidence over time Employ performance assessments aligned to NCSSFL- ACTFL Can-Do Statements (all three modes of communication, linked to proficiency levels) Feedback/data on learning targets should inform teachers and students (next steps for instruction and reflection for goal-setting) Hello

12 2013 ACTFL/CAEP Standards developed between 2009 and 2013 with input from the profession at all levels, aligned with the:  Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the Twenty-First Century (2006) [the Five Cs], refreshed as World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages (2013);  Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards  National Board for Professional Teaching Standards for accomplished teachers (NBPTS)  International Standard for Technology Education (ISTE)

13  Alaska  Arizona  Arkansas  Connecticut  Delaware *  Florida  Georgia *  Hawaii  Texas  Utah  Vermont  Virginia *  Washington  Wisconsin  Wyoming States Using Demonstration of Language Proficiency for Some Aspect of Teacher Credentialing State Teacher Certification  Maine *  Maryland *  New Jersey  New York *  North Carolina *  Ohio *  Oklahoma  Pennsylvania *

14 Standards renamed StandardFrom (2002)To (2013) 1 Language, Linguistics, Comparisons Language Proficiency: Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational 2 Cultures Literatures, Cross- Disciplinary Concepts Cultures, Linguistics, Literatures, and Concepts from Other Disciplines 3 Language acquisition theories and creating supportive environment Language Acquisition Theories and Knowledge of Students and Their Needs 4 Integration of Standards into Curriculum and Instruction Integration of Standards in Planning, Classroom Practice, and Use of Instructional Resources 5 Assessment Assessment of languages and cultures – Impact on Student Learning 6 Professionalism Professional Development, Advocacy and Ethics

15 Collaboration Regional Organizations CSCTFL NECTFL PNCFL SCOLT SWCOLT National Organizations ACTFL MLA NADSFL NCSSFL NNELL TELL Hello Nurture teacher leadership around a content focus Planning Group: Summer 2014 Hold Summer Institute: Summer 2015

16 Workshops Build on New Publications Professional Development

17 iPad App ACTFL Unit and Lesson Planner (Available on iTunes)

18 Badges: Convention Networker #actfl13aod

19 ACTFL Board Committees Representation from Board and non-Board members 1.Finance Committee 2.Convention Committee 3.Outreach and Communications Committee 4.Research and Assessment Committee 5.Professional Learning Committee Hello

20 ACTFL Action Committees Representation from Board and non-Board members 1.Public Relations Campaign 2.Summer Institute 3.ACTFL Global Giving 4.ACTFL Innovate 5.ACTFL International Credentialing/Accreditation Hello

21 Unlock the Gateway to Communication

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