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Short Story Project Due: October 4, 2004 English II Academy of Our Lady of Guam Ms. Catahay 2004-05.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Story Project Due: October 4, 2004 English II Academy of Our Lady of Guam Ms. Catahay 2004-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Story Project Due: October 4, 2004 English II Academy of Our Lady of Guam Ms. Catahay 2004-05

2 Short Story Requirements: Identify an actual fairy tale, research and obtain a copy of it (avoid Disney versions). Design a plot that continues the story (sequel). Write a 2-page story in MLA format. (3 pages for Honors) Make sure your sequel gives obvious allusions to the original fairy tale. Check for grammar and spelling accuracy. Use techniques for character development. Fairytale versions from the Grimm Brothers, Hans Christian Anderson, and Perrault may be used.

3 Character Map Main Character Changes in the Character What other characters think about this character Personality Traits Physical Traits

4 Plot Diagram Exposition: Setting (time and place of the story) and Introduction of Characters The main Internal or External Conflict Climax: the turning point, most interesting part, or highest level of suspense in the story Resolution: how the conflict is resolved; how the story ends

5 Extra Credit: Research the place of origin of the chosen fairy tale. Discuss the time period and important historic events that may have affected the development of the story. Identify how this information relates to world literature. (25 points)

6 Honors Extension Activity: Digital Story Books Using Microsoft PowerPoint, create a digital storybook that contains the text of your story. Use at least five illustrations (may be scanned or done with a drawing application) or consistent graphics. Minimum of 5 slides

7 Modern Language Association Style Format

8 For further reference, click

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