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VilniusOctober 2007Claire Bélisle, LIRE (CNRS-Univ. Lyon 2) eLearning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models FeConE Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "VilniusOctober 2007Claire Bélisle, LIRE (CNRS-Univ. Lyon 2) eLearning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models FeConE Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 VilniusOctober 2007Claire Bélisle, LIRE (CNRS-Univ. Lyon 2) eLearning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models FeConE Framework for eContent Evaluation Framework for eContent Evaluation

2 Vilnius October 2007 Presentation Plan è Contextual considerations l Digital challenge l Epistemological shift è eLearning, an opportunity for intercultural competence è Cultural embeddedness of learning and teaching è Urgent need to rethink educational goals and content in an information/knowledge society

3 Vilnius October 2007 Context in educational institutions è More and more students are more and more bored whether they are in schools or universities. è Teachers are more and more saying out loud that kids and students are lazy, superficial, uncultured and impolite. è There were exceptions…

4 Vilnius October 2007 Contextual considerations The digital challenge è Information Tsunami : 5 exabits of information produced in 2002, or the equivalent of 35 000 « Library of Congress » (Lyman & Varian, Berkeley, 2003) è Factiva: Provider of press information, business news from 10,000 authoritative sources in 22 languages (192 French press titles) è Education is largely if not exclusively referring to paper-based information

5 Vilnius October 2007 Contextual considerations Epistemological shift è Epistemology has to do with « What is knowledge ?» è From naive realism to cognitive construction è From logical positivism and scientific objectivity to constructivism and situated processing of information è Policies still deal only with “how to educate” and not with “why educate, for what purpose, goal, or aim”

6 Vilnius October 2007 eLearning, an opportunity for intercultural competence è Intercultural competence: l more than linguistic competence, l skills in understanding, in discovery and interaction è Involves the whole dynamics of human communication è “iCt” (Davric) tools can provide a renewed and situated approach è eLearning: interactivity, live exchanges, etc… è New competences for teachers

7 Vilnius October 2007 Cultural embeddedness è Tectonics of educational change è Learning and teaching: academic activities specialized in l Learning to think l Learning to think with with existing knowledge è What is “knowledge” in an information/ knowledge society?

8 Vilnius October 2007 Rethinking goals and aims è Information society: l Tacit and explicit knowledge l Capacity to mass produce information and knowledge è Need to cope with large quantities of information and of heterogeneous content è With what cognitive tools, methods, taxonomies, strategies, metadata?

9 Vilnius October 2007 Towards Meta-eContent for eLearning in an information/knowledge society?

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