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Lighting the Fire Strategies to fuel the future of learning Name of presenter Audience Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Lighting the Fire Strategies to fuel the future of learning Name of presenter Audience Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighting the Fire Strategies to fuel the future of learning Name of presenter Audience Date

2 American Institute of CPAs Topics for discussion The business, profession and workplace evolution The learning revolution Future of Learning recommendations Learn more

3 American Institute of CPAs The business, profession and workplace evolution

4 American Institute of CPAs Business and profession transform Disruptors emerge overnight Increased regulation Hyper-specialization Globalization adds complexity Technologies transforming business

5 American Institute of CPAs Workplace evolves — 2020 Outlook Source: The 2020 Workplace Acute global talent shortage Corporate curriculums will use game mechanics Hiring/promotion based on reputation capital Lifelong learning becomes a business requirement Peer-to-peer learning is preferred method of learning Mobile devices – office, classroom, virtual concierge Social media literacy required

6 American Institute of CPAs The learning revolution

7 American Institute of CPAs Learner’s expectations have changed Competency plus compliance Relevant and contextual Collaborative, interactive, participative Mentoring and coaching Just in time, blended, tech-enabled

8 American Institute of CPAs Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Adapted from "Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains" by Dr. Benjamin Bloom, 1956 Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Making learning meaningful

9 American Institute of CPAs How we really learn

10 American Institute of CPAs Blended learning environments rise in importance and prevalence

11 American Institute of CPAs Technology enables personalized, adaptive learning

12 American Institute of CPAs Mentoring and peer-to-peer learning on the rise

13 American Institute of CPAs Gaming and simulation improving outcomes

14 American Institute of CPAs Future of Learning Recommendations

15 Innovate and Experiment Ignite a Passion for Learning Make Learning Personal Measure What Matters

16 Innovate and Experiment Adapt and evolve learning to meet the needs of high-performing professionals Small changes to learning can have a huge impact Leverage technology to enhance learning experiences

17 Create meaningful, purposeful experiences that motivate and engage learners Make learning engaging and relevant Start with the learner Start with the learner Ignite a Passion for Learning

18 Create learning opportunities that address individuals’ knowledge and competency needs Design for desired outcome Design for desired outcome Filter content and focus resources Filter content and focus resources Deliver any topic, anywhere, any way Deliver any topic, anywhere, any way Make Learning Personal

19 Learning happens everywhere and can’t always be quantified in a test result or measured in hours Create and leverage a unified, global competency framework Rethink how CPE is measured Develop one uniform, global compliance standard Measure What Matters

20 American Institute of CPAs JOIN US.

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