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Transitioning ABE Students into the Workforce Exploring What Works for Action Research and Instruction

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1 Transitioning ABE Students into the Workforce Exploring What Works for Action Research and Instruction SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

2 Webinar Overview 1.Lessons learned making a transition 2.Situate the information and acknowledge some complexities involved 3.Intensity of ABE-work connections – Classroom-based – Work experience connection – Integrated academic and vocational approach – Partnerships with employers and colleges SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

3 ABE and College or Employer Partnerships Integrated Academic/Work Courses Work Experience Classroom- based Intensity of ABE-Work Connection SARN Webinar February 25, 2015


5 Lessons Learned from My Experience 1.Learning about work is all about learning work culture and communication 2.Rethink text-based activities 3.Work experience is invaluable 4.Work-related certificates really do help 5.Meaningful holistic planning first, then apply outcomes and standards 6.Both educators and students will have a range of responses to changes 7.Greater retention and completion SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

6 ‘Attachment’ (to what?) Secure Jobs to Support a Family Local Opportunities Qualifications Experience and Fit ABE Influence SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

7 Saskatchewan ABE Demographics 2008-20092009-20102010-20112011-2012 Total Learners8,8199,2669,82910,330 Female65%62%61%60% Male35%38%39%40% Aboriginal65% 53%48% Disabled6%5% n/a ESL12%17%20%n/a SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

8 ABE and College or Employer Partnerships Integrated Academic/Work Courses Work Experience Classroom- based Intensity of ABE-Work Connection SARN Webinar February 25, 2015


10 Classroom and Curriculum-based Content changes and modifications Developing work-based themes and topics Bringing work experience into the classroom – Guest speakers from community organizations – Former students – Employers – Field trips and site visits SARN example SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

11 Content Criteria Learner experience is first and foremost Learner’s words and perspectives are kept intact Their experience and expertise is not lost in the abstract language of skills frameworks SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

12 Content Criteria SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

13 Content Criteria SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

14 Work Experience On-site work experience Classroom learning Off-site work experience SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

15 Off-site Work Experience Short-term job shadowing opportunity to explore a particular career choice Short-term community service arrangement directed at jobs of interest More formalized job placement or co-op as part of an ABE course or program ?Issue of WCB (Worker’s Compensation Board) insurance coverage SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

16 Off-site Work Experience Contents Importance Organizing considerations Preparing the learner Related curriculum Progress Final evaluation SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

17 On-site Work Experience Teamwork 1.Operating a snack shop 2.Preparing and selling a weekly lunch 3.Publishing a newsletter 4.Organizing program events and outings SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

18 Integrated Academic - Work Courses Sector Specific Content Secondary Credits Work Placement Work Certificate and Diploma SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

19 Good outlook + No PSE Nurse Aides, Orderlies Food and Beverage Servers Sales/Retail Drivers/Operators Labourers and support (Farming, Mining, Oil and Gas, Forestry) Food/Beverage Processors SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

20 Building Block Model Comm Science Math Social Studies Life/Work ABE 3 English Canadian Studies Math Science Electives GED SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

21 Sector Specific Healthcare Communications & English Life/Work and Electives ScienceMath Social Studies and Canadian Studies SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

22 Sector Specific Mining Communications & English Life/Work and Electives ScienceMath Social Studies and Canadian Studies SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

23 College Partnership Model I-BEST  ABE or subject-based skills and knowledge  Vocational content  Direct entry into college vocational program ?Designed with ESL students Makes ABE learning more relevant for students Eases college transition Higher ABE completion rates I-BEST Video 1 of 4: Overview I-BEST Video 2 of 4: Traditional and Collaborative Team Teaching Models I-BEST Video 2 of 4: Traditional and Collaborative Team Teaching Models I-BEST Video 3 of 4: Parallel and Split-Differentiated Team Teaching Models I-BEST Video 3 of 4: Parallel and Split-Differentiated Team Teaching Models I-BEST Video 4 of 4: Complementary/Supportive and Monitoring Team Teaching Models I-BEST Video 4 of 4: Complementary/Supportive and Monitoring Team Teaching Models SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

24 Employer Partnership Model  Pilot project with ABE 1 and 2 programs in Ontario and learners on income assistance  Employer partner in food and beverage processing  Job entry ?Industry certification ?Secondary credits and GED ?Success and retention SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

25 ABE and Employer Partnerships Integrated Academic/Work Courses Work Experience Classroom- based Intensity of ABE-Work Connection Funding, Time, Resources SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

26 Resources Suggested by Webinar Participants “Prince Albert Literacy Network have partnered with Woodlands SK Polytech for some Certificate programs in the area of child care with work placement involved.” Arlene Sanderson (NWRC) “Douglas College also partnered with SRDC to evaluate Essential Skills Training and the benefit of providing training in Resorts. It as very interesting.” Sharon Wass (SIIT) “If any one has access to Nova Scotia curriculum The Age Essentials was a wonderful resource. I also modified it for working with various first nations groups in British Columbia.” Sharon Wass (SIIT) “At Parkland College we have Essential Skills projects up front of our skills training programs and we would like to have more ES and transition to employment integrated into ABE. Some great ideas and resources presented here.” Carol Bobowski (Parkland College) SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

27 You are welcome to contact me SARN Webinar February 25, 2015

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