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Customizable Social Share Buttons. How to Customize & Use These Buttons All the images that follow in this template can be customized using the basic.

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Presentation on theme: "Customizable Social Share Buttons. How to Customize & Use These Buttons All the images that follow in this template can be customized using the basic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customizable Social Share Buttons

2 How to Customize & Use These Buttons All the images that follow in this template can be customized using the basic PowerPoint toolbar. Change the colors, text, and size to your liking. Once customized, simply right click on your image and select “Save as Picture” to save your share button as an image you can insert into your emails!

3 Basic Social Share Buttons


5 Why Use Basic Social Share Buttons? If you’re main call-to-action is anything other than sharing the email, it may be wise to use basic social share buttons that don’t distract the reader from the main conversion point.

6 Keyboard Share Buttons

7 Why Use Keyboard Social Share Buttons? If you’re looking for readers to share your email content galore, use more “clickable” buttons to help entice people to share. Sometimes a simple email layout can be brought to life with the right share icons.

8 Wide Share Buttons facebooktwitterlinkedingoogle+ pinterest

9 Why Use Wide Social Share Buttons? Pending the layout of your email, it may make more sense to have horizontal social sharing buttons that align better with the rest of your email content. Use these share buttons in cases where smaller squares aren’t appropriate for the layout.

10 Share Buttons with Arrows Share on Facebook Like what you read? Share with your friends! Share on Twitter Help us spread the word! Share on LinkedIn Share your new knowledge!

11 Why Use Share Buttons with Arrows? If the main focus of your email content is reach, encourage your email subscribers to share your content through social with arrows directing them to take that action.

12 How to Make Your Images Clickable Once your images are ready, all you have to do is hyperlink the image/text with the right URLs. 1) Facebook & LinkedIn To hyperlink your Facebook or LinkedIn Images, simply hyperlink the image using the following code. Be sure to customize it with the URL you want to point people to. GOES HERE GOES HERE

13 How to Make Your Images Clickable 2) Twitter Go to Insert tweet copy and URL you want to link to. If the character account allows it, add “via @HANDLE” to the Once you have scripted your tweet, click “generate link.” Then copy the generated link as the link you will hyperlink in your email. For an ultimate cheat sheet to creating social media share buttons directly from a network’s site, simply click here.simply click here

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