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Summer Update 2014 Summer Update 2014 A Briefing for Head Teachers, Senior Managers and Governors © EPM Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Update 2014 Summer Update 2014 A Briefing for Head Teachers, Senior Managers and Governors © EPM Ltd. All Rights Reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Update 2014 Summer Update 2014 A Briefing for Head Teachers, Senior Managers and Governors © EPM Ltd. All Rights Reserved

2 2 EPM Webinar Channel on Archived Webinars (watch at any time) Child Protection: Allegations Against Staff Managing Staff Discipline, Conduct, Capability and Dismissal Managing a Reduction/ Restructuring in Staff Auto Enrolment Recruitment Selection of Staff Part 1 Recruitment Selection of Staff Part 2 Headteacher Performance Review EPM Model Pay Policy and the STPCD 2013-2014 for head teachers, SLT and relevant governors DBS Changes and DBS processing - for DBS Liaison Officers Disciplinary Dilemmas

3 3 EPM Webinar Channel on Live Webinars summer term 2014: Equality Training 7 th May 3.30 - 4.30pm Social Media and On-line Conduct15 th May 3.30 - 4.30pm Summer Term Update 10 th June 3.30 - 4.30pm DBS - for Liaison Officers 11 th June 10.00 - 11.00am STPCD changes, Teacher Salary Decisions and Appeals 17 th June 7.00 - 8:30pm UK Visas and Immigration: 1 st July 10.00 - 11.00am If you are not already registered for EPM webinars just email and we will email you a link.

4 4 Section A - Introduction The Expansion of the Academies Programme From September 2014, 8 Regional Schools Commissioners will be responsible for taking important decisions about the academies in their area. RSCs will not be involved with academies that are performing well or with local authority-maintained schools. Each RSC will be supported by a Board of 5 or 6 outstanding academy headteachers, who will be elected by other academy headteachers in the region.

5 5 Section A – Introduction Section A – Introduction RSCs and their Boards are responsible for: 1) Monitoring performance of academies and tackling academy underperformance in their region 2) Taking decisions on the creation of new converter academies: and new schools proposed by LAs under the “academy presumption” route. 3) Ensuring each region has a strong supply of high quality sponsors and proposing sponsors for poorly performing maintained schools selected by DfE to become sponsored academies. 4) Taking decisions on ‘significant changes’ (e.g. changes of category, joining or setting up a multi-academy trust)to existing academies and encouraging academies to expand where need arises;

6 6 North East London & East of England South London & South East North West London & South Central South West North East Midlands & Humber West Midlands Lancashire & West Yorkshire  England is split into 8 geographically pragmatic regions of reasonable size  Reasonable spread of challenge across the RSC’s roles  London is split into three and combined with neighbouring home counties – spreading expertise  Currently looking at possible premises – mix of DfE and non DfE government buildings

7 7 From 1 April 2014 a one-off primary development grant of £100,000 will be offered to chains of 3 schools creating a MAT. An extra £10,000 is available (subject to availability) for each additional school joining the MAT, up to a maximum of £150,000. Additional financial support for small primary schools joining the new MAT is also available through the small school supplement. Schools with under 100 pupils can apply for an additional £5,000 and those with between 100 and 210 pupils can apply for £2,000. More information: chain-development-grant-forms chain-development-grant-forms Section A – Introduction Section A – Introduction

8 8 Section A – Introduction STPC planning requirements for school calendar: Para 67. Every school should publish a calendar and timetable for each school year and should: a) consult with staff and their union representatives; b) plan any changes well in advance; and c) deploy staff appropriately, according to their skills, experience and qualifications. Para 68. The school calendar sets out the school's activities scheduled to take place in the academic year, for example: learning outside the classroom, meetings, parental consultation evenings and INSET days.

9 9 Section A – Introduction Planning requirements for the school timetable. STPC says: The timetable sets out the teaching week (as defined in para 36.1 of STPC). Para 70 says: the pattern of the timetable may vary across the year eg timetable is the same for 36 weeks and varied for two weeks of activities. Para 71 says: teaching timetables are not frozen in time and there may be variations from year to year. Para 72 says: In-year changes to the calendar and timetable may be made, but only for sound educational reasons – eg, a long-term absence or significant educational development.

10 10 Section A – Introduction FAQs calendar and timetable issues with part time teachers: Can I require part time teachers to come to parents evenings on days they don’t work? Can I change the hours of my part time teachers? We want to have twilight INSET sessions and close the school on training days – is that ok?

11 11 Section B – Appointments Penalty for employing people who do not have the right to work in the UK increased to £20,000 from 6 April 2014. documents - link for document check documents - link for the wizard EPM Webinars: DBS - for Liaison Officers 11 th June 10.00 – 11.00 Border Agency Sponsorship Licences and Visas 2 nd July 10.00 – 11.00

12 12 Section B - Appointments Keeping Children Safe in Education published. Replaces Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education Keeping Children Safe in Education Applies to ALL schools and is STATUTORY Part one: Safeguarding information for all staff What school and college staff should know and do Types of abuse and neglect Specific safeguarding issues Points to note: Part one must be given to all staff including temporary staff and volunteers. EPM Model Safer Care Code of Conduct revised and renamed Code of Conduct – includes reference to Part 1

13 13 Keeping Children Safe in Education Part two: The management of safeguarding Keeping Children Safe in Education 30 …. ensure there is an effective child protection policy in place together with a staff behaviour policy (code of conduct). Both should be provided to all staff – including temporary staff and volunteers – on induction. 32 ….. appoint a member of staff of the leadership team as designated safeguarding lead …explicit in the JD (see Annex B for broad areas of responsibility). 33……The designated safeguarding lead should liaise with the local authority and work with other agencies in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013. There should always be cover for this role. Section B - Appointments

14 14 Section B - Appointments Keeping Children Safe in EducationKeeping Children Safe in Education Part two: The management of safeguarding Requirement to ensure that one person on any appointment panel has undertaken safer recruitment training. From September 2014 training no longer needs to be provided by a person approved by the Secretary of State. EPM training via webinar available in the Autumn term Certificate issued for those who successfully complete on-line test.

15 15 Section B - Appointments Keeping Children Safe in Education Part three: Safer recruitment. Recruitment, selection and pre-employment vetting Keeping Children Safe in Education Points to note: No change to the definition of regulated activity or pre-appointment checks Single central record: para 66. covers all staff (including supply staff) and all others who work in regular contact with children in the school, including volunteers (ie – no change). Record whether or not the following checks have been carried out or certificates obtained, and the date of the checks: an identity check; a barred list check; an enhanced DBS check; a prohibition from teaching check; checks on people living or working outside UK; qualifications; and right to work in UK.

16 16 Section B - Appointments Keeping Children Safe in EducationKeeping Children Safe in Education Part three: Safer recruitment. Recruitment, selection and pre-employment vetting Schools and colleges do not have to keep copies of DBS certificates in order to fulfil the duty of maintaining the single central record. To help schools and colleges comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act, where a school or college chooses to retain a copy they should not be retained for longer than six months. A copy of the other documents used to verify the successful candidate’s identity, right to work and required qualifications should be kept for the personnel file.

17 17 Section B - Appointments Keeping Children Safe in Education Keeping Children Safe in Education Part four: Allegations of abuse made against teachers and other staff Duties as an employer and an employee Initial considerations Supporting those involved Managing the situation and exit arrangements No major changes from the previous guidance in this section but LADO referrals must be very tightly in accordance with this chapter.

18 18 Section C - Termination of Employment ACAS Early Conciliation: operational from 6 April 2014, mandatory from 6 May 2014.The mandatory four-step procedure: Step 1. Before lodging a claim to institute "relevant proceedings" a prospective claimant must send ACAS "prescribed information" in the "prescribed manner". Step 2. ACAS must then send a copy of the information to a conciliation officer. Step 3. The officer must try to promote a settlement within a "prescribed period". Step 4. If a settlement is not reached, either because settlement is not possible or the prescribed period expires, ACAS issue a certificate to that effect. A claimant may not submit an ET claim without this certificate.

19 19 Section D Discipline and Dismissal EPM Safer Care Code of Conduct revised renamed Code of Conduct and extended to include: Online conduct and social media issues Requirement to read part 1 and act in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in EducationKeeping Children Safe in Education

20 20 Section F - Pay School teachers Pay Review Body has reported to DfE and recommends: No change to 1265 hours and 195 days, PPA and “rarely cover” – Draft STPC endorses the current provisions. 21 Administrative Tasks - Routinely participating in tasks of a clerical or administrative nature will still be prohibited but the list of 21 specific tasks in Annexe 3 of Section 2 of the STPCD to be removed. Salary Safeguarding - 3 year period to remain. Recruitment and Retention Benefits - to be retained but for those on the Leadership Spine being paid under the new STPC 2014 document such benefits will be limited to housing and relocation allowances. In other words they can’t be used as separate boosts to leadership team pay.

21 21 Section F - Pay Leadership Pay Spine For new appointments to the leadership spine and promotions STRB has recommended a broad national framework be retained without spine points but with a minimum and maximum 8 broad pay bands based on pupil numbers and area (as now) The pay bands will act as a guide to Governors. Governors will be allowed to consider factors other than pupil numbers but will be required to seek HR advice and use available benchmarking data in meetings that are minuted and auditable.

22 22 Section F - Pay Deciding pay for newly appointed headteachers There will be a three stage process for Governors to follow when setting pay for a new Headteacher: Stage 1 Defining the role and setting the broad pay band Stage 2 Consider the context, challenge and complexity of the role and then set a range for the post Stage 3 Set the actual pay once the candidate has been selected There will be guidance for governors on this process. Heads paid under the current STPCD retain their existing allowances until they either move post or their role changes significantly.

23 23 Section F - Pay Leadership Group Pay Range Draft STPC has formal headroom above the current maximum of the leadership pay range. They envisage formalising the current arrangement which offers 25% discretionary headroom and, in exceptional cases, enables governing bodies to go beyond. This would make clear governors scope to reward the most complex challenging roles leading multiple schools and ensure the framework can respond to future demands as school structures evolve.

24 24 Section F - Pay Leadership Pay Progression From September 2015 (i.e. for the 2014-15 appraisal year) leadership spine points will be removed so there will no longer be a limit of two points for performance progression The School Pay Policy will need to set out the policy for awarding performance pay to the Headteachers and other staff on the leadership group. EPM Model Pay Policy 2014 - 15 will be available shortly after STPC 2014 is published.

25 25 Teachers Pay Range It is clear that even greater emphasis will be placed on a robust school pay policy and rigorous appraisal systems. Section F - Pay TLR 1 and 2 These will continue but the requirement that there be a £1500 differential between TLR sub points will be removed, giving a wider opportunity to differentiate jobs

26 26 Section F Pay Teacher Pay Decisions Autumn 2014 must be made in accordance with the school’s pay policy. Normally requires: The head teacher makes recommendations on the salary of all staff to the appropriate committee of Governors. This committee makes the decision. This committee may offer the opportunity for a review Right of appeal to a second committee of governors. EPM Portal will be amended to allow for bulk entry of increment decisions. Please ensure that we are advised of your pay ranges in plenty of time.

27 27 Section F - Pay The support staff pay offer is: 1.0% on pay points 11 and above with effect from 1 April 2014 Below point 11 pay increased by specific amount Pay award applied automatically in maintained schools. Academies to decide whether or not to implement pay award unless commitment given to adopt national awards. UNISON have formally rejected the offer. UNISON has said that it will now move to a ballot for industrial action, probably to take place in June with any industrial action taking place in July. Do not yet know whether GMB and Unite will accept the offer. Employers have stated it is a final offer and that they will not accept any request from the unions to refer the pay dispute to ACAS for arbitration

28 28 Section J Appraisal & Performance Management Review of Headteacher standards. The DfE states that: “It is timely to review and establish new standards that reflect the diversity of the schools landscape, encompass school and system leadership responsibilities in a self-improving system, and are useful to governing bodies as an optional benchmark against which to assess the performance of head teachers.” An autumn publication date is expected. More information can be found at: review review

29 29 Section M – Parent and Carer Leave Flexible Working The legal right to request flexible working is extended to all employees from 30 th June 2014 Employees must have 26 weeks continuous employment at the date the application is made. Employers have statutory duty to consider applications. Once agreed it becomes a permanent change to the contract of employment. An employee has the right to appeal if necessary against the outcome. Only one application can be made in a 12 months period. EPM Model Flexible Working Policy revised and up to date.

30 30 Section M – Parent and Carer Leave Government shared parental leave scheme from April 2015 Eligible mothers and their partners will be able to share leave of up to 50 weeks and share up to 37 weeks of parental pay (equivalent of maternity leave and paternity pay, less the two- week compulsory maternity leave period). Changes also to paternity and adoption leave.

31 31 Section N - Sickness and Other Leave of Absence EPM Model Leave of Absence policy revised with management guidance. The model policy covers: DISCRETIONARY LEAVE such as job Interviews, absence for urgent personal reasons/compassionate leave, time off for religious observance or attendance at religious festivals STATUTORY LEAVE such as voluntary public duties, jury service etc. (NB leave of absence for issues such as medical appointments, statutory parental and paternity leave are dealt with under the separate relevant policies).

32 32 Section P – Payroll From April 2014 - Registered charities and businesses (but not public bodies) are entitled to receive a £2000 NI allowance to reduce the payments to HMRC. Therefore maintained schools cannot claim but Academies may be able to. MATs can only claim once per employer, not once per school”. HMRC will no longer accept the old P46 form. Please issue staff with a Starter Declaration form ( Section P) so that they can be taxed Teachers’ Pensions have confirmed that the employer rate is due to increase from 14.1% to 16.4% from 1 September 2015.

33 33 The Directors at EPM Address St John’s House Ermine Business Park Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 6EP Telephone 01480 431993 Fax 01480 431992 Email Roger WalkerJennie Elliott Alexandra HawkinsDavid Williams Maureen CooperBev Curtis Founder Directors Directors

34 34 If you would like an Attendance Certificate please put your email address on the tweet sheet Thank you! Please complete your Tweet Sheet

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