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TRICK OR TWEET Nicole Mathias Sebring McKinley High School.

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Presentation on theme: "TRICK OR TWEET Nicole Mathias Sebring McKinley High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRICK OR TWEET Nicole Mathias Sebring McKinley High School

2 PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION Share what twitter can do for you as an educator. Yes! This feels like a sales pitch! It is…quick and easy!

3 WELCOME Your Name District and assignment What you know about Twitter…

4 Why am I here? My personal journey with Twitter. It’s only beginning!! Personal Professional You should know I have never tweeted…only read others!

5 Candy Corn Visual 140 pieces of candy corn!

6 140 Characters or Less

7 Possible Help Sites and Teacher Resources professional-development-technology- microblogging professional-development-technology- microblogging

8 professional-learning-network professional-learning-network

9 #HashTags Use for topic searches MDERt4RxrX4rsF8aq8N2tma- gDme8fLpYMip4M0/edit?hl=en&pli=1# MDERt4RxrX4rsF8aq8N2tma- gDme8fLpYMip4M0/edit?hl=en&pli=1#

10 Book Clubs rchive/2011/06/everything-you-need-to- know-to-participate-in-our-book- club/239726/ rchive/2011/06/everything-you-need-to- know-to-participate-in-our-book- club/239726/

11 Twittering Novels 23/authors-experiment- twitterfiction?CMP=twt_gu 23/authors-experiment- twitterfiction?CMP=twt_gu

12 My Page You’ll see what I explained. Favorites. Did get permission at school. DO NOT use as a communication for class. Use for my PLN!

13 Twitter for Teachers http://www.stenhouse. com/html/twitterfortea chers.htm?r=n219http://www.stenhouse. com/html/twitterfortea chers.htm?r=n219 Please listen!

14 What should be your next step? or download the app Sign up: be ready for user name and password Please know if you begin tweeting; username will be seen! Can upload a picture as well; will be seen!

15 What I don’t know? I know how but I don’t tweet! How to make website addresses small… Tweetdeck.

16 Next Steps for Me… I do need to tweet/retweet for those who follow me…easy way to get out info!

17 Your Goals! How and when will you set up your account? Who will you follow?

18 WARNING!! Please remember if you plan to tweet, it’s a world event!! Think of those famous people/sporting figures.

19 Recommend If you using with students, create a policy like the NFL. _corner/post/NFL-s-new-Twitter-policy- great-for-journalists-?urn=nfl-186553 _corner/post/NFL-s-new-Twitter-policy- great-for-journalists-?urn=nfl-186553

20 THANK YOU!! Remember as with any social network; use cautiously!! After one year…the positives out weigh the negatives!! Please leave your email or email me to receive slideshow. Happy Tweeting!!

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