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Skills: familiarity with the Twitter user interface and major features, using the hashtag (#) and at-sign searching and tweeting images and videos.

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Presentation on theme: "Skills: familiarity with the Twitter user interface and major features, using the hashtag (#) and at-sign searching and tweeting images and videos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills: familiarity with the Twitter user interface and major features, using the hashtag (#) and at-sign (@), searching and tweeting images and videos Concepts: evolution of Twitter applications and access modes, citizen journalism, trending topics and finding people as well as information This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Using Twitter

2 Where does this topic fit? Internet concepts – Applications – Technology – Implications Internet skills – Application development – Content creation – User skills (Twitter)

3 Watch this video first

4 Not just personal friends


6 Twitter, a micro blogging service -- home

7 Mark, re-tweet, reply or expand What is Twitter being used for in this example? Who is Andy Carvin?

8 Watch this video

9 @username: specify a particular Twitter user Hashtag (#): tag posts on a given topic Two special characters With Twitter, the hashtag has the same purpose as a Blogger feature – which one?

10 Search for #Jan25

11 Search for #cairo during a protest


13 @username



16 I have only typed 117 characters, but Twitter says I have only four to spare. Why is it not giving me a full 140 characters? Tweets with images


18 I have typed 146 characters, but Twitter says I have 31 more. Why is it letting me type more than 140 characters? Tweets with videos


20 Twitter’s evolution 2006-2012

21 Twitter’s evolution, 2006-20012

22 Accounts are free

23 Play time

24 Summary

25 Self-study questions 1.What is the URL (Web address) of your new Twitter account? 2.How many tweets have I posted to the class Twitter stream at 3.What URL (Web address) do you go to if you want to post a tweet? 4.If you post a tweet, who will see it? 5.Does Twitter use text search, tag search or a taxonomy to find discover tweets? 6.What are the current trending topics in New York? 7.Are the trending topics the same in London? 8.When you go to post a tweet, an odd icon next to the image inclusion icon. What does it do? 9.Who is Andy Carvin and what does he use Twitter for? 10.What is the most recent tweet by The President?

26 Twitter support: A video introduction to Twitter: A “Prezi” of the above video: Book about the use of Twitter in business by tech journalist Julio Ojeda-Zapata: Interview of Juilio Ojeda Zapata on his use of Twitter as a journalist (audio and transcript). Introduction to Twitter in business: Twitter search in plain English (3m 19s video): Talk by Clay Shirky, which includes examples of Twitter in citizen journalism: Interview of Twitter co-founders on their backgrounds, Twitter evolution and plans for the future: Resources

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