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Best time to tweet & post to Facebook June 2012.  Based on a report released by Bitly in May 2012 that monitored click-through rates for content shared.

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1 best time to tweet & post to Facebook June 2012

2  Based on a report released by Bitly in May 2012 that monitored click-through rates for content shared on Twitter  Best Times to Tweet –Early afternoon Monday through Thursday Best Time to Tweet Infographic 2Copyright © 2012 CA. All rights reserved. Source:

3  Based on a report released by Bitly in May 2012 that monitored click-through rates for content shared on Facebook  Best Time to Post to Facebook –Wednesday at 3pm  Generates the highest click- through rates Best Time to Post to Facebook Infographic 3Copyright © 2012 CA. All rights reserved. Source:

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