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Social Media for Labor © Doug Foote 2011 NOI New Media Fundamentals – February 2, 2012 And other wonderful progressive people…

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media for Labor © Doug Foote 2011 NOI New Media Fundamentals – February 2, 2012 And other wonderful progressive people…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media for Labor © Doug Foote 2011 NOI New Media Fundamentals – February 2, 2012 And other wonderful progressive people…

2 @workingamerica Who Am I?  Doug Foote, Social Media and Campaign Specialist, Working America (March 2011-Present)

3 #AGENDA Facebook Twitter Websites Discussion



6 25% of all page views in the United States are Facebook 800 million users worldwide More than 50% of active Facebook users log in every day Site integration – social plugins (Like Button, Connect) are ubiquitous Facebook Has Conquered the Internet

7 Are you in?

8 Remember end-user experience “Think before you click” ASK. Variety Landing Page Clean Up Your Posts Page Managers: Keep in Mind




12 33,907 Likes 65,194 Likes



15 Powerful Facebook Photos Sharing Statuses Geo-Targeted Posts –Solution to “chapters” conundrum? Sponsored Posts, Sponsored Stories Relatively New On Facebook


17 Variety + Consistency + Enagement = Virality

18 Your Competition


20 “It looks strange” “It sounds strange” “I don’t want to get in trouble” “I think it’s a fad” Why You Are Afraid of Twitter LOL RT @FooteSteppes Why r #rwnj’s RTing @aflcio? #fail #wiunion Chk this out RT @blucheddar What #tcot doesn’t want you 2 know TweetsRetweetTweetingHashtagBitlyKloutTweetDeckBac ktweetsHootSuiteLivetweeting TweetupHootSuiteHootlet

21 A real time social search engine A way to directly connect with customers, supporters, members, etc. A great way to amplify content Forever Lots of fun Facebook A communications plan A new media or online plan An excuse to be sloppy about spelling, grammar, or tone A replacement for high quality, compelling content

22 All text has to be 140 characters or less 140 – (RT + @yourname) Shortened URL (,, Hashtag (#wiunion) Mentions (@workingamerica) Retweets (RT @workingamerica) “I’m having a great slice of pizza!” vs. “Just got a great slice of #pizza from @Petesapizza http://bitly/gyhjkl #dc”http://bitly/gyhjkl Anatomy of a Tweet


24 What was the point of this tweet?


26 Important Twitter anatomy lesson: Starting a tweet with a mention (@transportworker), means that the tweet will only appear for users who follow BOTH of you.


28 What’s a #Hashtag?

29 Makes tweets searchable. Organizes Twitter into digestable, useful bits of information. The “#” symbol turns a word into a link to all tweets with that tag. Tells people what you are talking about (ie: “I can’t believe this is happening” vs. “I can’t believe this is happening #sb5”) “Acting” vs. “#Acting” Hashtags are what allow Twitter to become an enormous, real time search engine When a bunch of people use the same hashtag, you can have a real-time conversation about an event. Ex: #sxsw, #ows, #wiunion, #1u, #glee What’s a #Hashtag

30 Offline Preparation  Online Success

31 –Don’t say anything you don’t want the entire internet to know forever Don’t speak ill of our movement(s). Remember end-user. Think Before You Click

32 Think before you click. “ ”

33 Don’t say anything you don’t want the entire Internet to see forever. “”

34 TweetDeck (Desktop) HootSuite (Web) Great for tracking keywords. Can be set up to alert you every time a term is used. Tweet from multiple accounts. Integrates both Facebook and Twitter. Post from multiple accounts. Best for multiple team members Timed Tweets Shortens links Shows link sources Great Browser Extensions “Trending Bits” Tools!

35 TweetDeck is my personal favorite Twitter tool. TweetDeck amplifies Twitter’s value as an ENORMOUS, REAL-TIME, SOCIAL SEARCH ENGINE. You can manage multiple accounts, schedule posts for later, track keywords, set up alerts, and track keywords and sentiment in real time. Tweetdeck is available as a Desktop application (Mac and PC), mobile app, or a Chrome App. TweetDeck


37 WHAT?


39 Wisconsin Recall News Ohio Voter Suppression News Occupy Wall Street News Wisconsin Recall News Ohio Voter Suppression News Occupy Wall Street News Working America’s Turkey Talk Project


41 Social Media should somehow be front and center on your website. Ask a friend how quickly they can find your social media links on your website. Make Your Website Social


43 Search widget Follow Button Tweet button Twitter + Websites

44 Facebook Social Plugins Facebook + Websites Recommendations Like/Send Buttons Like Box

45 Tell-A-Friend (TAF)





50 “What’s next?”





55 Content

56 “What’s next?” Content

57 Stuff I taught you today Think Before You Click Remember the End-User #Win


59 Get in touch: Follow @FooteSteppes Follow @Working America Read up: Mashable, TechPresident, AllFacebook

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