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Published byAnnalise Heald Modified over 10 years ago
Workshop on early reading for primary ITT providers The Rose review, including the Simple View of Reading, Quality First Teaching etc Implications for children Implications for trainees Implications for trainers Implications for providers 1
The Scene The Independent Review of the Teaching of Early Reading The Primary Framework The simple view of reading High quality phonics teaching Communication language and literacy Letters and sounds
Independent Review of the teaching of Early Reading (the Rose Review): Recommendations More attention needs to be given to speaking and listening from the outset High quality, systematic phonic work should be taught discretely and daily and in line with the definition of high quality phonic work as set out in the Rose report Phonics should be set within a broad and rich language curriculum that takes full account of developing the four interdependent strands of language For most children phonics teaching should start by the age of five, subject to the professional judgement of teachers and practitioners 3
Recommendations cont The EYFS and the renewed literacy framework must be compatible with each other and make sure that expectations about continuity and progression in phonic work are expressed explicitly in the new guidance The searchlights model should be reconstructed to take full account of word recognition and language comprehension as distinct processes related one to the other. 4
Recommendations cont HTs and managers of settings should give phonic work appropriate priority and reflect this in their decision making At least one member of staff is fully able to lead on literacy Monitoring arrangements should assure the quality and consistency of phonic work High quality teaching of reading in KS1 should inform target setting for English at KS2 5
Renewed framework Learning objectives under twelve strands Explicit inclusion of speaking and listening objectives within the renewed framework Stronger emphasis on building learning over time and developing the teaching sequence Adjustment of expectations particularly around phonics learning and teaching Closer focus on assessment for learning
Issues raised The replacement of the searchlights model with the Simple View of Reading Impact on Early Years’ practice The expectations for the pace of learning The pedagogy of teaching phonics 7
Implications for 8 child trainee trainer provider
Implications for young children (from 5 – 7 and beyond if necessary) Entitlement to daily systematic teaching of phonics which is lively, interactive, multi sensory and well matched to learning need Opportunities for speaking and listening Opportunities to apply what they learn in purposeful, engaging and meaningful contexts Exposure to variety of high quality texts 9
Kai I am Erasmus and I tuck my teddy to the hall. The docta gevd me a yello baj. We played sum gams. I lernd how... (15/3) 10
Useful resources Case studies on Kai and Mikey on the web from October: Note there is an ITT section to this website – including coaching material 11
Implications for trainees Subject knowledge: Simple view of reading - nature of reading, reading and language development, reading and language comprehension, knowledge of texts and how texts work, phonics and the phonic phases, terminology, interrelationship of the 4 strands……> 12
Implications for trainees This to inform Pedagogic knowledge –assessment for learning, teaching and application strategies, lesson structure, high expectations and pace of lessons
Trainee teachers need to know and understand and recognise the clear distinction between: processes concerned with recognising the printed words that comprise the written text and … processes that enable the reader to understand the messages contained in the text Implications for trainees 14
The Simple View of Reading Word-level reading and language comprehension are both necessary to reading Neither is sufficient on its own This is formalised in “The Simple View of Reading” Reading comprehension is a product of word recognition and language comprehension 15
+ + - - Language comprehension Word recognition Language comprehension 16
+ + - - Word Recognition Good language comprehension, poor word recognition Good word recognition, good language comprehension Poor word recognition, poor language comprehension Good word recognition, poor language comprehension Language comprehension 17
+ + - - Word Recognition Language comprehension v vv Word recognition Language comprehension 18
Implications for teaching Teachers need to be aware that different skills and abilities contribute to development of word recognition skills from those that contribute to comprehension Teachers need therefore to keep these two dimensions of reading separate in their minds when they plan their teaching 19
So that…. they focus clearly on developing word recognition skills through Phoneme awareness and phonics teaching Repetition and teaching of ‘tricky’ words and they focus clearly on developing language comprehension through Talking with children Reading to children Teaching comprehension strategies 20
Quality First Phonic Teaching should: Adhere to four key principles of high quality phonic work as defined by Rose review Use phonics as the prime approach for tackling unfamiliar words Engage all children and be fully participatory Demonstrate clear enunciation of phonemes Include both blending and segmenting 21
Quality First Phonic teaching should: Be multi-sensory but tightly focused on the learning goal Ensure that all children can hear/see the teaching input Support progression in learning and consolidation Make full use of additional adults Be sufficiently flexible to take account of differing needs Achieve the learning intention within the optimum time 22
The four principles Grapheme/phoneme (letter/ sound) correspondences ( the alphabetic principle) in a clearly defined, incremental sequence; To apply the highly important skill of blending (synthesising) phonemes, in order, all through a word to read it; To apply the skills of segmenting words into their constituent phonemes to spell; Blending and segmenting are reversible processes. 23
Quality First Phonic teaching should: Include discrete, daily sessions progressing from simple to more complex phonic knowledge and skills and covering the major grapheme phoneme correspondences in order to achieve the learning intention. 24
Quality first Phonic teaching should: Support progression in learning and consolidation, but be sufficiently flexible to take account of differing needs Assess children's progress carefully and specifically to support learning Ensure children can and have opportunity to apply phonic knowledge and skills in reading and spelling even if a word is not completely phonically regular 25
Model for daily discrete teaching of phonics skills and knowledge Revisit and review Teach Practise Apply Many examples of activities in Letters and Sounds. 26
Learning opportunities for trainees Review a phonics lesson, e.g. by using an extract from the DVD. Use the prompt sheet to support you Identify the teaching sequence. What strategies make this teaching more or less effective? 27
Learning opportunities cont: Observation – using prompt sheet Team teaching and planning Discussion with the lead teacher for early reading Looking at examples of children’s writing Review phonics programme using the core criteria Explore Letters and Sounds 28
Implications for trainers What is the range of learning opportunities available within the partnership to develop trainees’ ability to teach and assess the teaching of early reading and phonics / reading? What more could you do? Eg focussed placements How can you ensure that the activity results in trainees’ learning? 29
Implications for trainers All trainers need to be able to observe and evaluate trainees’ teaching of early reading and phonics engage in professional dialogue to support moving the trainees’ learning forward - intervention at the point of teaching and planning ensure appropriate learning opportunities 30
Implications for providers Knowing what is happening in your partnership Reviewing and develop elements of taught courses Preparing mentors and tutors for their role Develop working partnerships with LAs Considering the implications for trainees in FS, KS1 and KS2 31
What’s happening in schools? Fifty Local Authorities with funded Early Reading Consultant Targeted work in identified schools and linked settings Tracking children’s progress through phonic phases and in CLL and PSED The ‘universal offer’ to all schools – supply funding to review and develop practice in early reading 32
So, ideally, trainees should be in contexts where At least one member of staff is able to lead on literacy Funding has been used to review and develop practice in the teaching of early reading NB Some trainees will be placed in schools that have had extensive consultant support to change practice – implications? 33
Taking forward the recommendations - ITT Ongoing ITT PNS network meetings Additional phonics and early reading conference Cross ITT / LA events SCITT/EBITT network meetings Visits to providers of ITT ITT specific materials and CLL ITT web page CLL resources for Students -Letters and Sounds
Discussion How has the Rose Review impacted on your training to date? What have been the successes and challenges? 35
Action planning Next steps. Consider eg Programme design and resources Expertise within the partnership Mentor and tutor professional development Learning opportunities for trainees Developing links with LAs Areas where additional support would be useful 36
Comprehension Teaching a range of comprehension strategies is not sufficient they need to be taught explicitly, to be strategically and systematically embedded in teaching to enable children to draw on as needed and at will to support their engagement with texts
Explicit teaching of specific comprehension strategies supports developing comprehension skills leads to deeper understanding of texts and enhances engagement and enjoyment Once teachers understand and teach different aspects of comprehension they can more easily support their pupils in becoming effective comprehenders
Elements of comprehension Previewing and predicting Activating and building prior knowledge Questioning Visualisation and other sensory responses Synthesising Inference, deduction and drawing conclusions Summarising / determining importance Empathising Taking a critical stance
Some key questions How do we teach reading beyond the very early stages? Why is teaching comprehension important? What causes difficulties in comprehension? What are the main elements of comprehension? Which strategies can help children develop expertise in each of these elements?
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