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The Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project 1 Module 5: Phonics Evidence and Strategies.

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1 The Pikes Peak Literacy Strategies Project 1 Module 5: Phonics Evidence and Strategies

2 2 PPLSP Training Modules 1. Introduction to the Five Components of Reading 2. Introduction to the PPLSP and CBLA 3. Instructional Strategies 4. Phonemic Awareness Evidence and Strategies 5. Phonics Evidence and Strategies 6. Fluency Evidence and Strategies 7. Vocabulary Evidence and Strategies 8. Comprehension Evidence and Strategies 9. Reading Strategies for Secondary Teachers in other Content Areas 10. Bodies of Evidence and a Process for Building the ILP

3 3 What does this say? What does it mean? My favorite blumfit is the plenar blumfit. Plenar blumfits like to live on the Flendal Trump where it is very sniggled. But I can see them at the zoffestel. They have zoosefrosts with creamy blestfal swimfors.

4 4 Goals for this Module 1. To clarify what phonics is and what it is not (and to differentiate phonics from phonemic awareness) 2. To identify when phonics isn’t working in the reading process 3. To increase knowledge of appropriate strategies for teaching the skills of phonics

5 5 What is Phonics? Phonics is the ability to: 1. Learn the alphabetic system known as letter- sound or grapheme-phoneme correspondence 2. Apply this code knowledge during reading by blending the sounds into words (decoding) 3. Apply this code knowledge during writing by spelling words (encoding)

6 6 Why is phonics important? Phonics is an essential part of the decoding process. Decoding is the primary means of word recognition. If a student cannot make sound- symbol associations (decode) with accuracy and automaticity, then fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension will suffer. Readers decipher words in five ways: (1) decoding (2) spelling patterns (3) analogizing (4) sight words (5) context clues

7 7 What the research says: Teach phonics as long as you see the need in your students, because no clear research indicates the age or grade at which phonics instruction ceases to be effective. Phonics instruction must be explicit and systematic (Adams, 1990). Poorly developed word recognition skills are the most pervasive and debilitating source of reading challenges (Adams, 1990, Perfetti, 1986). Phonics instruction is best taught for two consecutive years (K/1 or 1/2) (NRP, 2000). Beyond Fifth Grade, students encounter approximately 10,000 new words a year (Nagy & Andersen, 1984).

8 8 What the research says: Understanding the alphabetic principle Development of phonological awareness Obtaining a grounding in letters Avoiding rule-dominated, boring, worksheet-driven, overuse of a reading program Applying sufficient graphophonic (writing) applications Practice in recognition of automatic words (sight words) Recognition that phonics is only part of a good reading program (Stahl, Duffy-Hester, & Stahl, 1998). High quality phonics instruction is based on the following characteristics:

9 9 When phonics skills are in place, you will see… Correct letter-sound correspondences Students who are able to recognize spelling patterns Students who know how to apply this knowledge during reading

10 10 What to look for and listen for in assessment Difficulty pronouncing phonemes correctly ex. b for d Difficulty blending sounds ex. g for gl Difficulty identifying long or short vowels ex. pat for pet Difficulty identifying smaller words in compound words ex. glas-sware for glassware Difficulty identifying patterns ex. Tries to sound out patterns such as ight and ought. Difficulty identifying affixes ex. Says in-ter-ac-tion Difficulty with syllabication ex. Says pr-o--t-ec-tion

11 11 Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Not the same thing! Phonemic Awareness: The sounds of language Phonics: The integration of sounds and symbols If symbols are involved, it is phonics!

12 12 Phonics Skills Phonics Consonants Vowels Phonograms / Word Families Compound Words Affixes Syllabication


14 14 Consonants Student has difficulty identifying and pronouncing consonant sounds, blend, and diagraphs in words. Student does not recognize the sound that letters make when blended Student substitutes /bl/ for /pl/

15 15 Consonants: Strategy for tomorrow Produce individual sounds, doubled sounds, and blends (timed activity) Use worksheet to identify a sound. Circle or highlight the sound or blend every time encountered, and then write them on the sheet. Try to increase number of sounds identified each time attempted.

16 16 Vowels Student has difficulty decoding and blending vowels within words. Student tries to pronounce each vowel sound rather than blending. Student consistently mispronounces vowel sounds. /then/ instead of /than/

17 17 Vowels: Strategy for tomorrow Produce appropriate vowel sound based on phonic rule Short Vowels Use worksheet to break out sounds and highlight the vowel. Then read sounds and repeat as a word. Long Vowels Determine how the “magic e” changes the sound of the vowel. Long Vowels doubled

18 18 Compound Words Student cannot distinguish smaller word units within the compound word and pronunciation is inaccurate. Student does not see pancake = pan + cake (Student sees panc-ake)

19 19 Compound Words: Strategy for tomorrow Identify what two words make up the word Worksheet using list of compound words to identify the two words that make up the compound word.

20 20 Phonograms / Word Families Student cannot automatically identify and apply the most commonly used patterns of spelling and/or pronunciation. Student attempts to sound out each sound in ight, aught, etc.

21 21 Phonograms: Strategy for tomorrow Word Families Skill-rhyming words

22 22 Affixes Student does not pronounce affixes correctly and cannot identify root/base words. Student does not recognize “pre-” as a unit in “pretest” or “preamble” (Student sees pr-e-a- m-ble) Student does not recognize “-able” as a unit in “lovable” or “adjustable” (Student sees l-o-va- ble)

23 23 Affixes: Strategy for tomorrow Affixes with base words Auditory blending using examples of base words with affixes (prefixes and suffixes).

24 24 Syllabication Students in intermediate, elementary, and high grades may gain understanding with instruction in syllabication and affixes. Student tries to decode words sound by sound or break words into non-syllabic chunks, making decoding difficult. Justify = /j/ /u/ /st/ /i/ /fy/ instead of /just/ /i/ /fy/

25 25 Syllabication: Strategy for tomorrow Understand the six syllable types and apply syllabication accordingly. Closed syllable (rabbit) Open syllable (pilot) V-C/e (basement) Vowel digraph (ai, ea, ay) R controlled (carpet) Consonant-le (table)

26 26 Does a Student Come to Mind? Do you have a student who exhibits these characteristics? How can you help him or her tomorrow?

27 27 Wrap Up… Turn to your neighbor and explain one new phonics skill you learned the most about today. What does it look like and sound like? What can you do during regular instruction to help a student who struggles in this area? How would you explain the problem to a parent? What strategies can parents use to help their child who struggles in this area?

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