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Published byReynaldo Shatswell Modified over 9 years ago
EC Education Consultancy Headteacher Briefing New curriculum Autumn 2013 Education Consultancy, Essex Education Services
EC Education Consultancy Headlines Disapplication - from the beginning of September Years 3 and 4 are disapplied from teaching the current national curriculum for all subjects. Years 1, 2, 5 and 6 are disapplied from all other aspects of the curriculum except English, Mathematics and Science. Years 2 and 6 - for English, Mathematics and Science the new curriculum will become compulsory from September 2015 to reflect that the national curriculum tests in Summer 2015 will be based on the existing curriculum.
EC Education Consultancy
EC Education Consultancy Aim of the Curriculum 3.1 The National Curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. 3.2 The National Curriculum is just one element in the education of every child. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond The National Curriculum specifications. The National Curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.
EC Education Consultancy 2.1 Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society; prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
EC Education Consultancy 2.3 All state schools are also required to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and must teach religious education to pupils at every key stage. 2.4 Maintained schools in England are legally required to follow the statutory national curriculum which sets out in programmes of study, on the basis of key stages, subject content for those subjects that should be taught to all pupils. All schools must publish their school curriculum by subject and academic year online.
EC Education Consultancy 3.3 Pupils of compulsory school age in community and foundation schools, including community special schools and foundation special schools and in voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools, must follow The National Curriculum. It is organised on the basis of four key stages and twelve subjects classified in legal terms as ‘core’ and ‘other foundation’ subjects. The key stage 2 programmes of study for English, Mathematics and Science are presented in this document as ‘lower’ (years 3 and 4) and ‘upper’ (years 5 and 6). This distinction is made as guidance for teachers and is not reflected in legislation. The legal requirement is to cover the content of the programmes of study for years 3 to 6 by the end of key stage 2.
EC Education Consultancy Setting Suitable Challenges 4.1 Teachers should set high expectations for every pupil. They should plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard. They have an even greater obligation to plan lessons for pupils who have low levels of prior attainment or come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Within each key stage, schools have the flexibility to introduce content earlier or later than set out in the programme of study. In addition, schools can introduce key stage content during an earlier key stage if appropriate Pg. 16 and 104 Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Pg. 103 (mathematics)
EC Education Consultancy Key Themes in English The development of spoken language underpins every aspect of the English curriculum and features as an important factor throughout the other subject areas. Statutory requirements for speaking and listening have been included in the final draft. Pupils will be expected to apply and develop their English skills throughout every other subject area. Learning to read (decode and recognise familiar printed words) is a high priority but so is the pleasure, appreciation and love of reading. High priority is also given to being able to communicate accurately and clearly both through the written and spoken word.
EC Education Consultancy Changes in English The curriculum is divided into 3 phases - KS1, lower KS2 and Upper KS2. These phases are split into ‘Reading’ and ‘Writing’ programmes of study. In KS2 they are not split in to year groups just upper and lower phases. Reading consists of Word (phonics and decoding) and Comprehension (listening, discussing, retelling etc). Writing consists of Transcription (spelling, grammar, handwriting) and Composition.
EC Education Consultancy Changes in English A higher profile is given to discussion and the learning, oral retelling and role playing of text. All pupils should be enabled to participate in and gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with the artistic practice of drama. A statutory appendix is included which makes explicit which skills need to be taught relating to grammar and spelling. It includes lists of words which are statutory for pupils to learn. There are no prescribed ‘units’ or time allocation given to text types as with the National Primary Framework. Text types are specified in the English and other programmes of study.
EC Education Consultancy Implications for the Teaching of English There needs to be a thorough cross referencing of the literacy skills that are referenced in other subjects. This may influence the order in which the features of certain text types are taught. There is no ‘national’ progression sequence suggested for the different text types. Current phonic schemes will need to be mapped to the new statutory programme of study.
EC Education Consultancy No major changes to the teaching of phonics but several of the less common phase 5 graphemes are now taught at a later stage Some Y2 objectives from Support for Spelling are now taught in Y1 and Y3 objectives taught in Y2. Clear message that pupils who are struggling to read and spell in Y1 need to be taught to do this urgently … so they catch up rapidly Phonics and Spelling in KS1
EC Education Consultancy Spoken language, communication and reasoning Read and spell mathematical vocabulary Problem solving and application of knowledge Calculators should not be used as a substitute for good written and mental arithmetic Focus on mental calculation and written calculation Strands now number, measurement, geometry, statistics Key Themes in Mathematics
EC Education Consultancy Aspects of standard methods encountered earlier in the phase. Initial introduction of writing in columns for addition and subtraction encountered in Year 2. Full use of formal written methods for addition and subtraction from Year 3 Initial moves to formal methods for multiplication and short division from Year 3 Multiplication tables 12 x 12 by Year 4 Understanding of square numbers, cubed numbers, primes, factors, prime factors, common multiples etc. over Year 5 and Year 6 Key Changes - Mathematics
EC Education Consultancy Long multiplication in Year 5 and long division in Year 6 Increased expectations in fractions leading to multiplication and division of fractions by Year 6 Roman numerals in Year 3, 4 and 5 Ratio / proportion and algebra not explicitly mentioned until Year 6 Mean introduced in Year 6. Reference to other measures of central tendency (mode and median) in Key Stage 3 Standard measures from Year 1 (metres etc.) Key Changes - Mathematics
EC Education Consultancy No mention of data handling in Year 1 No explicit reference to sorting or classifying in data handling but appears in shape and sorting No probability Key Changes - Mathematics
EC Education Consultancy Implications for Teaching Mathematics Consistent approaches to calculation Most effective models and images being used (Do teachers really know how to use Base 10, especially for multiplication and division?) Raised expectations e.g fractions, with implications for subject knowledge Secure subject knowledge to support progression Strength of teaching concepts not just processes Published materials that are currently in school
EC Education Consultancy Key Changes - Science Key Stage 2 split into Lower and Upper Key stages Yearly required content with sequential content development Science Enquiry (SC1) replaced by Working Scientifically which is not to be taught or assessed discreetly Content identified within Biology, Chemistry and Physics, skills development integral to content Greater content demand with wider required vocabulary Skills development in English and Mathematics not necessarily synchronous with scientific content 19
EC Education Consultancy What has not Changed Science is a practical subject with the development of practical skills as well as subject knowledge 20
EC Education Consultancy Key Changes – Art and Design Less guidance on the progression through skills More freedom to choose the types of Art and Design to explore and teach Larger focus at KS2 for the use of sketch books to develop ideas and review and revisit Implication – teachers not clear on the development of a skill will need support in how to teach key techniques
EC Education Consultancy Key Changes – Design and Technology In the content of the Design and Technology curriculum there appear to be no significant changes Separate section for cooking and nutrition which includes using the basic principles of a healthy diet to prepare dishes at KS1 and using a range of cooking techniques at KS2 Understand seasonality, looking at ingredients and know how they are grown, reared, caught or processed Implications - the current curriculum may need to be adapted to incorporate more opportunities for the explicit teaching of cooking. Resources may need to be sourced and safety and hygiene legislation adhered to securely.
EC Education Consultancy Key Changes - Geography Greater emphasis on location knowledge e.g. naming the oceans and continents and the placement of the United Kingdom on the world map at KS1 or countries of the world and cities in the UK at KS2 Comparison between human and physical geography of an area in the United Kingdom and non-European area at KS1 extending to 3 way comparisons between UK, Europe and North or South America in KS2 Increased challenge in mapping skills development by use of basic compass directions, scales and keys at KS1 to the 8 point compass, O.S. symbols and complex scaling including six figure co-ordinates at KS2 Increased emphasis on geographical vocabulary 23
EC Education Consultancy What has not Changed Content and skills defined as whole Key Stage expectations rather than yearly content The use of maps, atlases, charts and other references such as the internet The expectation of the use of fieldwork to develop skills 24
EC Education Consultancy History -What has Changed Increased emphasis on chronological sequence Throughout KS2 there are 9 periods of History to be studied where previously there were 6 Pre 1066 has a more explicit programme of study although the other periods of time can be taught
EC Education Consultancy OLD KS2 Choose a local History study, 3 British, a European and a world history study. NEW KS2 All statutory Nothing comparable(unless of particular interest for local history unit) Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age British History-Romans Roman Empire and its impact on Britain British History Anglo-Saxons Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots British History - Vikings Viking and Anglo-Saxons to the time of Edward the Confessor An overview of how Britain was shaped before the Norman Conquest Victorian Britain or Britain since 1930 or Britain and the wider world in Tudor Times Study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 *A world History selected from: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, the Assyrian Empire, the Indus Valley, the Maya, Benin or Aztecs An overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China A European History Study ; Ancient Greece Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world *A world History selected from: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Sumer, the Assyrian Empire, the Indus Valley, the Maya, Benin or Aztecs One study chosen from: early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad c. AD 900; Mayan civilization c. AD 900; Benin (West Africa) c. AD 900-1300. A Local History Study
EC Education Consultancy History- What has stayed the same More similarities to the old curriculum than original draft document Historical skills with which we are familiar are still in evidence The KS1 P.O.S. still works on the ‘looking backwards approach’ Within KS1 there are still opportunities to teach about key events such as The Great Fire of London and famous people such as Florence Nightingale
EC Education Consultancy Foreign Languages Now statutory at KS2 Any modern or ancient foreign language can be taught The focus should be on enabling pupils to make substantial progress in one language There should be a balance of spoken and written work The focus of study in modern languages will be on practical communication If a schools chooses an ancient language they should provide ‘a linguistic foundation for reading comprehension and an appreciation of classical civilisation’ By comparison to the previous curriculum, a greater emphasis is placed on being able to write in another language
EC Education Consultancy 29 Music Not now split into separate components KS1 has 4 objectives so slimmed down but some objectives have been combined from across the different elements Now 6 objectives for KS2 In KS2 children are now expected to use and understand staff and other musical notations and learn about the history of music
EC Education Consultancy Physical Education Competition has a much higher profile than in the previous curriculum (although the skills to be taught are broadly similar) e.g. –A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities –Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect Swimming must be taught in either KS1 or KS2 KS2 pupils must compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best 30
EC Education Consultancy There are Implications for: Planning, Resources, Subject knowledge, Assessment, Progression, Curriculum mapping.
EC Education Consultancy Key Principles Underpinning Assessment and Reporting Schools are expected to have a curriculum and assessment framework that: sets out steps so that pupils reach or exceed the end of key stage expectations; enables them to measure whether pupils are on track to meet end of key stage expectations; enables them to pinpoint aspects of the curriculum in which pupils are falling behind, and recognise exceptional performance; supports teaching planning for all pupils; enables them to report regularly to parents and where pupils move to other schools, provide clear information about each pupils strengths, weaknesses and progress towards the end of key stage expectations.
EC Education Consultancy Schools Should Decide how they Assess Each Subject as they Develop their Curriculum No prescribed national system for on-going assessment; Groups of schools may wish to use a common approach across a local area, academy chain or federation; Ofsted’s inspections will be informed by the school’s chosen pupil tracking data (Statutory National Curriculum tests will allow schools to benchmark their performance nationally, locally and against schools with similar intake.); Commercial providers and subject organisations may offer curriculum schemes of work with inbuilt assessment, including class exercises, homework and summative tests.
EC Education Consultancy National Curriculum Tests Need to Show Whether and How Well Pupils Have Met the Secondary Readiness Standard It is proposed that attainment will be reported using raw test marks converted into a scaled score. The secondary readiness standard will remain the same each year. Each pupil’s ranking in the national cohort will be reported to parents by decile (i.e. 10% of the cohort) showing each pupil’s performance relative to their peers nationally. The scaled score would be compared to the scores of other pupils with the same prior attainment identifying whether an individual made more or less progress than pupils with similar prior attainment.
EC Education Consultancy Proposed Suggestions for Baselines to Measure Progress Retain KS1 National Curriculum tests in English and Mathematics Introduce a simple check at the start of reception Consider an optional reception baseline check, schools would be judged by attainment alone in performance tables and floor standards. They would still track pupils’ progress internally and make this data available to Ofsted.
EC Education Consultancy Floor Targets Very few pupils should leave primary schools without being secondary ready. 85% of pupils should meet the secondary readiness standard in all the floor standard measures (including writing teacher assessment).
EC Education Consultancy Performance Tables Will Show: The percentage of pupils meeting the secondary readiness standard, the average scaled score, where the school’s pupils fit in the national cohort, and their rate of progress; How many of the school’s pupils are among the highest-attaining nationally, by including a measure showing the percentage of pupils attaining a high scaled score in each subject; End of key stage teacher assessments in English, Mathematics and Science; A three-year rolling averages in addition to annual results; Headline measures to show the attainment and progress of pupils for whom the school is in receipt of the pupil premium and a three-year rolling average;
EC Education Consultancy Performance Tables Will Show : A comparison of each school’s performance with that of schools with similar intake. Schools that perform poorly compared to other similar schools are unlikely to be rated as ‘good’ and schools that do not excel compared to similar schools are unlikely to be ‘outstanding’.
EC Education Consultancy What We Can Offer: Central National Curriculum courses for Subject Leaders, Lower KS2 teachers, KS1 teachers and Upper KS2 teachers; Bespoke training for schools or consortia; Published resources including documents to support planning and progression in core subjects; ‘Monitoring Made Easy’ courses; Development of ‘Target Tracker’ to support ‘assessment beyond levels’; Regular updates for School Assessment Leaders (SALs) and Subject Leaders Please let us know of any other support you would like us to offer.
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