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Published bySky Merriwether Modified over 10 years ago
The New OFSTED Inspection Arrangements Briefing for Governors
12/04/2017 The New OFSTED Inspection Arrangements Briefing for Governors All resources copyright JB-Education Ltd 2
Aims Key Documentation Important Changes
12/04/2017 Aims Key Documentation Important Changes Overview of the Inspection Process
Trends in Combined Good and Outstanding Ofsted Inspection Results – Overall Effectiveness – August 2009 to August 2012, (All Schools) (percentage of providers) The proportion of Cambridgeshire schools judged to be Good or Outstanding by Ofsted, has fallen year on year from August 2009 to August 2012 and at 66% is now below the level regionally (67%), nationally (70%) and across Cambridgeshire’s statistical neighbours (70%).
Trends in Combined Good and Outstanding Ofsted Inspection Results – Overall Effectiveness – August 2009 to August 2012, (Primary Schools) (percentage of providers) This reflects the 13ppt decline in the proportion of Cambridgeshire Primary Schools judged Good or Outstanding since At 66% Cambridgeshire’s Primary performance is in-line with the level regionally but below the level nationally (69%) and across Cambridgeshire’s statistical neighbours (70%). Forty Primary Schools judged as being Good or Outstanding in August 2009 were judged as Satisfactory or Inadequate in August 2012 – but note that several have been inspected since.
Trends in Combined Good and Outstanding Ofsted Inspection Results – Overall Effectiveness – August 2009 to August 2012, (Secondary Schools) (percentage of providers) The proportion of Cambridgeshire’s Secondary Schools judged to be Good or Outstanding has improved in the same period, by 12ppt to 67%. Cambridgeshire is now above the level regionally (62%) and nationally (66%) and only 3ppt below the level across Cambridgeshire’s statistical neighbours (70%).
Key Documents School Inspection Handbook
12/04/2017 Key Documents School Inspection Handbook The Framework for School Inspection Subsidiary Guidance All available at Teachers’ Standards at
Why the change so soon? According to the two Michaels
Majority of schools are good or better but.. ...Too many are not providing a sufficiently good education and... ...Too many pupils do not make enough progress to prepare them for life in a challenging, changing, modern world.
Key changes: Shortened period of notice – noon the preceding day
Evaluation of the robustness of L&M and link with managing performance – Teachers Standards Report will include reference to the impact of governance New ‘Requires Improvement’ judgement replaces ‘Satisfactory’ ‘Notice to Improve’ replaced by ‘Serious Weaknesses’ New Ofsted documents for Section 5 inspections This slide is what it says – the key changes – these will be expanded upon in the following slides.
Grades Grade 1: Outstanding Grade 2: Good
Grade 3: Requires improvement – this school is not good, it is not failing or inadequate but requires improvement - this judgement will usually only be given twice. The school will be inspected within a maximum period of 2 years. Timing of the next inspection will reflect the school’s circumstances. Grade 4: Inadequate – two levels serious weaknesses - L&M has capacity but this school needs to improve quickly special measures - A school deemed to have inadequate L&M Draw out: GRADE 1: In outstanding schools pupils are expected to be making and exceeding expected progress and this will be high compared with national figures. Attainment would also be expected to be in line with national figures. Ofsted appreciate there are exceptions - but they would be looking for evidence that if attainment is below national, the gap would be closing rapidly GRADE 3: this school is not good, it is not failing or inadequate but requires improvement - This judgement can only be given twice. The school will be inspected within a maximum period of 2 years. Timing of the next inspection will reflect the school’s circumstances. If a school does not become ‘Good’’ after the second inspection it will fall into one of the categories of GRADE 4. - 4 Years is considered to be long enough to become GOOD! GRADE 4:Inadequate category – two categories depending on capacity of L&M. A school that has an inadequate judgement will be subject to HMI monitoring: Ofsted will determine if the school is has ‘Serious Weaknesses’ if NQTs can be appointed During monitoring HMI will review the NQT sanction.
Timescales for inspections
Outstanding schools are exempt from routine inspection unless concerns identified through risk assessment or otherwise Good schools inspected within 5 years from the end of the school year in which they were last inspected Requires Improvement schools will be monitored by HMI initially within 4-6 weeks of report publication and re-inspected fully within a maximum period of two years.
Monitoring visits 1 Schools judged to require improvement will receive an initial monitoring inspection visit usually within four to six weeks of the publication of the section 5 inspection report. This visit will be carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005 by an HMI. Where leadership and management were judged to be good at the recent section 5 inspection, the school will not normally receive such a visit.
Monitoring visits 2 Following the initial monitoring visit, the HMI will recommend whether or not further monitoring visits and/or other activity should occur to encourage the school’s improvement so that the school is judged good or outstanding at its next section 5 inspection. Where an HMI is of the opinion that a school is ready for inspection, they may recommend that the next section 5 inspection be brought forward.
Timescales for Inspections
Risk assessments carried out by Ofsted on all ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ schools after 3 years - outcome will determine frequency of inspection Special, PRUs & Nursery schools every 3 years
Website Information Inspectors will look closely at the school website prior to every inspection. Heads should give some thought as to what information is included on their website and should consider what first impression it gives. Revised regulations came into force on September 1 that set out new online requirements.
Websites must include Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment. Curriculum provision, content and approach by year and subject. Admission arrangements. School policy in relation to behaviour, charging, and SEN and disability provision. Links to Ofsted reports and to achievement and attainment performance data. Latest Key Stage attainment and progress measures.
Other useful information
Timings of the school day Timetables Number of classes Names and roles of teaching staff Forthcoming trips/outings Possible closures Link to Parent View!
Website information See ‘A good education for all’
This leaflet which has been sent to all schools includes details of what schools should include on their websites The Clerk to Governors blog ( offers advice to governors and school leaders across the UK and has a useful link advising what should be included on a school website, see You may wish to visit this to gain a more detailed view of school website information.
The Inspection Process
Part 2 of ‘School Inspection Handbook’ is ‘The Evaluation Schedule’ and gives guidance on judging the quality of education provided & the main types of evidence collected by inspectors in the 4 key areas to inform Overall Effectiveness judgement: Achievement of pupils Quality of teaching Behaviour and safety Leadership and management As stated before everyone should read the documents and especially those who have a leadership role. Teachers’ Standards have also been revised for September 2012 – you need to download a copy of this and ensure you are meeting all aspects of these standards – link on last slide
During the inspection Key foci Pupil Premium Progress of DSEN
Narrowing the gap Phonic screening (outcomes and next steps) Performance Management What makes an outstanding lesson Impact of GB holding school to account
Achievement This is the key driver. It is unlikely that teaching can be judged as good unless achievement is good.
Achievement - Key Questions
What evidence is there for the impact of pupil premium funding? Are gaps closing? PP for LAC, FSM and children of service families (2 yrs) Performance Management – links with achievement.
Pupil Premium How much money has your school received in Pupil Premium? How has this funding been used? Why has the funding been allocated in this way? What impact has this had on pupils’ learning and how is this impact measured? How can you demonstrate/evidence this impact? Can all staff and governors talk to this?
Teaching Nothing radically new:
Just as previously, there will be flexible lesson/learning observations Grades for achievement will be given Impact of teaching over time Joint observation based on progress HT/SLT to offer feedback after joint observation and will be observed doing this
Teaching What is new: Reference to Teachers’ Standards
Impact of Performance Management See Inspection Handbook – Pages 32 to 35
Behaviour and Safety
See Inspection Handbook – Page 36 to 39
Behaviour and Safety Not much change Pupil Premium in exclusions Behaviour over time Views of parents, pupils and staff Bullying remains high profile...... .....and of course attendance (FSM PP) See Inspection Handbook – Page 36 to 39
Leadership and Management
How does inspection support school improvement? (September 2012)
raises expectations by setting the standards of performance and effectiveness expected of schools provides a sharp challenge and the impetus to act where improvement is needed clearly identifies strengths and weaknesses recommends specific priorities for improvement for the school and, when appropriate, checks on and promotes subsequent progress promotes rigour in the way that schools evaluate their own performance, thereby enhancing their capacity to improve monitors the progress and performance of schools that are not yet ‘good’, and challenges and supports senior leaders, staff and those responsible for governance.
Implications for governors
raise expectations sharp challenge act where improvement is needed identifies strengths and weaknesses recommends specific priorities for improvement promotes subsequent progress evaluate their own performance rigorously, enhancing capacity to improve monitors the progress and performance challenges and supports
Leadership - Governance
Governance – if the school ‘Requires Improvement’ the GB becomes an AFI If which case it will need to organise an external GB Review (supportive) by NLE, LLE, LA or external consultant See Inspection handbook – Page 40 to 44 Especially bullet points in Outstanding and Good
Leadership – Performance Management
Impact of effective performance management is seen in: Improvements in achievement Improvements in the quality of teaching Improvements in the link between teaching and progress Clarity of a shared vision Staff morale and commitment See Page 15 of handbook
Leadership – Parents Inspection will use Parent View
Before, during and after On-line during inspection! The LI may decide to gather the views of parents at a brief meeting at the start of Day 2
Overall Effectiveness
Overall Effectiveness
Inspection handbook – Page 22 to 26 Note the bullet points on page 23 on pupil groups paragraph 99. Note Paragraph 103 on page 24 re SMSC
The Report The format of inspection reports are significantly different now. The front page of the report summarises grades and key findings. There is no longer be a letter to the pupils. Bullet points are used throughout. Negatives come first for schools that are not yet good This is a school that requires improvement. It is not good because..... The school has the following strengths....
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