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A Brief Description on School Student Helpline (Sampark Online)

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief Description on School Student Helpline (Sampark Online)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief Description on School Student Helpline (Sampark Online)

2 W E WILL GO THROUGH.. Citizen View Lodge Grievance View Action Status Lodge Reminder

3 W E WILL GO THROUGH.. Administrative View Log in Into the System Lodge and View Grievance Forward The Grievance Take action and Disposed the Grievance Logout of the System

4 CitizenView

5 W HAT A CITIZEN CAN DO ? A Citizen can lodge grievance. On successful submission he/she will get a unique registration number. A Citizen can view status of his/her grievance by giving his/her registration number. A Citizen can lodge reminder or sought clarification.

6 Lodge Grievance For Citizen


8 View Action Status For Citizen


10 Lodge Reminder For Citizen


12 W HAT AN AUTHENTICATED USER CAN DO ? Can lodge grievance. (Only secretary SME can lodge grievance) Can view the grievances pending with his/her organization. Can view the status of a grievance. Can forward the grievance.

13 W HAT AN AUTHENTICATED USER CAN DO ? Can send action taken report to the higher organization. Can change password of his own account. Can generate reports.

14 Login Screen.


16 Grievance Home

17 G RIEVANCE H OME After a successful login, the first screen will be the “Grievance Home” page. By default, the user will see all the new grievances. Here the user can check all the new, pending, disposed, action taken report sent grievances. Can view the status of any grievance by using the search option.

18 G RIEVANCE H OME Can see grievances that came from higher organization. Can take hard copy of the page. Can see his/her past login attempts using “Audit Trail”.


20 View a Grievance

21 H OW TO VIEW A GRIEVANCE In grievance home page, if we click on any grievance number, then we can see the details. The page displays the registration number, name, address, receiving organization, complainant category, target date and description.


23 Take Action On a Grievance

24 H OW TO TAKE ACTION ON A GRIEVANCE Here the user have to select a grievance category. The grievance catagory is set once. The grievance catagory is set by the receiving organization. For a subordinate organization, grievance catagory will not be displayed.


26 H OW TO TAKE ACTION ON A GRIEVANCE o The option in decision box will change according to the grievance status. Under decision, the user has to select Examined at our level Forwarded to No action Required Disposed through counseling



29 H OW TO FORWARD THE GRIEVANCE The grievance can be forwarded to the next level organization. As the last level organization, BEOs will not forward the grievance.



32 Send Action Taken Report

33 H OW TO SEND ACTION TAKEN REPORT A subordinate organization can send action taken report to his higher organization. The user have to enter the summary and can attached document of pdf type upto 1mb.



36 Disposed Grievance

37 H OW TO DISPOSED THE GRIEVANCE The receiving organization can disposed the grievance only. When a subordinate sends an action taken report, then it will be displayed in the “Action Taken Report Received” of the “Grievance Home” page.

38 Change Password

39 H OW TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD Every organization will be forced to change his/her password on first time login. A organization can change the password by visiting “Change Password” under “Administration” menu. The password will contain at least one uppercase character, one special symbol and one number.

40 Logout Of The System

41 H OW TO LOGOUT OF THE SYSTEM An user can logout from the system by clicking on “Logout” button. The user will automatically logout, if he/she remains 20 minute inactive.


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