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Published byLaura Mylin Modified over 10 years ago
In this Presentation Compliance of PAB Commitments 2013-14
Progress Proposals Issue of excess release of state share
COMPLIANCE OF PAB 2013-14 S.N. Commitments Achievement a.
The State would fulfill all commitments of previous years which are still pending as per Para 7. State has fulfilled all the commitments b. The State will complete all in-progress civil works activities by December, 2013. Out of 9264 incomplete works as on Mach 2013, 5752 (62%) works have been completed by Jan Remaining works will be completed by March, 2014 except 2799 works for which budget has not been sanctioned by GoI. c. The State will put in place a Grievance Redressal Mechanism in accordance with the Advisory No. F. No /2010-EE 4 issued by the MHRD under the RTE. Grievances Redressal Mechanism for teachers and children/parents set in State Rules 2011.
COMPLIANCE OF PAB 2013-14 S.N. Commitments Achievement d.
The State will take immediate steps to notify the local grievance redressal mechanism. State has issued directions regarding local Grievance Redressal Mechanism. e. The State will notify the reimbursement norms for admissions done in private unaided schools under Section 12(1) (c) by June 2013. Norms have been notified. Sate has also developed a web- portal for implementation and reimbursement of fees in transparent manner. f. Complete up-gradation of the 13 KGBVs by 30th September, 2013. All the 13 KGBVs have been up-graded providing additional infrastructure. g. State will endeavor to recruit at least 50% female teachers out of the total teachers recruited. There is 30% reservation for female teachers in the state. Apart from this female teachers are recruited against open seats also.
COMPLIANCE OF PAB 2013-14 Commitments Achievement h.
S. N. Commitments Achievement h. Do a sample study of learning level outcomes which will be shared in the next PAB. Sample study of learning level outcomes for class Vth is being done by SIERT. The study for financial year will be completed by Sept., 2014. i. Fill-up all the vacancies borne on state budget before making recruitment against the SSA vacancies. There are vacancies of 3rd grade teachers in the state. Examination for recruitment of 20,000 teachers have been conducted. Thereafter, only 2371 will be left to be filled. j. Carry out rationalization of teacher deployment to maintain desired PTR at school level. 14237 single teacher schools in the state as per DISE The number has reduced to in DISE State deployed additional teacher in these schools after DISE (30 Sept. 13) number decreased to 8548. Adverse PTR schools (20307) as per DISE has been reduced to as per DISE Newly recruited teachers (20,000) will be posted in single teacher and adverse PTR schools on priority.
COMPLIANCE OF PAB S.N. Commitments Achievement k. Roll out and use Quality Monitoring Tools developed by NCERT. State has developed its own Quality Monitoring System which includes Mechanism for grading of students of classes 3,4 & 5 by teachers and online system of monitoring has been put in place. School Monitoring Drive (Sambalan): A system of quarterly internal audit of quality interventions and learning levels in schools have been put in place ( 20,000 schools per year). School Monitoring program: Monitoring norms have been prescribed for all supervisory officers. Each school to be evaluated at least once in every four month. Online monitoring system have been developed. l. The State will study the CCE exemplar developed by NCERT and revise/ modify its own systems, if necessary. The CCE Exemplars prepared by NCERT studied and exemplars were developed for the state and made a part of the CCE Source Books of the state. Every school will be evaluated quarterly.
Status of Implementation of RTE Act,2009
Implemented in the State from 1st April State Rules notified on 29th March, 2011. Timely issuance of notifications, directions, orders, & guidelines Age appropriate admissions & special trainings to out-of-school & un-enrolled children identified through Child Tracking Survey. Based on GIS mapping , 2901 PS & UPS opened in last three years. School Management Committees constituted and reconstituted in all Govt. Primary & Upper primary schools. SMCs Members and PRIs have undergone trainings.
Status of Implementation of RTE Act,2009
Directions & Guidelines issued to ensure 25% free admissions in Private schools. Web-portal monitored system of admission put in place In , private schools benefited 1 lac children reimbursing cr. In , 2.40 lac children benefitted. Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) organized for in May 2011 and for in Sep SIERT Udaipur has prepared curriculum and text books of classes 1 to 8 based on NCF-2005. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) implemented in 5861 Govt. elementary schools. A three tier Grievance Redressal System has been established at district , block and SMC levels.
Allocated Budget & Expenditure (2013-14) (upto Jan. 14)
Approved Budget Release Expenditure Percentage of Exp. Against Approved Budget Percentage of Exp. Against Released Budget Total 90.63% 93.17% Govt. of India Govt. of Rajasthan TFC 394.00
Annual Work Plan & Expenditure (2013-14) (up to Jan. 14)
Component-wise Expenditure Component Approved Budget (cr.) Expenditure (cr.) % of Total Budget Provision for the Component Teachers Salary 94.66 % Civil Works* 152.55 83.83 54.96 % KGBV & Girls Edu. 61.42 37.72 61.41% Teacher Training 12.24 10.07 82.25 % IED 11.59 7.96 68.66 % School Grant 60.70 58.82 96.89% Management cost 98.62 58.80 59.62% Others 71.25 50.36 70.71% Total 90.63% *Additional provision of Rs cr. made by GoI in Nov. 2013
Quality Improvement Programme 2013-14
Continuous monitoring of learning levels of students (Reading Campaign) Monitoring of school performance in student learning levels. Self appraisal by Teachers and Head teachers . Focus on learning levels in basic literacy and numeracy for classes III, IV and V in 69,966 schools. Online system of monitoring and up-dation on monthly basis. Feedback given to district and block level officers for improvement. Improvement in grade A (Excellent) from 10% to 43% since July.
Quality Improvement Programme 2013-14
Internal Evaluation of School Performance (Sambalan) Evaluation of school performance (focusing on learning levels) by 3,400 supervisory officers. Verification of learning levels indicated by schools. Mobilizes and sensitizes entire machinery towards quality education. Identification of gaps for strategic planning for quality improvement. Conducted in three phases evaluating 6,500 schools in each phase. Two phases completed so far covering 12,748 schools. Third phase in March/April 2014.
Quality Improvement Programme 2013-14
Early Literacy Programme (ELP) Started to develop reading and writing skills with comprehension in early grades, i.e., Classes I & II. Programme started in 2098 schools. State Learning Achievement Survey (SLAS) Conducted to take appropriate interventions and to ensure accountability. 50 schools selected (1650 schools) from 40% blocks of each district on random basis. To be conducted in class 5 for English,Maths and EVS. Likely to be completed by September 2014.
Equity Programme 2013-14 Girls Education & KGBV:-
200 KGBVs are operational and 18,711 girls have been enrolled. Web portal operational in all 200 KGBVs. 9406 Meena Manch at school level and 256 Adhyapika Manch at block level focus on creating awareness on issues related to girls. Academic competition Aao Dekho Sekho (ADS) conducted at Nodal Schools, Block, District & State Level.
Grand Celebration of National Girl Child Day
500 girls participate in State Meena Sammelan on Girl Child Day Participation of all stake holders in a gathering of about 1000 people. Many girls saw a bus or train for the first time in their life. Girls shared experiences and confidence gained from Meena Manch. Meena Sammelan organized at block on Meena Diwas. Experience sharing, problem solving, play and quiz on child rights, unfolding of brochure, film on GE were major attractions.
Equity Programme 2013-14 Inclusive Education:-
Aids and appliances to 2722 children. Braille books to 1635 blind children. Polio corrective surgery performed on 147 OPH children. Sight restoration surgery for 56 visually impaired children. 167 Radio-cum-CD players distributed to blind children.
Access Programme 2013-14 School Opening and Up-gradation:-
2901 New Primary schools. Up-gradation of 2253 PS to UPS schools. Interventions for out of school children:- 7 Residential Schools for orphan/homeless/street children and wards of non-earning guardians for 536 children. 14 Residential Hostels for 675 children of scantly populated area and minorities. Migratory hostel facility for 3,401 children. 14222 Children benefitted through residential and non- residential STR.
Civil Works Physical Achievement (2013-14) (Up to Jan. 2014)
Activity Phy. Target Approved Budget (in cr.) Phy. Achievement Fin. Achievement PS/UPS Buildings 474 49.71 54 33.93 Additional Class Rooms 4897 98.98 1429 * 47.82 Residential Hostel 8 3.15 5 2.01 Ramp with handrail 272 0.69 181 0.07 Drinking Water 115 (SSA) 3090 (PHED) - 92 (SSA) 3038 (PHED) Girls Toilets 56 (SSA) 11472 (TSC) 54 (SSA) 11452 (TSC) Total 152.53 83.83 * Cr. Released in November 2013
Proposed Annual Work Plan (2014-15)
Annual Work Plan & Budget cr. GoI share cr. State Share cr. TFC cr.
Major Component wise Proposal
Scheme Proposed Amount Percentage Phy. Fin. (Rs. in cr.) Teacher Salary 125812 73.01 Civil Works 9783 809.68 12.29 KGBV 200 97.67 1.48 Intervention for CWSN 107806 21.56 0.33 TLE 5154 17.06 0.26 CALP 33 16.50 0.25 Innovation 14.71 0.22 Libraries 35986 12.37 0.19 Special Training for Out of School children 36695 Management Cost 104.66 1.59 School Grant 110537 124.81 1.89
Major Component wise Proposal
Scheme Proposed Amount Percentage Phy. Fin. (Rs. in cr.) Academic support through BRC 256 105.02 1.59 Academic support through CRC 3074 7.68 0.12 Training to Committee Members 5.61 0.09 Learning Enhancement Progremme 54.21 0.82 Reimbursement of 25% admission in Private school 235.00 3.57 Research Evaluation monitoring and Supervision (REMS) 110537 18.44 0.28 Free Text Books 464005 11.57 0.18 Residential School & Hostel 5.64 Maintenance Grant 50000 37.50 0.57 Other 65.63 1.00 Total 100.00
Quality (1.) Teacher Salary-
12780 new posts of teachers sanction in newly opened PS (2901) & UPS (2253) Salary of teachers is Proposed amounting Rs Cr. (2.) Teachers’ Training – Training to head teachers of primary schools. Training in new curricula – 3,61,876 teachers. Induction training to newly appointed – 19,725 teachers. Training of science and mathematics – 13,200 teachers. Financial Proposal for teachers training – Cr.
Quality (5.) Quality/School Monitoring System–
Annexure-III (3.) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) – Extension of CCE from 5861 to schools of 74 blocks. Expenditure proposed is Rs.19.72Cr. (4.) Continuous Monitoring of Students’ Learning Level (Reading Campaign) Continuous assessment of learning levels in schools based on learning indicators as per curriculum. For Classes 3-8 all subjects in all govt. schools. (5.) Quality/School Monitoring System– State specific modified Quality Monitoring Tools (QMTs) will be used. Assessment of schools. Coverage of 20,000 schools in year
Quality Teacher Performance Appraisal System–
Annexure-III Teacher Performance Appraisal System– Quarterly performance appraisal of teachers. Development of formats. Web based online monitoring system. Computer Aided Learning Programme (in 8310 Schools)– CALP to be extended to 990 more schools. The Internet connectivity to all 9300 CALP schools to monitor school, teachers and students performance. Old computers are to be replaced in 1634 schools.
Quality Early Literacy Programme –
Annexure-III Early Literacy Programme – ELP for classes 1 and 2 in all govt. schools for basic numeracy and reading and writing with comprehension. State Learning Achievement Survey (SLAS) – Survey will focus on learning achievement in English, Maths & Hindi of Class 2. SLAS will be conducted by nodal agency SIERT Udaipur. Estimated cost: 33 1 lac per district.
Quality Annexure-III Grants- Teaching Learning Equipment (TLE) worth Rs Cr. for schools School Grant unit cost is proposed to be enhanced from Rs to Rs. 10,000 for PS and from Rs. 7,000 to Rs. 14,000 for UPS. Library grant for 33,733 PS & 2,253 UPS amounting Rs Cr. Teacher Grant (500 per teacher) for 2,73,955 teachers amounting Rs Cr. Maintenance Grant for 50,000 Schools amounting Rs Cr.
Equity Girl’s Education (KGBV)
Recurring cost for 200 existing KGBVs (85.58 Cr.). Non-recurring cost for replacement of beddings & equipment (10.13 Cr. ) . Up-gradation of 11 KGBVs from Model III to I. 5 new KGBVs are proposed. Grading of KGBVs is planned in Online monitoring of academic levels of girls’ progress in KGBVs
Equity Girl’s Education(Innovation)
Meena Manch :- Up-scaling of Meena Manch to all GUPS. These manches to focus on retention and life skill development of girls now. Adhyapika Manch :- Teachers of 256 manches to be strengthened on counseling skills. These female teachers to facilitate girls child friendly schools. Academic Mela:- Girls from schools other than KGBVs to be involved in mela activities. Aao-Dekho-Seekho :- Only academic competition, with new activities introduced. Intervention for 7 SFDs- Roz Chale, Roz Padhe Programme for incentivizing better attendance. Exposure visit .
Aids and appliances for 6,271 CWSN Transport and Escort Allowance to 10,238 CWSN and 4,590 parents/escorts respectively 600 Adaptive Chairs for Cerebral Palsy(CP) Children 145 Polio Corrective Surgeries for orthopedically impaired children 149 Sight Restoring Surgeries for visually impaired children Home Based Education(HBE)for 3,585 children with severe and profound disabilities. Braille books for 1,910 children with total blindness. 83 Special Training camps (Three months) for CWSN Parents counseling for 7,685 parents of CWSN.
ACCESS Recurring cost for total 850 students:-
Annexure-III ACCESS Out of School Children (OoSC):- Recurring cost for total 850 students:- 7 Residential Schools cr. 4 Hostels cr. Recurring cost (2.21 cr.) for 10 Mewat Hostels for 500 girls. Recurring cost for SC/ST girls:- Tribal Area Development(TAD)- 127 girls Social Justice and Empowerment Deptt. (SJED) Hostels- 98 girls Migratory hostel facility to 4,688 children (Rs cr.). RSTC and NRSTC for 33,192 children (Rs cr.).
ACCESS Community Mobilization:-
One day Training to 50% SMC members and PRIs ( Lac). Shiksha Shaniwar and Shiksha Samaroh celebrations in all PS and UPS Community Awareness Workshops for officials and community members in 186 EBBs and 7 SFDs. RTE Reimbursement for 25% admission in class I of private schools Fees reimbursement of 3.92 lac children : Rs cr.
Civil Works (New Works)*
Annexure-III Civil Works (New Works)* S. N. Activity Gaps as per U-DISE (2013) Proposed in AWP&B ( ) Phy. Fin. 1 Composite Building for BLS 4234 1431 2 Additional Class Room 13890 3446 3 Toilet Facility 2401 678 305.10 4 Boundary Walls 14050 2810 5 Major Repair -- 1006 6 Drinking Water facility 3168 155 93.00 7 Augmentation of BRC 257 Total 9783 * other than spill over works.
Issues Sanction of New Schools.
Teacher Salary for new 20,000 teachers. Teaching Learning Equipment(TLE) for newly opened and up-graded schools. Library grant required as per RTE norms Provision of teacher Rs. 500 per teacher is required. Strengthening of girls education- Provision for Meena/Adhyapika Manch. Budgetary allocation for ‘in-progress’ deferred works. Sanction of remaining 359 building for BLS. Major repairs of few schools are required. Honorarium for 265 for 11 Months (Rs lacs). Budget required in LEP for Early Literacy Program for classes I & II and reading campaign in classes III to VIII on learning indicators/outcomes. Funds required for implementation of CCE. Sanction of CALP for 990 schools.
Issues Rs.1,10,700 is required for meeting out salary deficit of last year as committed liability for Hostel at Kota. Year Demanded Budget Sanctioned Budget Required Budget Difference Budget Rs.6,00,000 Rs.4,20,000 Rs.5,30,700 Rs.1,10,700
Issue of Excess Release of State Share
Details of relese by GOI & GOR ( Rs. In Cr.) Year AWP&B GOI GOR Excess/Shortfall of GOR Share Release Excess/Shortfall of GOI Matching Share TFC Total Release by GOR 787.14 861.13 287.00 73.99 800.05 320.00 539.61 826.65 356.00 628.59 -49.57 394.00 -15.67 Total ( to ) 984.04 State has requested GOI for relese of matching share (65%) corresponding of excess expenditure of Rs. 984 Cr.
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