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Engineering Faculty Undergraduate Orientation 2013 Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUGO) Wayne Loucks, Associate Dean, Undergraduate, Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Faculty Undergraduate Orientation 2013 Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUGO) Wayne Loucks, Associate Dean, Undergraduate, Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Faculty Undergraduate Orientation 2013 Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUGO) Wayne Loucks, Associate Dean, Undergraduate, Engineering


3 Admissions (and recruitment) It may take a village to raise a child, it takes a university to admit a first year class. Our admissions team gets support from: –Recruitment team (Faculty and University), –Departments (recruiting events as well as custom notes to successful applicants) –Registrar’s office EUGO Team Director: Bill Anderson, Associate Director Phil Bezaire and Admissions Officers Ally Morrow, Breean Belton (Mat Leave – Leigh Jackson, and Erin Smith

4 First Year Director: Ajoy Opal Associate Directors: Bill Owen and Mary Robinson Senior Demonstrators: June Lowe, Chris Rennick and Fiona Yiu Support Team: Karen Dyck Admin Co-ordinator and Liz Skibicki Scheduling and First Year Assistant Students in all programs, except Architecture, Software and Systems, start 1A and 1B with advisors/support/ in first year team.

5 Scheduling Merged function: registrar’s office, EUGO and departmental office. Many active terms. Associate Director Bill Owen and Scheduling and First Year Assistant Liz Skibicki

6 Exchange We currently have exchange programs with 65 institutions, Stins and Stouts Director: Peter Roe Exchange Admin Co-ordinator Cindy Howe

7 Calendar and program (and overrides) How to change the content. Course content is the responsibility of the department, however the calendar process involves the department, EUGO, the library, the registrar`s office and the Senate. How to get a student into the course. Student enrolment: usually by blocks, but also course override forms. EUGO Calendar team: Administrative Manager Susan Key and Information Support Co-ordinator Linda Beaulieu (plus)

8 Counselling Personal counselling is available both at EUGO as well as at NH. EUGO counsellors are part of the NH team, but located in Engineering and very knowledgeable about Engineering students Engineering Counselling Team Kristine Meier and Cassie Smith (and perhaps TBA)

9 Academic Advising In addition to the advising by the first year team In some way every member of EUGO is responsible for aspects of student advising However there is a special function... Who to ask when you have no idea who to ask! Assoc. Dean Wayne Loucks Assoc. Dean Wayne Parker Admin. Manager Susan Key Student Services Advisors: Shirley Lokker and Nancy Fritsch

10 Academic integrity and student discipline Two sides to the coin: Student rights - Policy 70 (Grievance) and Policy 72 (Appeals) and Student responsibilities - Policy 71 (Student Discipline) Associate Dean Wayne Loucks and Academic Integrity Co-ordinator Patricia Anderson

11 Student Responsibilities Academic Integrity (Policy 71) AccessAbility Services ( services/) services Be sure to include pointer to responsibilities web page on course information (EM) ( undergraduate-students/academic-support/course-responsibilities ) undergraduate-students/academic-support/course-responsibilities

12 Student Expectations and Rights Fair treatment and assessment (Polices 70 and 72) Clear documentation Course Syllabus required! Reasonable examination and study schedule. (See exam regulations starting on page 1.. EM). Note the rules on –late term tests –Due dates for assignments –Timing (page 6 and 7 of exam regulations) and –Religious constraints (page 7 of examination regulations) Predictable and clear schedule of term work and lectures, if a course has 3 Lectures per week, then that is what is expected. Fair treatment of their information (Policy 19: what is said to who and no posting of grades; possible care in returning assignments.)

13 Help Department: Associate Chair and Chair Faculty: Associate Dean (UG) Engineering undergraduate office: –First year (not for SWENG or SYDE): Ajoy Opal (Director) Bill Owen (Associate Director) Mary Robinson (Associate Director) –Exchange (Peter Roe, Director) –Counselling: (Kristine Meier or Cassie Smith) –Website: students/academic-support and offences-and-policy-71 (the faculty page in particular) students/academic-support offences-and-policy-71


15 Extra Material Location Pointers to all of the material can be found at: and-staff/new-faculty/new-faculty- support/new-faculty-orientation-information and-staff/new-faculty/new-faculty- support/new-faculty-orientation-information

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