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EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS Business Studies Topic 4. NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Stakeholders in the Employment Relations Process:  Employers  Employees.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS Business Studies Topic 4. NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Stakeholders in the Employment Relations Process:  Employers  Employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS Business Studies Topic 4

2 NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Stakeholders in the Employment Relations Process:  Employers  Employees  Unions  Employer Associations  Government Organisations

3 NATURE OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Managing the Employment Relations Function:  Forecasting  Analysis  Recruitment & Selection  Training  Management  Line managers and specialists

4 KEY INFLUENCES ON EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Social Influences  Changing work patterns  Populations shifts  Legal Influences  New Organisational Behavioural Influences  Economic Influences  Globalisation

5 EFFECTIVE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Role of Employment Relations  To provide a link between management and the employees in a business.  Effective employment relations is concerned with:  Identifying and selecting competent employees  Developing strategies to ensure effective communication with employees  Rewards  Training and Development  Flexible working conditions

6 EFFECTIVE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Communications Systems  Grievance Procedures  Worker Participation  Team Briefings  Rewards  Training and Development and Induction  Flexible working conditions – Family Friendly Programs

7 EFFECTIVE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS  Measures of Effectiveness  1. Levels of Staff Turnover  2. Absenteeism  3.Disputation  4. Quality  5. Benchmarking  Flexible working conditions – Family Friendly Programs

8 LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF EMPLOYMENT  The Employment Contract  Common Law  Rights & Responsibilities of Employers  Rights & Responsibilities of Employees  Statutes  Awards  Agreements  1. Employee collective agreements  2. Union collective agreements  3. Australian Workplace Agreements (AWA’s)  4. Union greenfield agreements  5. Employer greenfield agreements  6. Multiple business agreements

9 LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF EMPLOYMENT  Types of Employment Contracts  Casual  Part-time  Flexible  Permanent  Casual

10 INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT  Definition of Industrial Conflict  Causes of Industrial Conflict  1. Wage demands  2. Working conditions  3. Management policy  4. Political goals and social issues

11 INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT  Perspectives on Conflict  1. The unitary view  2. The pluralist view  3. The radical perspective

12 INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT  Types of Industrial Action  Overt  1. Strikes  2. Lockouts  3. Pickets  4. Bans  5. Work-to-rule  Covert  1.Absenteeism  2. Sabotage  3. Labour turnover  4. Exclusion

13 INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT  Roles of Stakeholders in Resolving Disputes  Employers  Employees  Unions  Employer associations  Government

14 INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT  Dispute Resolution Processes  Grievance Procedures  Negotiation  Mediation  Conciliation  Arbitration

15 INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT  Costs and Benefits of Industrial Conflict  Costs  Benefits

16 ETHICAL & LEGAL ASPECTS  Issues in the Workplace  Working Conditions  Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S)  Worker’s Compensation  Anti-discrimination  Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)  Unfair Dismissal

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