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 Student Handbook Revisions for 2013-2014. Ava Elementary  Revise ATTENDANCE paragraph (pg 15) to read: The district will contact the Children’s Division.

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Presentation on theme: " Student Handbook Revisions for 2013-2014. Ava Elementary  Revise ATTENDANCE paragraph (pg 15) to read: The district will contact the Children’s Division."— Presentation transcript:

1  Student Handbook Revisions for 2013-2014

2 Ava Elementary  Revise ATTENDANCE paragraph (pg 15) to read: The district will contact the Children’s Division (CD) of the Department of Social Services or the local prosecutor in cases where the district has a reasonable suspicion that a student’s lack of attendance constitutes educational neglect on the part of the parents/guardians or that parents/guardian are in violation of the compulsory attendance law.

3 Ava Elementary  Nondiscrimination Policy  Provide more information regarding school district’s compliance, federal laws, grievance procedure, and update compliance coordinator to Dr. Lawler.

4 Ava Elementary  Add a copy of our internet agreement so parents have access to one at all times.  Update personnel changes, calendars, changes in prices, and any spelling corrections as needed.

5 Ava Middle School  Nondiscrimination Policy  Provide more information regarding school district’s compliance, federal laws, grievance procedure, and update compliance coordinator to Dr. Lawler.

6 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Update Vision Statement  Revised – change was not reflected in last year’s handbook  It is the vision of Ava High School to provide all students with an educational experience that will prepare them in becoming successful adults in their career choices, to make healthy life decisions, to learn tolerance and to embrace diversity, and to think critically.

7 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Nondiscrimination Policy  Provide more information regarding school district’s compliance, federal laws, grievance procedure, and update compliance coordinator to Dr. Lawler.

8 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Class Rank  Class rank and honor roll are determined by grade point averages (GPA). GPAs are determined based on a point system. Letter grades are assigned a numerical value. The numerical values of each class are added and then divided by the number of credits carried.  In order to be eligible for Valedictorian or Salutatorian, Honors, or the Top Ten Percent at Ava High School, a student must be enrolled for four years at an accredited high school and have transferred to Ava High School prior to their senior year.

9 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Categories/Degrees of Honors based on cumulative grade point average:  Categories  Cum Laude – 3.5-3.84  Magna Cum Laude – 3.85-3.99  Summa Cum Laude – 4.00 and above  Students must earn a College Prep Certificate to be eligible for Cum Laude Awards  Honors  Maintain 95% attendance  Score at or above the national average on the ACT test  Must be a full-time student at Ava High School for two (2) successive semesters immediately proceeding and inclusive of graduation.

10 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Rationale:  50% of schools no longer report class rank  Small differences in grade point average (GPA)could lead to large differences in class rank, which could hurt student prospects for admission  Current use of GPA to figure class rank has little value to colleges and universities.  Encourage and recognize academic excellence and outstanding achievement in a spirit of cooperation, not intense competition against other students. Students will be striving to improve their own academic achievement rather than competing against others.  Begin with the Class of 2015

11 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Graduation Requirements  PE – from 1½ to 1 unit  Fine Arts – from 1½ to 1 unit  Practical Arts – from 1½ to 1 unit  Speech – encouraged but not required  Electives – from 8 to 9  Three units of specific vocational agriculture will satisfy one unit of science credit. This will not meet the Biology requirement.

12 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Due to change from block scheduling to periods per day schedule, credits for graduation will be reduced:  Class of 2014 – 26 credits  Class of 2015 and beyond – 25 credits  1 credit more than state requirement

13 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Credit Requirement to Participate in Senior Activities  Change from 23.5 to 22.5 by the end of the 7 th semester  Due to change in graduation requirements

14 Ava High School Handbook Revisions  Prom/Dance Policy  Change requirement from 95% or better attendance for the year to 90% attendance.  Reflects change in attendance policy

15  Ava High School Proposed Attendance Policy

16 Current Attendance Policy  Attendance and participation are part of a successful learning experience, so students with five (5) or more absences in any class in a semester will be issued an academic penalty in the form of grade reduction as follows:  5 absences – 2%  6 absences – 4%  7 absences – 8%  8 absences – 16%  9 absences – 32%  10+ absences – 50%

17 Current Attendance Policy  Academic penalty represents the participation portion of the student’s grade and is intended as a deterrent to excessive absences.  Students can make up to 7 periods of absences by attending Bears Den.  Students may sign up for Attendance Appeals to appeal the grade reduction if there have been extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control (e.g., hospitalization of the student, documented long-term illness with doctor’s excuse, etc.)

18 Attendance Incentives Quarter Perfect attendance and a passing grade – 2% One or two excused absences and a passing grade – 1% Semester Perfect attendance and a passing grade – Option of taking final One, two, or three excused absences and at least an A- (90% average for semester with attendance points added) – Option of taking the final End of Course Exams are mandatory. Students with OSS must take finals.

19 Why Change?  Parent and Student Concerns  Confusing  Reductions not done until end of semester  Expressed dislike of grade reductions  MSIP 5  From average rate to individual student rate  New requirement: 90% of students with 90% or above attendance

20 Proposed Attendance Policy  1 st - 4 th absence (95% or greater) – Bears Time Teacher Discussions  5 th absence (94%) – Letter sent home to parents – reminder of policy  7 th absence (91%) – Attendance meeting with Assistant Principal  9 th absence (89% and below) – No Credit

21 Proposed Attendance Policy Option of making up to 7 periods in Bears Den Option of Attendance Appeals ONLY for students with documented absences (e.g., extended illness with doctor’s excuse, documented hospitalization, etc.). Request made at end of semester Pre - Attendance Appeals Committee to accept or deny requests for an attendance appeal Weekly attendance points in each class (3 pts. per day) Takes the place of quarter and semester incentives Students will take finals Attendance points cannot be made up

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