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ILM Level 5 Human Resource Management. Outsourcing  Not always what it seems re Costs (Financial & Organisational) & Performance  Profit  Subsidiary.

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Presentation on theme: "ILM Level 5 Human Resource Management. Outsourcing  Not always what it seems re Costs (Financial & Organisational) & Performance  Profit  Subsidiary."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILM Level 5 Human Resource Management

2 Outsourcing  Not always what it seems re Costs (Financial & Organisational) & Performance  Profit  Subsidiary companies 2

3 Job Evaluation  Defence for Equal Pay claims  Upward Grade Drift  Over graded jobs  Still cases of personal reward  Ops Comm process – wrong way round? 3

4 Reward Systems University Rewards (Financial & non- financial)  Inconsistency  Setting the bar too low  Consolidated v Non-consolidated?  Inappropriate promises  Perverse rewards  Passive 4

5 What is Employee Engagement … It’s all about:.. getting employees to “give it their all” - commitment.. employees as advocates – ambassadors for the employer.. becoming an employer of choice.. improving productivity and quality of services …morale

6 The Employment Exchange in Hard Times The Employer gives...  Equal opportunities  Information and genuine consultation  Flexible working  Safe working environment  Appropriate reward The Employee gives...  Loyalty and commitment  A willingness to develop skills  Good conduct/performance  Ideas and opinions 6

7 Benefits of Employee Engagement  “Engaged employees also experience increased job satisfaction and more positive attitudes and emotions generally towards their work, suggesting enhanced levels of engagement are of benefit to the individual as well as their employer” CIPD Working Life: Employee Attitudes and Engagement

8 Employment Exchange (Psychological Contract) Key Factors:  Transparency  Understanding  Communication  Consistency  Balance  Realistic Expectation 8

9 What limits or damages engagement is: Perceptions of:  job insecurity and fear  jobs causing high stress – little autonomy, inflexibility  unfairness - especially in pay and rewards  poor line management  Inappropriate behaviour / bullying harassment  little career progression. 9

10 Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result) QuestionLoughborough University 2012 Agree % HEI Norm Agree % Statistically Significant Difference Q1.2 My immediate manager helps me find a good work-life balance 72%74%No Q2.1 The University is a good place to work92%90%Yes Q2.7 I feel part of the University75%77%No Q2.9 I feel valued by the University58%57%No Q2.11 I feel valued by the people who rely on my services 87%86%No Q3.1 I feel the University delivers good quality service91%87%Yes Q3.4 I feel proud to work for the University88%89%No Q3.5 I would recommend the University to a friend as a place to work 87%75%Yes Q4.2 I am satisfied with my current role and level of responsibility 72%73%No

11 Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result) QuestionLoughborough University 2012 Agree % HEI Norm Agree % Statistically Significant Difference Q5.1 (9) My team leader/line manager/immediate supervisor: Keeps me informed about things I should know about 75% No Q6.1 (1) The University's Senior Management Team: Manage and lead the University well (excludes 'don't knows') 84%70%Yes Q7.1 Have you had a PDR/Probation review in the last 12 months? 62%82%Yes Q8.1 I feel fairly paid for the work I do67%68%No Q9.3 I feel safe and secure in my working environment95%94%No Q9.6 Do you know how to report accidents and incidents?76%69%Yes Q10.2 I am satisfied with the support I get from my work colleagues 85%87%No Q14.5 On the whole, communication within the University is effective 76%63%Yes Q15.3 I am satisfied with my current level of training and development 79%72%Yes

12 Employee Engagement (Low Score is a good result) Question Loughborough University 2012 Agree % HEI Norm Agree % Statistically Significant Difference Q11.2 Are you currently being harassed or bullied at work? 4%5%No Q12.4 Have you felt unfairly discriminated against at the University in the last 12 months? 9%10%No Q16.1 I often think about leaving the University33%36%Yes Q17(8) Generally: More could be done to help staff prepare for and cope with change 66%72%Yes

13 Areas of Strength Staff’s most positive perceptions: Clarity of roles and responsibilities Work environment Equality and diversityJob satisfaction Line managementConsidering leaving? InformationQuality of service Learning and developmentWorking together Feeling valuedCulture

14 Changes – More Positive Question Loughboroug h University 2012 Agree (%) Loughborough University 2008 Agree (%) Difference (Percentag e Points) Q17.8 Generally: More could be done to help staff prepare for and cope with change 66%83%-17% Q9.1 I have a comfortable work space (including temperature, lighting, cleanliness, noise level etc.) 77%65%12% Q15.1 Overall training and development has helped me to do my job more effectively 75%63%12% Q9.4 Food and catering facilities for staff are good73%65%8% Q5.10 My team leader/line manager/immediate supervisor: Deals with poor performance effectively 64%58%6% Q15.2 I feel that I am given the same opportunities for development as other staff 84%78%6% Q16.1 I often think about leaving the University33%39%-6% Q9.5 I have a place I can go for a break at work74%69%5% Q15.4 I am able to access development and training opportunities (even if I don't take them up) that further improve my personal development 85%80%5% Q16.2 I am actively seeking to leave the employment of the University 17%22%-5%

15 Changes – More Negative QuestionLoughborough University 2012 Agree (%) Loughborough University 2008 Agree (%) Difference (Percentage Points) Q17.9 Generally: I think things will improve in the next 12 months 50%72%-22% Q4.7 I find my current workload too much and I am struggling to cope 42%31%11% Q6.1 The University's Senior Management Team: Manage and lead the University well (excludes 'don't knows') 84%92%-8% Q5.12 My team leader/line manager/immediate supervisor: Has sufficient authority to make decisions 82%87%-5% Q3.2 I feel my Department/School/Section delivers good quality service 89%92%-3% Q2.1 The University is a good place to work92%95%-3%

16 Redeployment & Redundancy  Organisation as employer  Internal adverts  FTCs  Tensions re Redeployment  Security of Employment (6 months)  Protection  Failure to consult  Avoidance of our own procedures 16

17 Absence Management  Engaged employees take an average of 2.69 sick days per year; the disengaged take 6.19. Gallup Survey (From ACAS June 2011) Others put average around 8 days Higher in public sector 17

18 Strategies for absence improvement  Back to Work meetings  Improve data recording and review  Be aware (of all your staff)  Take action  Avoid absence culture  Communication  Leadership  Deal with poor performers 18

19 Informal & Formal Interviews Considerations for best practice-  Common understanding of process and outcome  Courtesy and Respect  Control  Recruitment – pick best person and leave others with good experience  Disciplinary – Fair and consistent outcome  Grievance – Fair hearing; Implications; Closure  Sickness – Understanding; Action 19

20 Grievance Interviews “We talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide I was right." 20

21 Recommendations  Attend the one-day Recruitment & Selection Training course if you have not already done so (as part of this Unit and your assignment will cover that as well)  Also try and attend any PDR, Managing Sickness/Attendance and Respecting Diversity training courses as well. Refresh yourselves on the E&D e-learning courses. 21

22 Recommendations (Personal)  Learn from others – good and bad  Reflect on your experiences  Continuous improvement – stretch yourself  Use available information - anticipate  Learn things that other’s don’t know  Believe in yourself  Use a mentor  Keep CPD record  Regularly review your CPD plan – any gaps?  Have a plan ‘B’ 22

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