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Grand Ridge PTSA General Membership Meeting May 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Grand Ridge PTSA General Membership Meeting May 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grand Ridge PTSA General Membership Meeting May 20, 2014

2 Agenda Secretary’s Report10:00-10:02 Principal’s Report10:03-10:10 President’s Report/Highlights10:11-10:16 Treasurer’s Report10:17-10:20 Events10-21-10:23 Auction Dollar Allocation10:24-10:29 CY Budget Amendment10:33-10:34 2014-2015 Calendar10:35-10:38 2014-2015 Budget10:39-10:44 Volunteer Policy10:45-10:55 New Business10:55-10:58 Announcements10:59-11:00

3 Secretary’s Report Review and approve minutes from March 25, 2014 General Membership Meeting. Volunteers of the Month March – Reader Board Volunteers, Tracie Jones, Jennifer Hoffman and Kelly Burch April - Melissa Bakh

4 Principal’s Report Report from Christy Otley

5 President’s Report State PTA Convention April 25-27 Housekeeping/Standing Rules Amendments Highlights of Year

6 President’s Report Proposed Standing Rules Amendments: 1.Amend Section 1 to add our National PTA Local Unit number as follows: 1. Charter. The name of this local unit is: Grand Ridge Parent Teacher Student Association 2.6.10 (Unit), a unit of the Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers (Washington State PTA or WSPTA). It was chartered by the Washington State PTA on March 27, 2006, and is subject to the Uniform Bylaws of the WSPTA. Its National PTA local unit number is 0387755. 2.Amend Section 7 to update the address of our Register Agent (the WSPTA) as follows: 7. Mailing Address & Registered Agent. The mailing address for this Unit is 1739 Park Drive, Issaquah, WA 98029. The WSPTA is the registered agent for this Unit. The WSPTA address is 2003 65 th Ave. W., Tacoma, WA 98466 1304 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 300, Tacoma, Washington 98402..

7 President’s Report Proposed Standing Rules Amendments (con’t): 3.Amend Section 11 to permit two persons to share all elected offices except Secretary and Treasurer as follows: 11. Elected Officers, EC, transfer of power. The elected officers of this Unit shall be no more than two Presidents, (referred to herein in the singular form, shall mean either current officer elected as Co-President of this Unit) President, as well as a Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Events, and Vice President of Fundraising. This body The elected officers makes up the Executive Committee. Any elected position except for Secretary and Treasurer may be held jointly by two (2) people. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to voice at a board of directors’ meeting. In the event both of the Presidents cannot perform their the President’s duties, the Vice President of Programs, then the Vice President of Events, then the Vice President of Fundraising will assume the President’s responsibilities.

8 President’s Report Proposed Standing Rules Amendments (con’t): 4.Amend Section 17 to clarify voting rights when an office is shared as follows: 17. Voting. Each position on the Board of Directors shall have one vote. Individual holders of a co-position shall rotate voting privileges (every other meeting). The Co-Presidents shall have a vote at any meeting at which they are President is not the presiding officer.

9 A few highlights… After School Movies – 10 sessions offered for the kids raising over $3,600! Art Docent Program – More than 40 volunteers bringing art lessons to classrooms each month. Auction – Approximately $74,000 raised to support science, art, technology and literacy. Book Swap – Over 1,000 books collected, attendees received at least 3 new-to-them books. Cultural Diversity Council – February recess activities, crafts and games from 7 countries. Feed Gilman – More than $13,700 for classroom enrichment! Gift-a-Book – 170 Books (worth $2,700 combined) donated to the library. Gifts from Gilman – Generous donations to the Issaquah Food Bank and our community. Grizzly Patch – Fall/Spring Thursday recess activities. Raising vegetables for the Issaquah Food Bank. Imagination Circle – 30 students, 28 weeks learning game design, programming, and robotics. Math Clubs – 2 clubs, 38 hours of math learning to 53 kids; Math Kangaroo Competition results: 1 Jr. Math Explorer placed 3rd in the State and 9th in the Nation, 1 Mathlete placed 9th in the Nation. Reflections – 40 student art entries, 11 advanced to District, 4 advanced to State, 1 state Award of Excellence winner (Dance) Science Fair – more than 120 student science projects created by 149 students; Expo featuring 15 hands on science demos attended by 650 guests. Summerfest – End of year celebration for the entire school. Organization of & Volunteers for: People Movers, Lunch Helpers, Picture Days, Vision & Hearing, Kinder Registration, Bear Hunt, Room Parents… and so much more!

10 Treasurer’s Report April Treasurer’s Report

11 Treasurer’s Report



14 Events Bear Hunt – May 21 st 5:00-6:00pm Summerfest – June 11 th 5:30 – 7:30pm Cash Only Chaperones Required Interactive Games Grizzly Guys Games Fit Zone Free Snacks Food Trucks: BUNS and The Ultimate Melt

15 Auction $$ Allocation


17 CY Budget Amendments Amended Budget for 2013-14

18 CY Budget Amendments



21 2014-2015 Calendar August Taking Care of Business Day (Online) September Welcome Back Ice Cream Social After School Movie General Membership Meeting & New Family Welcome Event October After School Movie Reflections Artist’s Workshop Watch D.O.G.S. kick off event November After School Movies (2) General Membership Meeting & Reflections Reception December Gifts from Gilman Scholastic Book Fair January Great Kindness Challenge “Pizza & Write Night” (Dads) After School Movies (2) February Book Swap March General Membership Meeting After School Movies (2) April Cultural Fair After School Movie May After School Movie General Membership Meeting Staff Appreciation Bear Hunt June Summerfest

22 2014-2015 Budget



25 Open Chair Opportunities Some great opportunities to get involved next year! Allergy Awareness Art of Discovery traveling exhibit Awards Bear Hunt Cultural Diversity Escrip/Jamba Juice Gift-A-Book Grizzly Gear Hospitality Summerfest Parent Ed And many more!!!!!!

26 Volunteer Policy Draft policy presented for adoption (see separate handout) Proposed amendments to Standing Rules: Add new section 23 as follows: This Unit has adopted a Volunteer Code of Conduct and Grievance and Conflict Resolution Process. A copy of this policy shall be maintained in in this Unit’s Legal Documents notebook, and also shall be attached to these Standing Rules as Attachment A. Renumber following sections sequentially

27 Volunteer Policy Covers Desired conduct while volunteering Training requirements Student supervision Identification of unacceptable behaviors Grievance and conflict resolution process

28 Volunteer Policy

29 Announcements Summerfest – June 11 th 5:30 – 7:30 EPI – School Supply orders due June 8, 2014 Yearbooks will arrive at the beginning of June Taking Care of Business Day will be online in August Volunteers Needed: Summerfest Welcome Back Event Planning

30 Thank you for coming!

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