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A Command and a Challenge Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor 15:58.

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Presentation on theme: "A Command and a Challenge Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor 15:58."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Command and a Challenge Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor 15:58

3 Early Christians Had Trouble With It Ephesian church left first love; they did not do the deeds that they did at first Rev 2:4-5 Church at Sardis died, they fell asleep; they did not complete the deeds that they started Rev 3:1-2 Laodicean church cooled to lukewarm; their deeds told a different story than they did Rev 3:15-17

4 Remaining Constant Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy

5 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Give Attention, Pay Close Attention 1 Tim 4:13, 16  devote thought and effort to  apply yourself to  occupy yourself with Why? Heb 2:1

6 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Do Not Neglect 1 Tim 4:14  not to care  to be unconcerned How will we escape? Heb 2:3

7 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Rekindle When Necessary 2 Tim 1:6 keep in full flame inflame one’s mind, strength, zeal

8 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Take Pains 1 Tim 4:15 practice be diligent cultivate How else can we become God’s approved workman? 2 Tim 2:15

9 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Be Absorbed 1 Tim 4:15 lit. “to be in” them; our idiom, “into it” focused not distracted Is our progress evident to all? Do we see ourselves as a soldier on active duty? 2 Tim 2:4

10 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Persevere 1 Tim 4:16 continue long stay with it persist Are we putting out the sustained effort that will ensure salvation for ourselves and others?

11 Remaining Constant: Paul’s Exhortations to Timothy Pay Close Attention Do Not Neglect Rekindle Take Pains Be Absorbed Persevere


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