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SOCIAL SIN. Personal Sin – root of social sin Sins like pride, selfishness, greed, etc, come to infect habitual patterns of human interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL SIN. Personal Sin – root of social sin Sins like pride, selfishness, greed, etc, come to infect habitual patterns of human interaction."— Presentation transcript:


2 Personal Sin – root of social sin Sins like pride, selfishness, greed, etc, come to infect habitual patterns of human interaction

3 SIN as social Each individual’s sin in some way affect others There are sins located in social structures, situations and groups Some sins by their very matter constitute a direct attack on one’s neighbor

4 SIN – A social reality Human Person as individual/as member of society Moral/Ethical Physical Spiritual Political Economic Cultural Family Nation Region World

5 Presuppositions The phenomenon of interdependence. The fact that social structures are created by human beings

6 Types of Social Sin Structures which systematically oppress human dignity, violate human rights, stifle human freedom, and impose gross inequality between the rich and the poor.

7 Types of Social Sin Situations which promote or facilitate greed and human selfishness

8 Types of Social Sin The complicity of persons who do not take responsibility for evil being done or who silently allow injustice or oppression to happen

9 Vatican List of Seven Social Sins Bioethical violations such as birth control Morally dubious experiments such as stem cell research Drug abuse Polluting the environment Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor Excessive wealth Creating Poverty

10 Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Social Sins Politics without principles Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Knowledge without character Commerce without morality Science without humanity Worship without sacrifice

11 Background of Social Sin


13 Ecclesial – Human existence is social and linking sin with structures.Ecclesial – Human existence is social and linking sin with structures.

14 Conversion to Social Justice Conversion of the Feet Conversion of the Head Conversion of the Heart

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