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Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5

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1 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers. True False

2 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers. True False

3 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
According to the textbook, consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal and _____ characteristics. psychological emotional physical economic

4 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
According to the textbook, consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal and _____ characteristics. psychological emotional physical economic

5 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
_____ is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Greed Fear Culture Materialism

6 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
_____ is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Greed Fear Culture Materialism

7 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Which of the following is not a value normally presented in the U.S. culture? achievement progress material comfort collectivism

8 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Which of the following is not a value normally presented in the U.S. culture? achievement progress material comfort collectivism

9 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences are called _____. cohorts generations subcultures affiliate groups

10 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences are called _____. cohorts generations subcultures affiliate groups

11 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The fastest-growing and most affluent subculture in the U.S. is the _____ population. Hispanic African American Asian American mature

12 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The fastest-growing and most affluent subculture in the U.S. is the _____ population. Hispanic African American Asian American mature

13 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Social class is determined only by an individual’s income. True False

14 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Social class is determined only by an individual’s income. True False (Income is only one of several factors used to determine a person’s social class. Other factors include one’s occupation, education, wealth and type of residence.)

15 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The _____ is the most important consumer buying organization in society. school family government business

16 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The _____ is the most important consumer buying organization in society. school family government business

17 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Which of the following is not a personal factor that influences a buyer’s decision? beliefs age lifestyle personality

18 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Which of the following is not a personal factor that influences a buyer’s decision? beliefs age lifestyle personality

19 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The VALS classification system measures a person’s _____. income occupation lifestyle personality

20 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The VALS classification system measures a person’s _____. income occupation lifestyle personality

21 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting. self esteem self concept lifestyle personality

22 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting. self esteem self concept lifestyle personality

23 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping their behavior. Abraham Maslow Bill Gates Alfred Skinner Sigmund Freud

24 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping their behavior. Abraham Maslow Bill Gates Alfred Skinner Sigmund Freud

25 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information to form a meaningful picture of the world is referred to as _____. perception sensation subliminal imprinting rationalization

26 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information to form a meaningful picture of the world is referred to as _____. perception sensation subliminal imprinting rationalization

27 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
When a person changes his/her behavior as a result of an experience, we say that _____ has occurred. motivation sensation learning perception

28 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
When a person changes his/her behavior as a result of an experience, we say that _____ has occurred. motivation sensation learning perception

29 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
If a person’s attitude reflects one of his/her core values, then the attitude is easy to change. True False

30 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
If a person’s attitude reflects one of his/her core values, then the attitude is easy to change. True False (Attitudes are difficult to change because they fit into a pattern, and changing one attitude may require difficult adjustments in many others.)

31 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
A consumer purchasing fine furniture (which is expensive and for which a brand’s name matters) would probably result in _____ buying behavior. dissonance-reducing variety-seeking complex habitual

32 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
A consumer purchasing fine furniture (which is expensive and for which a brand’s name matters) would probably result in _____ buying behavior. dissonance-reducing variety-seeking complex habitual

33 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
_____ buying behavior is characterized by low consumer involvement but significant perceived brand differences. Dissonance-reducing Variety-seeking Complex Habitual

34 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
_____ buying behavior is characterized by low consumer involvement but significant perceived brand differences. Dissonance-reducing Variety-seeking Complex Habitual

35 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The final step in the buying decision process is _____. the purchase itself postpurchase behavior choosing the product getting the rebate

36 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
The final step in the buying decision process is _____. the purchase itself postpurchase behavior choosing the product getting the rebate

37 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
What two factors come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision? attitudes of others and unexpected situational factors attitudes of others and lack of resources unexpected situational factors and lack of resources shortages and lack of resources

38 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
What two factors come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision? attitudes of others and unexpected situational factors attitudes of others and lack of resources unexpected situational factors and lack of resources shortages and lack of resources (Note: lack of resources and shortages are examples of unexpected situational factors)

39 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
What are the two largest populations in the adoption process? innovators and early majority early adopters and early majority early majority and late majority innovators and laggards

40 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
What are the two largest populations in the adoption process? innovators and early majority early adopters and early majority early majority and late majority innovators and laggards

41 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption? relative advantage compatibility divisibility perceptibility

42 Kotler / Armstrong 11e, Chapter 5
Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption? relative advantage compatibility divisibility perceptibility

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