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Focus. When I see the blood – Hymn 1. Christ our Redeemer died on the cross, Died for the sinner, paid all his due. Sprinkle your soul with the blood.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus. When I see the blood – Hymn 1. Christ our Redeemer died on the cross, Died for the sinner, paid all his due. Sprinkle your soul with the blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus

2 When I see the blood – Hymn 1. Christ our Redeemer died on the cross, Died for the sinner, paid all his due. Sprinkle your soul with the blood of the Lamb And I will pass, will pass over you. Refrain When I see the blood, when I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you.

3 2. Chiefest of sinners, Jesus will save; All He has promised, that He will do; Wash in the fountain opened for sin And I will pass, will pass over you. Refrain When I see the blood, when I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you.

4 3. O great compassion! O boundless love O loving kindness, faithful and true; Find peace and shelter under the blood, And I will pass, will pass over you. Refrain When I see the blood, when I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you.

5 Feasts of Tabernacles Feast # 7 Exodus 23:13-17; Leviticus 23:33-44 Numbers 29:12-39; Deut 16:1-17

6 Feasts of Jehovah Leviticus 23 Passover Unleavened Bread First Fruits Feast of Weeks Blowing of Trumpets Day of Atonement Tabernacles


8 Feast of Tabernacles 7 th month – Tirshi - 15 th -21 st. Also called feast of ingathering – Ex 34:22,2. 1 st and 8 th day were special Sabbaths – Lv 23:35,36 One of three mandatory annual feasts – Dt 16:16 – To be celebrated in the place the LORD chooses. Booths to be made of boughs of good trees, branches of Palm trees, boughs of thick trees, willows of the brook – Lv 23:40.

9 Feast of Tabernacles Everyone will give according to the blessing – Dt 16:17. Order of the offerings – all 8 days – Nu 29:12-39 – bullocks descending - others 2,14,1 each – Total of 71bullocks; 15 rams; 105 lambs; 8 goats = 199 animals Reminder of their wilderness journey – Lv 23:42,43 Reminder of God’s mercy & faithfulness – Lv 23:40 Reminder of God’s provisions in the past year - completed harvest – Two in particular. Corn/grain and wine (major two yields) – Dt 16:13 - particular meaning – Rev 14:14-20 – Corn ref. to those who have part in the first resurrection and wine to the judgment of God on his enemies – Is 63:1-6.

10 Feast of Tabernacles This feast is a glorious type of the Millennial Kingdom – Reign with Christ for 1000 years Rev 20:4 Reminder that God is the source of prosperity –Rejoice, celebrate – Lv 23:40,41.; Dt 16:14 – even the stranger. Solomon brought the Ark of the Lord and dedicated the Temple during the feast of Tabernacles – 1Kings 8:1,2; 65,66. Month Ethanim (Tirshi) means Permanent – pointed to Eternity. Nehemiah celebrated the feast of Tabernacles – Neh 8:13f –v15 Willow trees omitted - Joy of the Lord was their strength - Occasionally God gives us unmixed joy.

11 Feast of Tabernacles Jesus went to Jerusalem during the feast of Tabernacles. – John 7:1-53 – Eighth day was the great day – as it closed the feasts of the LORD for that year – Jn 7:37 Feast points to the millennium – Zec 14:16,17 With this feast we come to "the end" of the year. As we can see, this feast carries our thoughts on, not only to the Millennium, Thousand Years when Christ shall reign, but "The Eighth Day“ – Lev 23:36 takes us on to the Eternal State. All that are Israelite born shall dwell in the booth – Lv 23:42 -

12 Sekhakh, Sukkot = booth



15 Lesson for Life – 5 ‘R’ s Rejoice: celebrate the past, present and future. (Lev 23:40,41). Remember : we are “pilgrims and sojourners” in this world. (Lev 23:43). Restricted - only those born Israelite will dwell in the booth (Lv 23:42) –- Ingathering and the reign with Christ is based on birth. Reflect - Branches of Palms and willows of the brook – victories and sorrows/failures, weaved together – the wilderness journey. Repose - after the corn and wine harvest – last of the feasts – points to Eternity.

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