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Journal of Social Work Education Editor in Chief S usan P. Robbins, Ph.D., LCSW UNIVERSITYofHOUSTON.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal of Social Work Education Editor in Chief S usan P. Robbins, Ph.D., LCSW UNIVERSITYofHOUSTON."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal of Social Work Education Editor in Chief S usan P. Robbins, Ph.D., LCSW UNIVERSITYofHOUSTON

2 Target the right Journal!

3 ALWAYS have colleagues review your papers prior to submission!

4 Journal of Social Work Education General ManuscriptsNotes  Conceptual  Teaching  Quantitative  Field  Qualitative  Research  Mixed Methods  Systematic Reviews

5 Guidelines for submission  Submissions to JSWE are accepted only through the online manuscript submission system  Full guidelines can be found at: Always follow the guidelines for any journal!

6 The Review Process: What to Expect  JSWE requires a minimum of 2 reviews  We request a 30-45 day turn around for all reviews  Average time from submission to final decision is 130 days  Reviews go the Editor in Chief for a final decision

7 JSWE Stats for the last 12 months Avg. Time to Assign Reviewer (days) - Original 41.7 Avg. Reviewer turnaround time (days) - Original 17.1 Avg. days from submission to first decision 116.6 Avg. Time to Assign Reviewer (days) - Revision 3.6 Avg. Reviewer turnaround time (days) - Revision 10.7 Avg. days from submission to final decision 130.0

8  Accept  Conditional Accept  Reject unless Revised (also known as Revise and Resubmit)  Reject

9 If you get a Revise/Resubmit: Rejoice- and Revise!

10 Respond to all concerns

11 Copyright all diagrams, tables, and figures you may want to use in future publications! Example: © Susan P. Robbins, 2014

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