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Did Muhammad keep the Sabbath?
Are we ordered to keep Sabbath according to Quran?
Where does the Sabbath come from?
Sabbath is the seventh day of rest written in the Torah (Old Testament of the bible). God created the earth in 6 days (periods) and then desist on the 7th day. So God ordered the children of Israel to do no work on that day and keep it holy.
Major religions distort the day of rest
Sectarian Islam and Christianity has distorted the true meaning of a Sabbath day. The sectarian Christians changed the holy day to Sunday. The sectarian so-called Muslims teach that the 5th day is a day of prayer and it is a special day for believers. Both groups neglect the true day as it is written in both the Quran and the scriptures of the prophets.
God changes not! Sabbath Day Both book supports Sabbath keeping
The Sabbath day has always been the 7th day according to America(the beast's) it would fall on Saturday. There is no way God would change his days when he has established his rites from the begin of creation. Don't get mad at the nations if they lack the understanding of the Sabbath day. Those who know are the bless ones and are given true guidance so they will be superior.
What does the Quran say? The Quran backs this claim in the 62nd Chapter called Friday in English. The devil has tricked many people in to thinking since this chapter is called Friday then that is the holy day. No, the chapter assumes the reader knows about the Friday prayer it gives no information about the time period when the prayer begins.
What does the Quran say about he Sabbath?
Quran 62:9 O you who believe! When the call is made to prayer on Friday,(the day of Assembly) hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business ( and traffic): that is best for you if you but knew! Quran 62:10 And when the Prayer is finished , then may you disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of God" and celebrate the Praises of Allah often(and without stint):that you may prosper.
Friday Prayer Quran 6:9-10 Friday Evening is Jumah (Friday) When these verses were recited the believers knew about the Sabbath and the time it started. The Sabbath begins with a congregational prayer on Friday evening at dusk. When the darkness over takes the light the prayer is over that begins the Sabbath day.
No working on the Sabbath
No transactions of money No Business Business is not suppose to be done on the Sabbath Day Nor are one suppose to work It is a time to pray, rest, and spread the word of God.
What is seeking the Bounty of God?
Sectarian Muslims falsely interpret this as continue working but in the same chapter it defines Bounty of Allah. Quran 62:2 It is he who has sent amongst the Unlettered a Messenger from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to purify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom- although they had been, before, in manifest error-3. As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: and He is exalted in Might, Wise. 4. Such is the Bounty of God which he bestows on whom he will: and God is the Lord of the highest bounty.
Bounty of God Bounty of God Quran 10:58
Again the bounty of Allah has nothing to do with worldly wealth and continue working. Quran 10:58 Say: "In the Bounty of Allah and in His Mercy in that let them rejoice": that is better than the (wealth) they hoard.
Muhammad kept the Sabbath
But his followers did not Book of Jubilee provides proof Quran 62:11 But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it, and leave you standing. The Prophet Muhammad was left standing there while some of his followers denied the Sabbath day and went to buy and sell goods. A bargain is a discount on material good, working on the Sabbath and buying and selling are all forbidden things to do. Who did they leave standing in this verse? whoever saith he will do something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon 5 in regard to any buying or selling: 6 and whoever draweth water thereon 7 which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth day,
What is amusment? The Quran also talks about amusement, that is things like going to the movies, and poetry shows things that will distract you away from God's way.
What is Jumah? Jumah starts at dusk on Friday and when it ends the Sabbath begins. Jumah is on Friday and congregational prayer brings in the Sabbath. Work should begin to cease Friday evening.
Sabbath Keepers That is why the Islamic House of Israel are working hard to establish the Sabbath back to its purest state. We know that all the scriptures are saying the exact same thing and that is why I am sent to teach you the truth about your way of life. I am a messenger to you so listen to me so we can be that bless nation once again.
Sabbath keeping is Islamic
During the time of Muhammad peace be upon him the original Muslims were Sabbath keepers but many in his flock denied the Sabbath like I stated before. They left Muhammad standing while they went out to buy their worldly goods.
Islamic House of Israel
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