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African peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 that were part of Egypt in later Genesis - red circles.

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Presentation on theme: "African peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 that were part of Egypt in later Genesis - red circles."— Presentation transcript:


2 African peoples mentioned in Genesis 10 that were part of Egypt in later Genesis - red circles

3 Borders of modern countries that had some part of Egypt’s kingdom while Israel was there

4 Egypt’s kingdom (green area) while Israel was there


6 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values (compare Genesis 48 to Hebrews 11:13-16, 21-26)

7 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values (compare Genesis 48 to Hebrews 11:13-16, 21-26) -Meditate on God’s grace to Joseph’s sons (notice how Psalm 77:15 applies Genesis 48 and in the context how that gave him hope)

8 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values (compare Genesis 48 to Hebrews 11:13-16, 21-26) -Meditate on God’s grace to Joseph’s sons (notice how Psalm 77:15 applies Genesis 48 and in the context how that gave him hope) -Meditate on God’s heart for Egypt and the rest of Africa and us



11 Mark Joseph


13 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values -Meditate on God’s grace to Joseph’s sons -Meditate on God’s heart for Egypt and the rest of Africa and us In Prophecy: -Compare Genesis 48 to Genesis 12:3 -Isaiah 19:20-25; 18:1, 7; 11:11 -Amos 9:7 -Psalm 68:31 -Zephaniah 3:8-10

14 Egyptian painting from time of Abraham with Semitic people (like Abraham) on the bottom and the Egyptians on the top Ethnic group of Hagar in Abraham’s family, and his firstborn son Ishmael and Ishmael’s wife (Gen. 16, 21)

15 What did the “mixed multitudes” in Egypt look like? This is a painting from within a century of the Exodus where it says a mixed multitude left with Israel (Exodus 12:37-38)

16 Another ancient Egyptian painting of multi-Ethnic Mixed Multitudes in Egypt (Ex. 12:38, Cushites darker skinned. Moses marries one of the Cushites who came with Israel in Numbers 12)

17 Who were the Cushites mentioned in Numbers 12 (story of Moses’ 2 nd marriage to one)? Painting of Cushites by ancient Egyptians

18 Egyptians and Cushites Painting of Egyptians and Cushites from the reign of King Tut



21 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values -Meditate on God’s grace to Joseph’s sons -Meditate on God’s heart for Egypt and the rest of Africa and us In Prophecy In History: -Egyptians in Abrahams family (Genesis 16, 21) -Mixed multitudes (Exodus 12:38, Numbers 12) -Ethiopia believer (Jer 38:7-13, 39:16-18, Acts 8) -Libya (Acts 2:10), Cyrene of N Africa (Mark 15:21, Acts 11:19-24, 11:26, 13:1), Alexandria (Acts 18:24-28), etc.

22 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values -Meditate on God’s grace to Joseph’s sons -Meditate on God’s heart for Egypt and the rest of Africa and us (past, present, future) -Rejoice at diversity in families and churches

23 A small snapshot of God’s multi-ethnic family (Chinese, Congoles, and caucasian blended families)


25 Applications for further study: -Let Christ’s value drive your values -Meditate on God’s grace to Joseph’s sons -Meditate on God’s heart for Egypt and the rest of Africa and us (past, present, future) -Rejoice at diversity in families and churches -Pray for our African brothers and sisters -Scott and Ruthy Clark in Cameroon (you can also give through our Mission Project of the Month) -Compassion for Congo (you can also give through – sponsors needed) -Persecuted brethren, especially Nigeria & Sudan

26 Pray for Meriam Ibrahim, sentenced to die by judge in Sudan on May 15 th for converting from Islam to Christianity (husband Daniel is an American citizen)

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