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In the Lord, there is fullness of life and love. Everything is promise and joy, of which we are the beneficiaries and witnesses.

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4 In the Lord, there is fullness of life and love. Everything is promise and joy, of which we are the beneficiaries and witnesses.

5 The poor, who will be witnesses and beneficiaries of all the benefits granted by the Lord, will find consolation and hope.

6 At the very end of his letter, Paul launches this exhortation: "Rejoice always! And he invites the recipients to thanksgiving:

7 In Jesus' time, prophecizing has just about disappeared. The predominance in the Synagogue and the leaders of worship and the doctrine, in the context of a great eschatological expectation. The testimony of the New Testament is that John is the precursor and he recognizes that he who is to come after him is greater than he.

8 The ministry of John explains that of Jesus. If he is the lamp that glows and shines, Jesus, he, is the source of light.

9 If he is the voice that prepares the way Jesus, is the one who leads the people in this return.

10 Why be joyful? Basically because God loves us, because we are not alone, because he comes towards us and he is very close.

11 Currently, in our church, someone embodies this feeling of joy: Pope Francis. He has written an Apostolic Exhortation on the joy of the gospel.

12 And here are some sentences full of common sense and humor: «The joy of the Gospel fills the heart and the entire life of those who meet Jesus».

13 « There are Christians who seem to have an appearance of Lent without ever reaching Easter ».

14 He strongly emphasizes a personal relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters, what he calls « the prophecy of brothers ». There are sometimes pathetic accents: « Let not the joy of evangelization be stolen from us ».

15 Prayer Blessed are you Lord, for the joy you give me, the joy above all joys, the joy of salvation that you brought, the joy of the Resurrection, which is proof of life the joy of the Good News, which is the message of Life, the joy of Your Word, Lord, richer than all the wealth, brighter than all the honors. Great is my joy, Lord, because You love me!

16 Instill in me, Lord, the joy to give and the joy to forgive, the joy of serving and the joy of sharing, the joy to believe and the joy to hope. Great is my joy, Lord, because You love me ! Give me Lord, a warm heart. Help me to learn to offer at any time a joyful face. Great is my joy, Lord, because You love me ! Jean Pierre Dubois

17 Pictures: from the Net Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Canada Welcome his Benevolence

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