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Internship Supervisor Training. Welcome Introduce yourself –Name –School –If you have supervised an intern, what are the rewards you have experienced.

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Presentation on theme: "Internship Supervisor Training. Welcome Introduce yourself –Name –School –If you have supervised an intern, what are the rewards you have experienced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internship Supervisor Training

2 Welcome Introduce yourself –Name –School –If you have supervised an intern, what are the rewards you have experienced as a supervisor. –If you have not supervised an intern, what are you hoping to accomplish as a supervisor

3 Objectives To share best practices between school counselors concerning the supervision of graduate level interns. To review University requirements of graduate interns and their site supervisors. To review Counseling and Social Services protocol for assignment of graduate level interns.

4 The profile of an Intern Graduate students. Students with a wealth of experience working with youth –or none at all. Students needing to learn from you and experience what it is to be a school counselor. Timid: need to be prodded out of their comfort zone to learn. Eager: ready to take on anything but need someone to implement boundaries so they don’t get overwhelmed. Nervous: someone to help them if they get in over their heads.

5 Where do they come from? University of San Francisco St. Mary’s College California State University of the East Bay San Francisco State University San Jose State University Chapman University

6 Criteria to be a Site Supervisor Two years as a professional counselor. Permission by your site administrator. Prior intern feedback (for previous intern supervisors). Ability to provide an hour of weekly, uninterrupted supervision. Regular attendance at the monthly counselor meetings. Demonstrated implementation of the ASCA Counseling Standards. Membership in local, state, or national professional associations. Knowledgeable of State Ed. Code. Knowledgeable of SFUSD’s policies and procedures as written in the “Student/Parent Handbook” Annually attends PD offered by county/state/professional organizations. Office space for an intern. Holds additional licenses and credentials. Demonstrated best practices.

7 Why take on an intern? Professional mentoring opportunity. –Train future colleagues. –Make sure they are trained and mentored using the highest expectations. –Requires school counselors to work beyond contract hours. Additional support to your school site and students. –Interns can manage a small caseload of students. –Provide extra eyes during supervision times. –Implement curriculum you can present together

8 How not to use them? Chauffeurs “Go for's” Envelope stuffers Secretaries Security guards Permanent Interpreters Baby sitters CustodiansDisciplinarians

9 Small Group Activity Discuss the following questions: –How can/how have interns enhance(d) your guidance program? –What have you done/would you do to ensure the success of your intern? –What concerns have you had/do you have about working with an intern?

10 University Requirements San Francisco State University First year: Fall and Spring semester 12 clock hours per week, 1.5 days or 2 shorter days a week Second year: Fall and Spring Semester 16 clock hours per week, 2/2.5 days a week, based on school site need. Graduate student will provide specific details upon placement

11 University Requirements (con.) University of San Francisco First year Fall semester: –100 clock hours, –1 day per week. First year Spring Semester: –200 clock hours, –1.5/2 days per week. Second year: Fall and Spring Semester: –150-200 clock hours –1.5/2 days per week, based on school site need. Graduate student will provide specific details upon placement

12 University Requirements (con.) St. Mary’s College California State University of the East Bay San Jose State University Chapman University Provided by graduate student seeking field placement in SFUSD. Provided by graduate student seeking field placement in SFUSD.

13 SFUSD Requirements SFUSD Requires that Interns must provide proof of: SFUSD Requires that Interns must provide proof of: –A negative TB test within the last 3 years. –Liability Insurance. –Fingerprint clearance. All interns are provided with this information and must provide evidence to Counseling and Social Services Department prior to the intern beginning work at a school site. All interns are provided with this information and must provide evidence to Counseling and Social Services Department prior to the intern beginning work at a school site.

14 The Site Interview When conducting the site interview: –Use the provided interview questions as a guide. –Inform the intern that you are interviewing several candidates, as they are as well, and that Counseling and Social Services Department will follow-up about final placement. Please do not make any promises about placement at your school site—someone you like better may come along. The interview is one step in the assignment process and placement will be based on several sets of criteria. Be flexible with scheduling of interviews.


16 Intern Binder Site Supervisor Role Description Overview of fieldwork requirements. Intern Informational Interview session Intern interviews questions for site interview. Intern evaluation of Site Supervisor. Site Supervisor evaluation of intern. Clearance procedures for interns. SFUSD District Consent for Counseling form

17 Next Steps Submit your application to be a PPSC intern Site Supervisor. The Counseling and Social Services Department will notify you if your application has been accepted. Once you have been notified, names and phone numbers of intern candidates will be sent to you to interview. After conducting the interviews you will be asked to list your preference of candidates. The Counseling and Social Services Department will match you with a candidate prior to the end of the school year.

18 Save the date Potential interns must attend Informational Sessions. –These sessions will be held later in the spring. Intern orientation in early September. (TBD) –Site supervisors will be expected to attend two hours of this orientation at the end of the last day.

19 Additional Information If you would like to participate in the informational interviews of prospective interns, please e-mail Theresa Jahangir at If prospective intern candidates contact your school for placement and they haven’t been to the informational interview, please forward them to Theresa Jahangir.

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