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SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Presented By The Office Of Risk Management.

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2 SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Presented By The Office Of Risk Management

3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  Identify supervisory responsibilities  Indicate HOW to comply  Show HOW to document

4 SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:  Conducting safety meetings  Conducting Incident/Accident investigations  Assisting in the development/implementation of JSAs  Maintaining both equipment and the workplace  Establishing work methods & providing training  Supervising employees in the performance of tasks

5 SAFETY MEETINGS Purpose of Safety Meetings  Establish Communication  Promote safety awareness  Motivate employees  Sharing ideas  Discuss safety standards  Demonstrate management’s concern

6 SAFETY MEETING OBJECTIVES  Change unsafe acts and/or unsafe conditions  Provide information  Introduce new materials, equipment, or processes  Report of past injury experience  To conduct policy orientation

7 FREQUENCY “A”  Class “A” agencies must conduct Safety Meetings at least monthly “B”  Class “B” agencies must conduct Safety Meetings at least quarterly

8 SELECTING A TOPIC The first question to ask before holding a safety meeting is: “ What’s the Subject going to be? “

9 SAFETY MEETING TOPICS  Recent accidents (or high frequency)  High risk jobs  New equipment or processes  Observed unsafe acts by employees  Motivational subjects  Emergency preparedness

10 SAFETY MEETING TOPICS (cont)  Bloodborne Pathogens  Fire Safety  Ergonomics  Safety Rules (required annually)  Safe Lifting

11 MEETING OR TRAINING?  Safety Meeting  Excludes NO employee or group  Applies to all attendees  Educates on the “What” & “Why”  Safety Training  Educates on the “what, why AND HOW”  Produces job-related skills/abilities  Usually “performance” based; task-specific; and observable/measurable

12 SAFETY MEETING REFERENCES  ORM Video Library  Public Libraries  Internet  Newsletters  Outside speakers

13 PLANNING THE MEETING  Type of meeting  Visual aids  Location  Date and Time

14 CONDUCTING THE MEETING Maintain order & control Promote discussion/suggestions Encourage participation

15 QUESTIONING  Types of Questions Direct Reflective Open

16 SUGGESTIONS FOR QUESTIONING  Challenge the group  Questions should be clear and concise  Concentrate on one idea/main topic  Avoid repetition  Allow only one response at a time  Commend good answers

17 DOCUMENTING THE MEETING  Date  Topic  Instructor  Aids used  Employee’s signatures  Attendance Percentage


19 ATTENDANCE  Minimum 75% per meeting  Strive for 100%  Mandate attendance from all employees  100% attendance required from Dept/Agency head

20 ATTENDANCE  For Absent Employees: Forward the relevant information Discuss the topic Provide opportunity to ask questions Document



23 WHEN TO CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION? An investigation must be conducted for any incident/accident. Includes employees, non-employees, and property

24 INVESTIGATIONS Supervisor over work area is primarily responsible for conducting the investigation Includes:  General Information  Root Cause  Corrective Action  Documentation  Written Statements

25 In most cases, incidents / accidents do not just happen; THEY ARE CAUSED. The Incident / Accident Reporting Form is a tool to assist in determining the causes and procedures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. DA 2000 & DA 3000






31 WHAT IS A JSA?  Breaks a job/task into steps  Identifies safety hazards  Develops safe procedures

32 Developing a JSA JOB: Removing items from the upper shelves in the store room DATE: July 26, 2002 TITLE OF PERSON WHO DOES JOB: All employees DEPARTMENT: Minden Service Office REQUIRED AND/OR RECOMMENDED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: LOCATION: 202 Miller Street, Minden REVIEWED BY: Mr. Jay Boss NONE

33 Developing a JSA SEQUENCE OF JOB STEPSPOTENTIAL HAZARDSSAFE JOB PROCEDURE 1.Place the ladder in proper position 1. Drops the ladder 1.Make sure base of ladder is stable. Get some- one to hold the ladder to insure stability 2. Step up on ladder2. Falls from the ladder2.Maintain balance by holding onto back of ladder. Step up on ladder one rung at a time. 3.Retrieve item from stock shelf 3.Slipping from ladder Dropping stock item 3. Maintain firm grip on ladder while reaching item with other hand. Do not over extend reach. 4. Step down from ladder4.Slipping or falling from ladder 4. Step down slowly. If necessary hand item to another person. Move down one rung at a time. Maintain balance.

34 WHEN ARE JSAs PERFORMED? On all jobs/tasks that have resulted in a trend, death, or a change in job procedure or equipment.

35 SUPERVISORS & JSAs  Ensure JSAs are developed or revised  Use as a training aid  Follow-up analysis  Incident/accident investigation tool

36 RECORDING KEEPING  Maintain in work area  Document their use

37 Inspections

38 Maintain a safe work environment & correct environment & correct unsafe actions unsafe actions Maintain operational efficiency efficiency Inspections

39 Written Component Included in operational safety plan/manualIncluded in operational safety plan/manual Procedures to:Procedures to: –Identify & Correct Hazards Good housekeeping safety rulesGood housekeeping safety rules

40 Frequency A Class “ A ” – At least monthly B Class “ B ” – At least quarterly

41 The “Inspection Effect” Measures employee’s safety performanceMeasures employee’s safety performance Reinforces importance of safety & management’s commitmentReinforces importance of safety & management’s commitment Encourages employeesEncourages employees

42 Documentation Written inspection reportWritten inspection report Should include:Should include: –Person & Date –Concerns identified –Corrective action –Building/Area inspected

43 Documentation cont’d Checklist recommendedChecklist recommended –Systematic –Site-specific Revise as needed to fit your locationRevise as needed to fit your location

44 Types of Hazards Building SafetyBuilding Safety Office SafetyOffice Safety Fire SafetyFire Safety Electrical SafetyElectrical Safety Emergency EquipmentEmergency Equipment Storage MethodsStorage Methods









53 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Fire / Fuel Classes Markings












65 Hazard Control Logs or other acceptable method Location:Location: –Posted in the workplace –Provide all employees access Purpose:Purpose: –Employees can report unsafe conditions

66 Hazard Control Log

67 Hazard Control Logs Cont’d Implementation:Implementation: –Train employees –Review routinely –Maintain on file (at least three years)

68 Hazard Control Log Responsibilities All employees utilize HCLAll employees utilize HCL Supervisor or Safety Officer:Supervisor or Safety Officer: –Checks HCL –Takes temporary control –Report to next level, if uncontrolled

69 Corrective Action AppropriateAppropriate ExpeditiousExpeditious EffectiveEffective –Accident/Incident Frequency Reduction –Accident/Incident Severity Reduction

70 Corrective Action Cont’d Immediate (if possible)Immediate (if possible) –If longer than 30 days: Forward Hazard Control Log to:Forward Hazard Control Log to: –Department Head –Agency Head –ORM Loss Prevention Unit-BR

71 Record-keeping Inspection ReportsInspection Reports State Fire Marshal ReportsState Fire Marshal Reports Hazard Control LogsHazard Control Logs –At least three years or, –Until all hazards are corrected, whichever is longer

72 Do you have a procedure?Do you have a procedure? Self-Check Are hazard control logs posted and used?Are hazard control logs posted and used? Do you have documentation of implementation?Do you have documentation of implementation? Is it site-specific?Is it site-specific? Is corrective action taken, documented, and effective?Is corrective action taken, documented, and effective?



75 WHY CONDUCT TRAINING? To provide a systematic method of teaching employees to perform the required tasks in a safe and efficient manner.

76 OBJECTIVES  To teach employees hazard recognition and methods of corrective action  To teach accident causes, occupational health hazards, and accident prevention  To involve employees in accident prevention methods  To motivate employees to accept their safety responsibilities

77 RECOMMENDED TOPICS  Safety Program Objectives  Hazard Recognition and Control  Emergency First Aid Procedures  Emergency Response Procedures  Personal Protective Equipment  Material Handling

78 RECOMMENDED TOPICS  Slips, Trips, and Falls  Unsafe Environmental Conditions  Good Housekeeping Practices  Work from Elevations/Use of Ladders  Safe Vehicle Operation  Specific Job Tasks

79 TRAINING INCLUDES  Instruction on correct procedures  Use of safety equipment  Availability of assistance  Follow-up

80 LESSON PLANNING  Topic / Title  Objectives  Estimated Time of Instruction  Materials  What the Instructor Will Do

81 LESSON PLANNING  What the Employee Will Do  Evaluation  Assignment  Documentation


83 WHEN SHOULD WE PROVIDE REFRESHER TRAINING?  When accidents occur  When task/equipment changes

84 WHEN SHOULD WE PROVIDE REFRESHER TRAINING?  When accidents occur  When task/equipment changes  Improved method of performing

85 WHEN SHOULD WE PROVIDE REFRESHER TRAINING?  When accidents occur  When task/equipment changes  Improved method of performing  Observe employees not performing correctly


87 SUPERVISOR’S SUPERVISING Supervisors should, as part of their responsibilities observe employees performing their tasks.  Are they performing the tasks properly  Are they performing in accordance with safety procedures  Are they using the proper PPE


89 SAFETY TRAINING FOR SUPERVISORS The immediate job of preventing accidents and controlling work hazards falls upon the supervisors because safety and production are part of the supervisory function.

90 SUPERVISOR TRAINING OBJECTIVES  To involve supervisors in the agency’s accident prevention program.  To establish the supervisor as the key safety person in each unit.  To help supervisors understand their safety responsibilities.

91  To provide supervisors with information on causes of accidents and occupational health hazards and methods of prevention.  To help supervisors gain skill in accident prevention activities. SUPERVISOR TRAINING OBJECTIVES

92 SUGGESTED SAFETY TOPICS FOR SUPERVISORS  Safety and the Supervisor  Know Your Accident Problems  Human Relations  Maintaining Interest in Safety  Instructing for Safety  Industrial Hygiene

93  Personal Protective Equipment  Industrial Housekeeping  Material Handling and Storage  Guarding Machines and Mechanisms  Hand and Portable Power Tools  Emergency Preparedness Continued

94 CONDUCTING SUPERVISORY TRAINING  Select the training topic based on priority  Develop the lesson plan



97 POST TEST 1.What are the supervisory responsibilities? 2. Training should be consistent? T or F 3. Inspections are to be completed two times per year. T or F 4. Lesson plans are of little value? T or F 5. Building inspections are a waste of time? T or F

98 POST TEST 6. The supervisor is not responsible for JSAs. T or F 7. Supervisors are not responsible for building inspections. T or F 6. The supervisor is not responsible for JSAs. T or F 8. What is the difference in a Class “A” & “B” agency? 9. The DA2000 is only used when an employee is going to file a claim. T or F 10. Why are safety meetings conducted?

99 POST TEST 11. Safety meeting topics exclude some employees? T or F 13. Who should receive safety training? 13. Who should receive safety training? 12. List five items inspected during an inspection.


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