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Action: Learn how to identify and prevent alcohol and drug abuse in your unit/section. Condition: Classroom Environment Standards: IAW OSA FY03 CTG.

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Presentation on theme: "Action: Learn how to identify and prevent alcohol and drug abuse in your unit/section. Condition: Classroom Environment Standards: IAW OSA FY03 CTG."— Presentation transcript:


2 Action: Learn how to identify and prevent alcohol and drug abuse in your unit/section. Condition: Classroom Environment Standards: IAW OSA FY03 CTG

3 Safety Requirements NONE Risk Assessment Level LOW Environment Considerations NONE


5 1. Be a role model 2. Educate your soldiers 3. Point out alternatives 4. Be supportive HOW TO PREVENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE IN YOUR SECTION

6 BE A ROLE MODEL Responsible use of LEGAL DRUGS NO USE of ILLEGAL DRUGS "Officers, NCOs, and supervisors who choose to drink will set the example of RESPONSIBLE DRINKING practices." From AR 600-85

7 EDUCATE YOUR SOLDIERS  Your expectations of them  Fitness for Duty  Not Being Impaired by D & A

8 POINT OUT ALTERNATIVES - Deglamorize alcohol & drugs - Encourage alternative highs " Commanders and the chain of command will promote and encourage off-duty sports, educational, cultural, and religious/spiritual pursuits as alternatives to abuse of alcohol and other drugs." From AR 600-85

9 Let Your Soldiers Know You care about them as well as performance You will support but NOT ENABLE them. BE SUPPORTIVE

10 BECAUSE One of Your Soldiers... MAY have a Substance Abuse Problem


12 Sergeant Smith

13 SUSPECTED PROBLEM: Alcohol SGT. Smith SYMPTOMS: Declining performance Sick 3 of 4 Mondays Upset stomach Lots of mouth wash Lots of cologne Denial/hostility

14 Specialist Lee

15 SUSPECTED PROBLEM: Methamphetamine Specialist Lee SYMPTOMS: Excess energy Mood swings Hostility Bad breath Loss of weight Pupils dilated Secretive Hearing voices Suspected of stealing

16 PFC Grinson

17 SUSPECTED PROBLEM: LSD SYMPTOMS: PFC Grinson Immaturity "Wrong friends" Confusion Anxiety Loss of control (Laughing) Difficulty in concentrating Pupils dilated Rapid heartbeat Rapid breathing Fear

18 SP4 Jones

19 SUSPECTED PROBLEM: Marijuana Specialist Jones SYMPTOMS: Bloodshot eyes Forgetful Admission Refuses self-referral Concerned about promotion "..has a way to beat the urinalysis."


21 HOW TO DEAL WITH A DEVELOPING A&D PROBLEM 1. Recognize the problem 2. Counsel & Document 3. Take action 4. Refer for help 5. Follow-Up after Treatment

22 RECOGNIZE THE PROBLEM  Signs & Symptoms  Declining Performance  Usual Patterns Change  Problems Repeat (beware of “Halos”)

23 COUNSEL & DOCUMENT  Counseling - Verbal & Written  Documentation - Helping Problem Recognition  Providing Perspective

24 TAKE ACTION  Do not cover up  Emphasize responsibility & consequences  Support DON’T “ENABLE”

25 REFER FOR HELP  To the Unit ADC  To the ADAPCP Clinic  To other agencies: ACS, Mental Health, Chaplain, etc..  To Self Help Groups: AA, ALANON, NA, etc..

26 * Do Not Over or Under load * Do Not Do Their Job For Them * Provide the “Tools” * Support Aftercare Follow-Up After Treatment

27 The End

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