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Supervisor/Employee Safety Meeting Supervisor Name November xx, 2008 Play it safe 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervisor/Employee Safety Meeting Supervisor Name November xx, 2008 Play it safe 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervisor/Employee Safety Meeting Supervisor Name November xx, 2008 Play it safe 1

2 Agenda Announce all hands – Nov 19th 9:00 A.M., 50 Auditorium Discussion of ten commitments EH&S ISM video and discussion Review ISM plan – summary version HSS Prep Staff’s biggest concerns 2

3 OCFO 10 Safety Commitments 1. I am responsible for maintaining my safety when working at the Lab 2. I will ensure that my computer work station is ergonomically configured so that I perform my job safely 3. I will respectfully and immediately request my co-workers to stop and correct unsafe conditions when I witness it, and I expect them to do the same for me 4. I will inform my supervisor early on when I am experiencing discomfort or pain when performing my job responsibilities, and then take prompt, appropriate action to obtain assistance in relieving the pain and resolving the root cause 5. I will practice the Lab’s five Integrated Safety Management (ISM) functions when performing my job responsibilities 6. I will take a brief break for every hour that I work at my computer work station in order to promote good safety and health 7. I will complete my Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) and all required training in a timely manner 8. I will keep my work space in an orderly fashion to avoid various hazards, trips, and falls 9. I will know and follow the proper evacuation procedures when leaving my building in the event of an emergency such as an earthquake or fire 10. I will contact the Lab security promptly at ext 7911 (or the City of Berkeley police as appropriate at ext 9-911) in the event of an unsafe situation or an emergency situation 3

4 EH&S ISM & Move videos and discussion ISM Video Moving Safely – Part I Moving Safely – Part II 4

5 Integrated Safety Management 5

6 ISM Plan – Employee Perspective Purpose: ISM Plan describes the Responsibilities, Requirements and Programs established in Directorate/Operations to ensure Lab EH&S requirements, policies and procedures are implemented. Synopsis of ISM Plan - Report-Final.pdf Written for Directorate/Operations Employees 6

7 OCFO Safety Network 1. Employee 2. Supervisor/ Line Manager 4.Safety Coordinator Betsy Reyes 3. Safety Committee Members J. Fernandez A. More B. Reyes E. Nasto N. Saxer 5. Ergo Advocate- Check with your supervisor 7

8 ISM Plan – Employee Responsibilities Employee Responsibilities, Expectations and Requirements: Responsibilities: 1Know what is expected of you 2. Do your training 3.Know what to do if you are experiencing discomfort or are injured 4.Know where to go to get help Expectations: 1.Work safely to prevent accidents at all time 2.Adhere to the Safety Stop Work Policy 3.Properly utilized ergo accessories 4.Communicate safety ideas and concerns to supervisor 5.Understand the Building and Emergency Preparedness Plan Required Training: 1.Complete EHS010 New Employee Safety Orientation 2.Complete Job Hazard Analysis (redo annual or change in job) 3.Complete EHS0059 Remedy Interactive if working computer work > 4hr/day (redo annually) 8

9 HSS Prep-For all staff HAVE ALL EMPLOYEES PRINT THEIR TRAINING PROFILES A quick reminder of what safety courses they have taken ANSWER QUESTIONS AS BRIEFLY AS POSSIBLE No need for elaborate responses Listed are 4 basic questions and some answers that we hope interviewers will hear. These are just examples. We don’t expect anyone to memorize these – we want our staff to use their own words.

10 HSS Prep - continued How do you know when it’s ok for you to work on something? I have been authorized to perform the work by completing a JHA and have discussed the work with my supervisor I have completed all formal and on-the-job training associated with my work How do you know you are working safely? I’ve thought about what work I plan on doing and have discussed it with my supervisor I talked about hazards, safety issues, potential problems with my supervisor I stop when unsure and get advice from my supervisor Where do you get information on safety, and who do you ask for help on safety issues? I speak with my Division Safety Coordinator, Betsy Reyes, and my supervisor, or I ask my colleagues for help on who to call I use Pub 3000, etc. that explains safety requirements If something changes in your work, what do you do? I ask my supervisor if this is something we need to add to my JHA I don’t assume it’s ok to just “try something” because I will only be doing it for a short while I stop and reevaluate to determine if any new hazards are present and if there is need for additional controls 10

11 Staff’s Biggest Concerns What are your greatest safety concerns? Have you almost had an accident? What can we do to improve safety?

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