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Supervisors of the EE What is Expected of Me?. What is the EE? Requirement of the IB Diploma Program, completed outside regular coursework In-depth study.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervisors of the EE What is Expected of Me?. What is the EE? Requirement of the IB Diploma Program, completed outside regular coursework In-depth study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervisors of the EE What is Expected of Me?

2 What is the EE? Requirement of the IB Diploma Program, completed outside regular coursework In-depth study of a focused topic chosen from the list of approved Diploma Program subjects

3 What is the EE? Intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity Major piece of formally presented, structured writing, in which ideas and findings are communicated in a reasoned and coherent manner, appropriate to the subject chosen

4 IB Diploma Bonus Points Maximum student score = 45 points Maximum of 42 points obtained through coursework (6 X 7) 3 bonus points available based on the quality of work in the EE and TOK paper Minimum student score = 24 points ** (some conditions apply – see handout)

5 Grades for the EE A – excellent performance B – good performance C – satisfactory performance D – Mediocre performance E – Elementary performance Specific criteria in the IBO EE Guide

6 Grading Matrix for EE and TOK TOK EE ABCDE A+3 +2 +1 B+3+2+1 0 C+2+1 00 D+2+1000 E 000F

7 Requirements of Supervisors Advice and guidance in the skills of undertaking research Encourages and supports Discusses topic of EE and clarity of research question Ensures that the chosen research question satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards

8 Requirements of Supervisors Familiar with the regulations governing the EE and the assessment criteria and ensures that students are familiar as well Reads and comments on the First Draft only (but does not edit the draft)

9 Requirements of Supervisors Monitors the student’s progress…for guidance, plagiarism, and confirmation of the authenticity of the final version Submits a predicted grade to IBCA Completes the supervisor’s report EE cover must be signed by both the student and the supervisor

10 Requirements of Supervisors Provides a written explanation on the report in cases where the student has not met with the supervisor addressing circumstance and verification of authenticity Submits a written report to the IB Coordinator if plagiarism is suspected in the final draft

11 Suggestions for Supervisors Reads recent EE reports on the subject Spends 3-5 hours per student, including time on the viva voce (concluding interview) Ensures that the research question is appropriate for the subject

12 Suggestions for Supervisors Advises students on…. Accessing appropriate resources (people, library, laboratory) Techniques of information/evidence/data gathering and analysis Writing an abstract Documenting sources

13 HELP!! EE Team – AuCoin, Giffen, Healey, Regan, Smith IB @ PA website PA Library website Reference material in the PA Library e.g. APA and MLA Writing Formats Timeline/Tracking Form

14 References IBO Diploma Programme Extended Essay Guide March 2007 Prepared by Deb Regan, IB Coordinator

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