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Dr. James Barber, Dir. of Field Education School of Theology and Missions Graduate Program Field Education at ORU.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. James Barber, Dir. of Field Education School of Theology and Missions Graduate Program Field Education at ORU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. James Barber, Dir. of Field Education School of Theology and Missions Graduate Program Field Education at ORU

2 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training2 THE EQUATION: Committed SUPERVISOR + Encouraging CONGREGATION/AGENCY + STUDENT open to learn all the site can teach + SEMINARY approval and support = Field Education

3 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training3 A PLACE TO BEGIN The primary TARGET is the STUDENT

4 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training4 A PLACE TO BEGIN Students are placed in churches and agencies because there they: Acquire and test ministry skills Become competent and successful in -Church leadership -Para-church understanding

5 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training5 A PLACE TO BEGIN Students come to field education as highly capable but unfinished products The local churches/agencies are laboratories for learning Students will be given regular (contracted) opportunities to assist in ministry Learning a New Skill Involves Four Stages Being Unconsciously unskilled – you don’t know that you don’t know how to do something Being Consciously unskilled – you become aware that you don’t know Being Consciously skilled – you know that you know something (not automatic yet) Being Unconsciously skilled – you are skilled and you’re not thinking about it (2nd nature)

6 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training6 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Students must complete 50% of their degree and take PRM 673 Intro to Pastoral Care prior to enrolling in Field Education Field Education consists of 3 semester credit hours: PRM 673 Intro to Pastoral Care What is Church What is Community Learn to Journal / Do Case Studies Book Review Church (1.5 Credit) 120 semester hours Observe Participate Community (1.5 Credit) 120 semester hours Para- church awareness Participate in Process

7 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training7 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The site provides a theologically trained supervisor who has:  been in professional ministry or equivalency (education, counseling) for at least three years  been on-site in ministry in some capacity for at least one year in a church or Para- church facility that is in good standing in the community

8 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training8 FIELD EDUCATION SITES FIELD EDUCATION SITES are expected to: –provide a context for -contracted learning -evaluations –meet the student’s needs -educational -professional -developmental –provide a supervisor who -is trained and certified -completes all required reports on time

9 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training9 FIELD EDUCATION SUPERVISION A FIELD EDUCATION SUPERVISOR should -invest time and interest in the student to discuss and fulfill contract items -dedicate at least one hour per week to on- the-job training and/or uninterrupted time to supervise the student

10 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training10 At the end of the placement students should have learned: How he or she comes across to others What kind of energy ministry requires How context shapes ministry What a pastor/preacher/minister does How a particular church or agency works

11 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training11 At the end of the placement students should have learned: What leadership requires How God’s call to ministry plays out in the world How to apply classroom and theology reflection to a practical context How to relate to different people as a professional

12 4/23/2015Field Education Orientation/Training12 THE END RESULT A student that has a fulfilling experience of practical application in ministry

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