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Coaching, Mentoring and Motivating. adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Coaching is - Helping individuals improve what they do Providing helpful,

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching, Mentoring and Motivating. adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Coaching is - Helping individuals improve what they do Providing helpful,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching, Mentoring and Motivating

2 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Coaching is - Helping individuals improve what they do Providing helpful, productive feedback to improve performance Helping individuals develop their own goals and strategies for achievement

3 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Coaches - an self-examination What allows others to trust me? What causes others not to trust me? Are there part of my behavior where I am not consistent? Are there times I am critical and in the next moment forgiving? Do my personal actions square up with my public actions? Where are discrepancies?

4 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Coaching is Something That You “Be” A great coach displays simple virtues like: Clarity of mind Basic goodness Fairness with others

5 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire

6 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove The Ability to Inspire coaches help individuals to recognize previously unseen possibilities that lay embedded in their existing circumstances.

7 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire Setting Higher Standards

8 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Setting Higher Standards good coaches seek excellence by setting high standards for themselves and staff

9 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire Setting Higher Standards Honesty and Integrity

10 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Honesty and Integrity Hold yourself to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Consistency is the key.

11 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire Setting Higher Standards Honesty and Integrity Disciplined Intensity

12 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Disciplined Intensity Masterful coaches elicit disciplined intensity using staff’s inner motivation rather than outside pressure. One of the characteristics is giving 100%, totally focused on the task.

13 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire Setting Higher Standards Honesty and Integrity Disciplined Intensity Forward Action

14 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Forward Action Change occurs is small steps! Behavior is proactive! Focus is on improvement - not on analysis of poor decisions or past behaviors

15 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire Setting Higher Standards Honesty and Integrity Disciplined Intensity Forward Action Passion to Help Others Learn, Grow, and Perform

16 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Passion to Help Others Learn, Grow, and Perform help staff learn the skills they need to master today’s job pay attention to developmental needs Mixes skills and tasks with passion

17 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Characteristics of Masterful Coaches The Ability to Inspire Setting Higher Standards Honesty and Integrity Disciplined Intensity Forward Action Passion to Help Others Learn, Grow, and Perform

18 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Proactive Listening and Coaching “Take your time, I’m listening.” You need to really mean it. Set aside your own agenda. Be available and receptive emotionally using verbal and non-verbal behavior. Appreciate and understand the other person’s point of view. Listen without taking control.

19 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Proactive Listening and Coaching Help draw out thoughts and feelings by asking questions. Say, “Let me make sure I understand,” and restate the issue. Always be sensitive to the individual’s feelings.

20 adapted from Masterful Coaching by R. Hargrove Coaching - your character the key to your influence and effectiveness in communicating your message is your conduct through modeling Your character constantly communicates who you are Because of your character, a person will either trust or distrust you and your efforts

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