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HR Support for Employees Transitioning to Layoff Status UCSF May 2010 A Guide for Conducting the Employee Layoff Notice Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "HR Support for Employees Transitioning to Layoff Status UCSF May 2010 A Guide for Conducting the Employee Layoff Notice Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 HR Support for Employees Transitioning to Layoff Status UCSF May 2010 A Guide for Conducting the Employee Layoff Notice Meeting

2 2 Agenda Preparation Meeting with the Supervisor and the Employee Your One-on-One Meeting with the Employee

3 3 Preparation Contact the supervisor –Comfortable / Prepared for the meeting? –Need layoff script / materials? –Suggest meeting 15 minutes prior Ensure required documents are prepared –Layoff notice –Severance estimate –Severance election form, if applicable Provide Employee Separation Checklist to supervisor

4 4 Meeting with the Supervisor & the Employee General –Be professional; you are representing the University of California. –Share information as much as possible. –Tell the employee you are available for follow-up. –Let the supervisor do the talking at the beginning of the meeting. This is not your meeting; you are a resource to both the supervisor and the employee. –Answer questions the employee has once the layoff notice has been delivered

5 5 Meeting with the Supervisor & the Employee -- continued General –Help to focus on the purpose. Stay on track. –Listen and document employee questions for follow- up. –At the end, re-introduce yourself & let the employee know your role. Give them a business card.

6 6 Meeting with the Supervisor & the Employee -- continued What to Bring –Layoff notice –Severance election form –Severance estimate

7 7 Your One-on-One Meeting with the Employee Unemployment Insurance –Review the pamphlet; highlight state contact information on page 20. Severance Estimate –Review amount, years of service, & salary –Advise them to let you or manager know if they discover a problem. (Do not debate at this mtg.)

8 8 Your One-on-One Meeting with the Employee Support –Review “Support for Employees Transitioning to Layoff Status.” Explain that they may not be able to digest the information right away, but that you will be available when they have questions. –Let them know they can call and / or email you later with questions. –Emailed questions are preferred so that they can be forwarded on to the subject matter expert, i.e. Benefits.

9 9 Your One-on-One Meeting with the Employee -- continued COBRA –A pre-filled in form will be sent to them after separation from Conexis. –A copy of the COBRA is included in the transition packet. –If they do not receive this pre-filled in form, the blank form can be used to apply for COBRA. Health Care –This is usually the biggest worry for employees. –Refer to Payment Schedule and show them the reduced payment amount that applies. –Give them the Benefits Checklist Supplement

10 10 Your One-on-One Meeting with the Employee -- continued Employee Separation Checklist –Review and answer any questions –Give a copy to the supervisor

11 11 Questions?

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