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Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association 2012 Patrick A. Williams Criminal Defense Institute June 28, 2012.

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1 Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association 2012 Patrick A. Williams Criminal Defense Institute June 28, 2012


3 INITIAL INVESTIGATION TO SEE IF SFSTs WERE FEASIBLE Burns & Moskowitz (1977) Psychophysical tests for DWI arrest. Final Report, DOT-HS-802-424, NHTSA

4 DEVELOPMENT OF PILOT PROGRAM FOR SFSTs Tharp, Burns and Moskowitz (1981) Development and Field Test of Psychophysical Tests for DWI Arrest, DOT-HS-805-864

5 FINAL FORMAT FOR PROMULGATION OF SFSTs Anderson, Schweitz & Snyder (1983) Field Evaluation of a Behavioral Test Battery for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated). Washington, D.C.: National Technical Information Service

6 VALIDATIONS OF SFSTS Stetzer & Burns (1998) Validation of the Standardized Field Test Battery at BACs Below 0.10 Percent Final Report. Anacapa Sciences, Inc. Santa Barbara, California

7 VALIDATIONS OF SFSTS Stetzer & Burns (1998) Validation of the Standardized Field Test Battery at BACs Below 0.10 Percent Final Report. Anacapa Sciences, Inc. Santa Barbara, California Burns & Dioquino (1999) A Florida Validation Study of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (S.F.S.T.) Battery, State Safety Office, Department of Transportation, State of Florida and U.S. Department of Transportation Project No. AL-97-05-14-01

8 VALIDATIONS OF SFSTS Stetzer & Burns (1998) Validation of the Standardized Field Test Battery at BACs Below 0.10 Percent Final Report. Anacapa Sciences, Inc. Santa Barbara, California Burns & Dioquino (1999) A Florida Validation Study of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (S.F.S.T.) Battery, State Safety Office, Department of Transportation, State of Florida and U.S. Department of Transportation Project No. AL-97-05-14-01 Burns (2007) The Robustness of the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test, U.S. Department of Transportation Final Report National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DTNH22-98-D-55079

9 THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION Good & Augsburger (1986) Use of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus as a Part of Roadside Sobriety Testing. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics; 63(6): 467–471

10 THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION Good & Augsburger (1986) Use of Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus as a Part of Roadside Sobriety Testing. American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics; 63(6): 467–471 Citek, Ball, O.D.& Rutledge (2003) Nystagmus testing in intoxicated individuals, Optometry 74(11)


12 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS REGARDING SFST VALIDITY Booker (2001) End-Position Nystagmus as an Indicator of Ethanol Intoxication. Science and Justice 41: 113-116

13 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS REGARDING SFST VALIDITY Booker (2001) End-Position Nystagmus as an Indicator of Ethanol Intoxication. Science and Justice 41: 113-116 Booker (2004). The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test: Fraudulent Science in the American Courts Science and Justice 44: 133-140

14 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS REGARDING SFST VALIDITY Booker (2001) End-Position Nystagmus as an Indicator of Ethanol Intoxication. Science and Justice 41: 113-116 Booker (2004). The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test: Fraudulent Science in the American Courts Science and Justice 44: 133-140 O’Keefe (2001) Drugs driving -- Standardized Field Sobriety Tests: A Survey of Police Surgeons in Strathclyde Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine 8: 57-65

15 SCIENTIFIC PAPERS REGARDING SFST VALIDITY Booker (2001) End-Position Nystagmus as an Indicator of Ethanol Intoxication. Science and Justice 41: 113-116 Booker (2004). The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test: Fraudulent Science in the American Courts Science and Justice 44: 133-140 O’Keefe (2001) Drugs driving -- Standardized Field Sobriety Tests: A Survey of Police Surgeons in Strathclyde Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine 8: 57-65 Hlastala, Polissar & Oberman (2005) Statistical Evaluation of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests; Journal of Forensic Sciences 50(3): 1-8



18 On the average, not a single person would be misclassified by the HGN test


20 HOW TO READ SCIENTIFIC DATA On the average, not a single person would be misclassified by the HGN test Nevertheless, 37% of the sober individuals were classified as intoxicated under perfect laboratory conditions

21 Table 2 Good and Augsberger

22 HOW TO READ SCIENTIFIC DATA On the average, not a single person would be misclassified by the HGN test Nevertheless, 37% of the sober individuals were classified as intoxicated under perfect laboratory conditions In the field 83% of the sober individuals were classified as intoxicated


24 HOW TO READ SCIENTIFIC DATA In this, the most important of all the validations, 37% of the sober individuals were classified as intoxicated



27 HOW TO READ SCIENTIFIC DATA Finally, in the two sets of data from the latest (and presumably most definitive) study, Burns demonstrated that 79% of the HGN tests run on sober individuals under perfect laboratory conditions classified those individuals as being intoxicated

28 So, in conclusion, we can answer the question, “Are the SFSTs designed to fail?”

29 They are designed to fail if you hold to the belief that the law’s great purpose is to protect the innocent.”

30 For your future consideration: If you think the SFSTs are a disgrace to society, you will be appalled at the charlatans and fakers who try to sell you their “Drug Recognition Experts.”

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