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Finnish National Opera, supervisor training HR Forum Düsseldorf, Hfontana 30.11.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Finnish National Opera, supervisor training HR Forum Düsseldorf, Hfontana 30.11.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finnish National Opera, supervisor training HR Forum Düsseldorf, Hfontana 30.11.2013

2 Backround FNO supervisor training started in 11_2008, a systematical training 6-8 times a year Participants: directors, managers, supervisors = appr. 25 persons Training every 1-2 months 3 hours / whole day, with outside specialists or in-house training Until now, there has been 37 separate training sessions

3 Goals Where it all started: -2008 new direction in FNO, needs for new organization culture and structure -Discussion about the supervisor role: What does it mean to be a representative of the employer?

4 Supervisor role – representative of the employer How do you create a good working environment: clear tasks and responsibilities, department meeting and information structure, monitoring the work ability etc. What can you comment to your subordinates? With whom can you disagree? How to deal with difficult decisions? Who’s side are you on? (EMPLOYER) How to intervene in your subordinate’s life in case of a sickness, drug problem, burn-out?

5 Is the supervisor role clear in you organization?

6 Themes: organization level Values, vision, mission FNO strategy FNO brand Common rules and guidelines Work environment survey (how to analyze the results) Risk management Challenges in the social media Crisis communication and management Collective agreement negotiations and contracts

7 Themes: supervisor work Challenging situations in supervisor work Coping at work, work ability Financial issues MBTI test of different supervisor types Intoxicant policy, how to intervene with alcohol/drug problems Project management How to avoid incorrect behavior and harassment Development discussions Change management – how to be a supervisor in a constant change

8 Themes: legal information ”A start-up package” of legal information for the supervisor Public tendering and legislation Work and contract legislation Annual holiday legislation Working time legislation

9 Results Supervisor training has given us good support and collegial discussion Supervisors feel often quite alone – colleague support! The group has been able to talk about confidential things, as well The training must be organized – needs managing and resources Specially in the changes, the supervisors must be committed to the change!

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