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Cultural Studies Program Review October 1, 2014. What we offer? 2 year MA 4 year PhD new times to completion regulations: 5 th year (internal) 6 th year.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Studies Program Review October 1, 2014. What we offer? 2 year MA 4 year PhD new times to completion regulations: 5 th year (internal) 6 th year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Studies Program Review October 1, 2014

2 What we offer? 2 year MA 4 year PhD new times to completion regulations: 5 th year (internal) 6 th year (requires SGS approval)

3 Possible degree elements: Thesis Cultural production Community based research Practicum Always a written component and documentation of project submitted to Qspace

4 MA options 12 unit courses + thesis or major project 18 unit courses + major research paper or minor project [registering for 898 or 899 does not commit you to one or the other]

5 MA timelines

6 PhD paths 12 unit courses + qualifying exam + thesis 12 unit courses + qualifying exam + project (including written component and project documentation) – Project’s relations to written component (autonomous and integrated)

7 PhD timelines

8 MA Committee compositions MA Proposal Approval Meeting: requires Supervisor, 1st Reader and Chair (could be Director or Delegate). Supervisor fills in and submits Form B - MA Request for Meeting for Proposal Approval (to be completed by the Supervisor) (DOC, 166KB) in order to request the meeting. Form B - MA Request for Meeting for Proposal Approval (to be completed by the Supervisor) (DOC, 166KB) MA - MRP: requires Supervisor and one Reader. The Reader is from CUST. The review of the MRP is conducted by email and the results are reported (using Form D - MA Approval of Minor Project or Research Paper (to be completed by the Director) (DOC, 144KB)) to the graduate assistant in CUST.Form D - MA Approval of Minor Project or Research Paper (to be completed by the Director) (DOC, 144KB) MA thesis defense committee: requires Supervisor, Examiner, an Examiner from outside the department (this could be a CUST faculty member but, as the external, this Examiner would represent his/her home department)

9 Preliminary Meeting for PHD qualifying examination (CUST 900*):to approve the 1000 word Qualifying Exam proposal. Requires Supervisor, First reader, Second reader. No Chair is required. PhD qualifying examination (CUST 900*): requires Supervisor, First reader, Second reader - all from the CUST program. A Chair is required. Please see below. PhD thesis proposal defense (CUST 901*): requires Supervisor, First reader, Second reader - all from the CUST program. A Chair is required. Please see below. PhD thesis defense: requires Supervisor, First reader, Department head or Delegate. Also, an Examiner from outside the program, and an Examiner from outside the university. (The head's delegate can be the second reader from the qualifying examination and thesis proposal committees. PhD committee compositions

10 Composition of the Thesis Examining Committee -PhD Chairperson (selection made by the Thesis Coordinator) Head of the Department (or delegate) Supervisor(s) At least one other member of the Department At least one faculty member from another Department An external examiner from outside Queen's University

11 Supervisor- student communication Acceptance to CUST with a supervisor, but change is possible, and likely in some cases Communication – Student- Allow time; supervisor not a proof reader; – Supervisor- be involved! Annual reports Choosing a committee together Resolving problems


13 governance Steering Director Graduate Assistant Communications with all of the above

14 Cultural Studies Program - Resources on the web CUST Website – Homepage Quick Links Student Handbook Info for Supervisors CUST Website – Programs Tab MA Degree Requirements PhD Degree Requirements CUST Website – Current Students Tab Courses Resources & Forms AODA and GREB Policies CUST Website – Supervisors Tab MA Degree Requirements PhD Degree Requirements Student Handbook Resources & Forms Committee Composition Degree Completion for Course-Based MA students Degree Completion for Course-Based MA students School of Graduate Studies Guide to Graduate Supervision School of Graduate Studies Guide to Graduate Supervision School of Graduate Studies Policies, Procedures & Guidelines School of Graduate Studies Policies, Procedures & Guidelines Important Dates SGS on site Counsellor School of Graduate Studies Website Graduate Supervision Degree Completion Forms 2014/15 Graduate Calendar

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