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Employee Assistance Program.  Demonstrates employer concern for employees  Reduces obstacles which prevent people from getting help and encourages early.

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Assistance Program.  Demonstrates employer concern for employees  Reduces obstacles which prevent people from getting help and encourages early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Assistance Program

2  Demonstrates employer concern for employees  Reduces obstacles which prevent people from getting help and encourages early assistance before the problem worsens  Reduces the cost of personal problems at work  Offers early intervention

3 A confidential assessment, brief counseling and referral service to all employees and their family members. The EAP is designed to assist in the identification of any personal problem that may be affecting you, your family or your job.

4  Voluntary  Private  No cost to client  Confidential  Not treatment

5 Self – 85%, Other 5%  The employee contacts the EAP without being referred by the supervisor  Performance problems may or may not exist

6 Supervisor Referral- 10% The employee is referred by the supervisor based upon documented job performance problem(s). NOTE: If the supervisor does not contact the EAP, the EA professional relies upon the employee’s report.

7  Consultation with the EAP counselor  Supervisory Referral

8  Informal  Formal

9  An alternative to tolerating poor performance or taking an adverse action  Eliminates need to get “involved” in the personal problem of the employee  Permits manager to focus on performance  EAP can offer supervision tips

10 Definition: An employee whose personal problems adversely affect job performance. Typically, 12–18% of employees in an organization experience personal problems that interfere with job performance to some degree.

11 DO:  Observe all employees regularly  Document any and all performance problems  Intervene when you notice any performance deficiencies  Refer to EAP early and at every step of warning process  Communicate concern and value of employee  Remain focused on job performance issues  Formulate specific plans for improvement with consequences  Call EAP for consultation  Follow all human resource policies

12 Do Not  Diagnose the employee’s problem  Pry into an employee’s personal life or give advice – stay job-focused  Accept excuses for performance issues  Ignore a performance/attendance problem  Use EAP as a “last ditch effort”  Wait until the employee’s job is in jeopardy  Take responsibility for solving the employee’s problem  Share information with co-workers  Refer based on office grapevine

13  Be alert to decline or changes in job performance, especially with those who have histories of good performance.  Ask what is causing the job performance problem:  If personal, remind employee of EAP — don’t discuss the problem.  If not personal, address the relevant workplace issues.

14  Absenteeism  On-the-Job Absenteeism  Difficulty Concentrating  Confusion  Erratic Work Pattern  Lowered Job Efficiency  Friction with other Employees  Unusual Behavior  High Accident Rate

15  Tell the employee that you are making a supervisor referral to the EAP based upon ongoing job performance problems  Reference documentation and past discussions  Appear supportive  Remind the employee that the EAP is confidential — no confidential details will be given to you  Let the employee know that you will not discuss the referral with coworkers  Remind the employee that attending the EAP cannot interfere with his or her job security or promotional opportunities  Let the employee know you have spoken with the EAP already

16  Call the EAP and/or provide written information regarding the nature of job performance problems prior to referral  Refer early, when job performance problems emerge  Call the EAP if the EA professional does not call you after referral  Don’t ignore a developing problem

17 Barriers to Supervisor Taking Action

18 Elizabeth Robinson, Manager or call 860-679-2877 Ct toll free: 800-852-4392

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