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EMDR Association UK & Ireland Consultants Day Welcome to this HAP Fundraiser Event.

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Presentation on theme: "EMDR Association UK & Ireland Consultants Day Welcome to this HAP Fundraiser Event."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMDR Association UK & Ireland Consultants Day Welcome to this HAP Fundraiser Event

2 Plan for the Day 10.00- 10.10 Introduce Accreditation Committee members and discussion of their function (MC) 10.10- 10.55 Update on Competency framework Europe (DF) Discussion of EMDR personal development plan (DF) 10.55- 11.15 Group Activity: brainstorm common dilemmas and FAQ (all) 11.15- 11.35 Accreditation process & mitigation ( MT) 11.35- 11.50 Coffee 11.50- 12.30 Audit results 12.30 13.30 Lunch 13.30- 14.30 Workshops 14.30- 15.00 Review of workshops and discussion 15.00- 15.15 Coffee 15.15- 16.00 Feedback and Q&A 16.00 Workshop ends

3 Activity & Process March 2013 – April 4th 2014 Practitioners - 107 Consultants - 12 Re-accredited Practitioners - 11 Re-accredited Consultants - 13

4 FAQ - 1 Training refers to training delivered by EMDR Europe Accredited Trainers Supervision refers to supervision with an EMDR Europe approved consultant supervisor EMDR Consultant refers to EMDR Europe approved consultant supervisor

5 FAQ - 2 Q: I have just joined the Association. Can cases I have worked on before becoming a member be counted towards numbers of cases needed for accreditation? Can supervision hours prior to membership be counted? A: All supervision during training can be counted (this is the rule since Jan 2012) when it became compulsory to add additional supervision hours to training. At the end of training all trainees now have 10 hours EMDR supervision, which they can count, they may also count the cases that they presented in the training supervision sessions. Q: My supervisor is not an EMDR Accredited Consultant. Can supervision from him be counted? A: Only supervision by a EUROPE Accredited EMDR Consultant can be counted for your application for accreditation -2

6 FAQ -3 Q: Since becoming fully trained I have attended groups run by an Accredited EMDR Consultant. Can I count the cases I have discussed at these groups towards my application for practitioner accreditation? A: You can count cases for which you have received supervision by an Accredited EMDR Consultant if that consultant provides written confirmation of the supervision and you include it with your application.

7 FAQ - 4 Q: Do the assessment and preparation sessions count towards accreditation or only the desensitization (3-7) sessions? A: Assessment and preparation are part of the standard protocol and are therefore part of your EMDR therapy but you must also include sessions of desensitization in the cases you cite on the framework document. However 80% must involved EMDR processing. Q: Many of my clients are complex trauma. They require a lot of stabilisation and resourcing work prior to starting EMDR. Can I count these resourcing sessions towards my accreditation A: Grounding and Resource work are part of the Preparation phase and may be included but as the cases submitted must reflect a through understanding and competency in all 8 phases.

8 FAQ - 5 Q: I have not yet completed the necessary hours of supervision to allow me to apply for accreditation and my supervisor is no longer able to provide me with supervision. Can my new supervisor sign off previous cases supervised by my previous supervisor? A: No. Ask your previous supervisor to provide you with written confirmation of the work you have done together and sign off the cases he/she has supervised. Q: I have been attending a supervision group run by an accredited practitioner. Can I count these hours of supervision towards my accreditation? A: No. Only supervision by an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant is recognised for accreditation. (Though Peer Supervision can be helpful)

9 FAQ - 6 VIDEO/DVD/IN VIVO Q’s: I cannot get permission from any of my clients to video therapy sessions. My employers do not permit the recording of any sessions for confidentiality reasons. I work only with very young children and have to adapt substantially the standard protocol. I do not have a DVD of the standard protocol. Is a DVD of the adapted work sufficient? A: The guidelines make it clear that in order to fulfil the conditions for accreditation your consultant must either see a video of your work or have seen an in vivo session which satisfies him/her that you are able to utilise the standard protocol. Q: How long must the video of my work be? Does it need to show all stages of the standard protocol? A: It is not necessary for this to cover all stages but must be sufficient to demonstrate your competencies in all 8 phases of the EMDR protocol.

10 FAQ Practitioner Re-accreditation 1 Q: I have not been able to work for many months because of illness/unemployment. I will not be able to fulfil the requirements for re accreditation within the 5 year time frame. What can I do? A: Write to the chair of the accreditation committee explaining your circumstances. The committee will consider mitigating circumstances. It is also advisable that your EMDR Supervisor/consultant writes to the Chair stating their support for the request.

11 FAQ - 2 Q. Do I need a reference from two EMDR consultants to support my application for re-accreditation? A: The minimum criteria within the UK & Ireland is one reference from an EMDR Accredited Consultant although two is preferred. We recognise that this is sometimes difficult to have a second EMDR Consultant referee and in such cases a reference from a non-EMDR clinical supervisor/manger will suffice. Q: I have allowed my membership of the association to lapse. Am I still an accredited practitioner or do I have to re-apply for accreditation? A: If you have a break in membership of more than 3 months you must reapply for accreditation. Q: I was not told that my membership had lapsed and I have forgotten to apply for re accreditation? Must I reapply for accreditation or simply apply for re accreditation. A: It is your responsibility to keep track of your accreditation. If your membership has lapsed for more than 3 months then you must reapply for accreditation. NB: All members are sent reminders.

12 FQA -3 Q: My employers will not provide any funding for CPD and I have not attended any CPD events during the past 5 years. Can I still apply for re accreditation? A: It is your responsibility to satisfy your registering body that you have fulfilled the CPD requirements for continuing registration. You can provide this evidence when you apply for reaccreditation. Q: I have attended EMDR supervision groups. Can I count this towards CPD hours? A: Yes

13 FAQ – Consultant Re-accreditation Q: I have not put anyone forward for accreditation during the period of my consultancy? Can I still apply for re accreditation? A: We recognise that you may be supervising people who do not wish or are not ready to seek accreditation. Putting people forward for accreditation is not a requirement for re accreditation though we would like you to encourage supervisees to apply for accreditation. Q: I have not supervised anyone during my period as an EMDR consultant can I still apply for re accreditation? A: The creation of the role EMDR consultant is not meant as a title to provide status. If you have not been providing supervision you are not eligible for re accreditation as a Europe approved Consultant supervisor.

14 FAQ - 2 Q: I have not been able to arrange any peer supervision and therefore cannot provide a reference from an EMDR consultant. Can I renew my consultant status? A: You can only apply for reaccreditation if you provide a reference from an approved EMDR consultant. Q: I have been providing supervision for someone whose practice and competency concern me. Do I report this to their professional registering body or to the EMDR association? A: You should let your supervisee know that you have a duty to inform both their registering body and the EMDR Association. Q: I no longer provide EMDR supervision for someone whose practice and competency concern me but have heard that another consultant is now supervising and supporting an application for accreditation. What should I do? A: You should inform the Association where you have serious concerns which you can substantiate.

15 Workshops Workshop 1 - Issues in supervision How to decide who to supervise? How to deal with competency issues, premature request for accreditation, how to stop consultant hopping, how to stop supervising ? Workshop 2 - Group supervision What constitutes adequate supervision? How does a supervisor assess competencies in a group? Workshop 3 - What are the dilemmas in supervising child practioners if you work with adults and vice versa?


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