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Published bySarah Jacobi Modified over 10 years ago
UAA Leave Understanding Employee Leave Programs at UAA Presented by:
UAA Human Resource Services
Types of Leave Annual Leave Sick Leave Family Medical Leave
Leave Share Leave Without Pay Leave of Absence Holiday Military Leave Jury Duty
Annual Leave Accrued per pay period
Time Code: 500 Accrued per pay period Vacation, personal time off, or medical leave (if needed) Cash out when employment ends – up to 240 total hours Accrue up to 240 hours Accrued per pay period Part –timers accrue at a rate based on the percentage of full-time hrs they work For example, an employee scheduled to work 32 hours a week would accrue 80% of the normal accrual rate (First 5 years of service = 4.43 hours/pp) Annual leave does not accrue during periods of leave without pay, or on overtime hours Accrual rates increase with time Increases after 5 years and again after 10 years of service Service must be continuous Employee with a break in service start over at 5.54 hours/pay period Faculty do not generally accrue annual leave per collective bargaining agreement Can only use once its accrued – not a loan program Faculty generally do not accrue annual leave per collective bargaining agreement 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 10+ years 5.54 hrs/pp 6.46 hrs/pp 7.38 hrs/pp 18.01 days/yr 21.00 days/yr 23.99 days/yr Accrual Rates
Using Annual Leave Must be approved by supervisor prior to leave
Annual leave in excess of 240 hours forfeited if not used within calendar year Cannot be donated or shared with other employees Annual leave can only be taken once it is accrued. Employees cannot have a negative leave balance. Time Code: 500
See Union specific guidelines.
Cashing Out Cashing In Leave cashed out when employment ends – up to 240 hours Cash-in up to 40 hours one time during fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) Must have at least 40 hours remaining after cash-in Cash in is for employee classes of NR, EX, XR, XX, FR, and NX For more information review guidelines for Cash In program: Cash in hours are not eligible for PERS, TRS, ORP, or UA Pension benefits Local 6070? See Union specific guidelines. How to Request Cash-In Record the cash-in hours in the “Total Hours” column on your timesheet – use earnings code 515.
Sick Leave Accrued per pay period
4.62 hours per pay period No cap on accrual – continues to build up until you use it Leave is forfeited when employment ends Can’t cash it out – donate it Time Code: 550 Eligible exempt and nonexempt employees accrue 4.62 hours sick leave per 80 paid hour pay period. Exempt and nonexempt full-time and part-time employees accrue sick leave based on hours paid Overtime and premium paid hours do not qualify for sick leave accrual Extended temporary employees accrue sick leave based on hours paid Can donate sick leave to the leave share (such as when terminating employment). Unlike Annual leave, it continues to bank – no forfeit (until termination), but no cash out.
Using Sick Leave Illness, injury, or disability
Time Code: 550 Using Sick Leave Illness, injury, or disability Professional appointments Avoid infecting others Bereavement leave – up to 5 days Illness of more than 3 days when on annual leave Workers Compensation – first 3 days off due to work related injury/illness Workers Compensation – if your leave is more than 28 days, workers comp will go back and pay you for those 3 days you used sick leave A “qualifying event” is an absence: For an illness, injury, healthcare professional appointment and/or treatment of the employee; To care for an immediate family member with an illness, injury, disability, healthcare professional appointment and/or treatment when care by the employee is necessary; To avoid the passing on of a contagious disease by the employee; To attend a funeral; Approved for University Family and Medical leave, except absences for a qualifying exigency and absences after the first three days off work due to a work-related injury or illness; or For an illness which continues for more than three days when the employee is on annual leave.
Conditions for Using Sick Leave
Approval of the employee's immediate supervisor is required Employees must follow department call-in procedures Supervisors may request evidence of the illness or medical appointment be submitted to HRS Not enough sick leave? Annual leave will be used Supervisors need to be aware of possible Family Medical Leave conditions. If you are a supervisor and have an employee on extended sick leave, please contact HRS to discuss FML. Sick leave will not be used during a holiday or a regular day off. An employee may use sick leave during the calendar year end holiday closure upon submission of written evidence of illness or a professional appointment or treatment.
Family Medical Leave Job protection for employees for qualifying absences FML is not a paid leave May remain in a paid status by accessing available leave banks Employees must meet certain eligibility requirements – apply through HRS FML may be taken in a single block of time, intermittently, or a combination thereof The university will provide family and medical leave in accordance with applicable state law (A.S ) and federal law and regulation (29 U.S.C and 29 CFR Part 825). The university does not intend these regulations to provide greater leave benefits than those established by state or federal law, except for continuing health care coverage, basic life insurance, and long-term disability insurance for up to 18 workweeks of family and medical leave. FMLA protects employees jobs and benefits, allows for employees to take time to care for themselves, family members, or bonding with a new family member. FMLA guarantees time off, but not paid time off. Employees will need to use all available leave during FML. It is not a separate account, employees can’t take their leave and save the FML for later. Intermittent leave must be medically necessary as certified by attending physician. During leave for birth, adoption or placement of child, intermittent leave is at the discretion of the supervisor. Time Code: 601
Eligibility for FML Federal FMLA Alaska FML Employed for 12 months
Time Code: 601 Federal FMLA 12 weeks/12 months Alaska FML 18 weeks/12-24 months Employed for 12 months May be non-consecutive as long as there isn’t more than a 7 year gap in service Worked at least 1250 hours in last 12 months Employed for at least 35 hrs/week for previous 6 months OR… Employed for at least 17.5 hrs/week for previous 12 months HRS Team will determine eligibility for employees. Employees may be eligible under one, or both laws. Time off runs concurrently - if eligible under both, employee will use State and Federal allotments at same time. Part-time employees available FML time will be prorated based upon normal working schedule. The number of weeks is based upon the employee’s normal working schedule, not necessarily a 40-hour week. Under Federal FMLA, employees caring for an injured service member may be eligible for up to 26 weeks. Under Alaska FMLA, employees receive 18 weeks every 12 months for birth, adoption or placement of a child or 18 weeks every 24 months for a serious medical condition (employee or family member).
FML Reasons Parental Leave Birth of child, adoption, foster care
Time Code: 601 Parental Leave Birth of child, adoption, foster care Own Health Condition Your own serious health condition – can include Worker’s Comp injuries and illnesses Family Member’s Health Condition Serious illness or injury of your parent, child, or spouse. Military Care for Injured Service member or Exigency leave More time off may be possible Parental Leave: If both parents work for UA – time off allowed may be combined Definition of Serious Medical Condition include: Hospital inpatient care Incapacity more than 3 days and treatment within 7 days Complications due to pregnancy and/or delivery Chronic condition requiring 2 or more visits/year Permanent or long-term condition requiring physician supervision Care for a Family Member: Family members are defined differently under State and Federal Law. For example, Step-Parents and Parent-In-Laws are not covered under Federal FML, but are covered under State FML. Military Exigency Leave: Time off may be allowed to prepare for, or assist family, with deployment and service requirements
Requesting FML Time Code: 601 When possible, employees must notify UA 30 days prior to leave HRS or supervisor must invoke FML rights on behalf of an employee Employees will be notified of eligibility Certifications from employee’s or family member’s physicians are required for medical leave Healthcare certifications will be required to show need for leave to care for employee’s or family member’s medical condition. UA can request re-certifications every 30 days, or if leave taken doesn’t match prior certifications. Supervisors must notify HRS if they think an employee has requested leave that may qualify for FML. HRS Team will determine if leave qualifies and notify employee of approval/denial. Medical notes and certifications should be directed to HRS. No copies should be maintained at department Employees should be encouraged to send medical documents directly to HRS Medical information is kept separately from employee’s personnel record FML Forms can be found on HRS site – Benefits > Leave Programs
Family Medical Leave Code to 601 Code to 420
Use Sick Leave Code to 601 Use Annual Leave Use Personal Holiday Code to 420 Use Leave Share or LWOP Here is a visual way to look at FML and paid time off: FML is the benefits and job protection, leave is how you are paid during the time off Employees must use sick leave, annual leave and personal holiday concurrent with FML. Code time to 601 – payroll will deduct hours first from sick leave, then from annual leave Personal holidays must be coded separately Leave share donations may be available once employee’s own leave is exhausted Family Medical Leave
Benefits During FML UA will continue to pay bulk of medical premiums – 83% of premium cost UA will continue basic life insurance and LTD insurance during FML – up to 18 weeks Employees on Workers Comp or in an unpaid status must pay their portion of medical premiums and supplemental benefit elections No contributions will be made to UA Pension, ORP, PERS or TRS while employee is on Worker’s Comp or in an unpaid status If an employee remains in a paid status while on FML (own leave or leave donations), their normal medical and supplemental deductions will continue. If an employee is on Worker’s Comp, or in an unpaid status, they will have to pay their normal bi-weekly deductions for medical and supplemental insurance. HRS will provide notice of cost and how to pay those premiums while on leave. Employees participating in PERS or TRS defined benefit plans may be able to “buy-back” their unpaid FML or Worker’s Comp time. Please contact the Alaska Division of Retirement ( ) for more information. Buy-back options are not available for UA Pension, ORP or PERS/TRS defined contribution plans.
Leave Share Program Eligible employees may receive up to 65 days of donated leave per calendar year Eligible employees may apply for donated leave if they Are on approved FML for a qualifying event, and… Have exhausted all of their own leave, and… Been in an unpaid status for 10 consecutive work days The leave share program was established to allow employees to voluntarily transfer hours from their unused sick leave balance to the sick leave balance of an employee experiencing a catastrophic medical event. Qualifying Event: For purposes of the leave share program, the catastrophic medical event of an employee or immediate family member that requires an absence from work by the employee for a period of time that extends 10 working days in excess of all accrued leave balances. Upon meeting the definition of a qualifying event, 5 working days of donated leave will be credited retroactively to the recipient.
Requesting Leave Share Donations
Employees must submit a leave share request form Leave is transferred to employee as it is available Eligible employee = employees eligible to accrue sick leave (Extended temporary, employees are not eligible to receive leave share donations.) A regular employee or a personal representative may request leave share hours by completing the leave share request form and by completing the Family and Medical Leave (FML) application. There is no guarantee that leave donations will be available
Donating Leave It’s quick & easy
Donations can be made to a specific individual or to anyone in need Sick leave is not deducted unless it is needed Employee can only donate their unused sick leave. Annual leave cannot be donated. The sick leave donation form will not be valid for more than the number of hours needed by the recipient in a given pay period. Separate forms may be submitted each pay period for additional donations. Donations may not be used beyond the donor's termination date or for 5 working days of the qualifying 10 working day SLWOP period. Donors will receive notification from the payroll office when the hours they donated have been transferred from the donor's sick leave balance to the recipient's sick leave balance. If a donor's sick leave donation is not needed by the recipient, the leave share transfer form will be returned to the donor. Leave Share Donations – What a great way to show support!
Leave of Absence Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
Leave granted for a variety of reasons Up to one year, and renewed for one additional year Approval is required: 10 Days or Less More than 10 Days More than 6 Months Approval of immediate supervisor Requires review and approval of the employee’s department head and the regional HR Director Requires review and approval of the employee’s department head and the regional HR Director PLUS approval of the Chancellor. There are several return to work options ranging from “same position same rate of pay”, to “ability to apply for internal positions”, subject to supervisor approval Benefits During LWOP During an approved LWOP greater than 10 days, employees may continue their health coverage via COBRA, and may have options to continue other benefits by making appropriate payments Benefits may be expensive, rate will be 102% of entire premium No leave accrual during LWOP
Holidays UA observes 12 holidays per year Holiday Closure
Employees must be in a paid status during the pay period in which the holiday falls Holiday Closure Employees can take leave without pay or annual leave/personal holiday during closure Personal Holiday Non-union, non-exempt staff receive floating holiday: Code 420 The following paid holidays are observed by the University of Alaska: New Year's Day and a day before or after January 1 Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Celebration of Alaska Civil Rights (third Monday in January) Day of Spring Recess Memorial Day Independence Day and a day off before or after July 4 Labor Day Thanksgiving Day and the day immediately following Christmas Day and a day off before or after December 25 Personal Holiday for Regular Nonexempt Staff: The personal holiday for regular nonexempt staff may be taken after the 6-month probationary period. Personal holidays do not accrue from year to year. Must be taken before the pay period which includes July 1.
Military Leave Regular employees who are members of military can take 16 ½ days per calendar year as needed for service Additional leave without pay may be available. A regular employee who is a member of a reserve or auxiliary component of the United States Armed Forces is entitled to a leave of absence without loss of pay to a maximum of 16 and one-half working days in one calendar year during which the employee is ordered to serve with the National Guard or Reserve Forces, or the Civil Air Patrol or Coast Guard auxiliary units. Additionally, regular employees of the university are entitled to a military leave of absence without pay to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States and will be entitled to statutory benefits and rights to re-employment provided for by state and/or federal law. For a military leave of absence, the employee must give advance written or verbal notice of leave to the supervisor. Voluntary involvement with non-military, auxiliary, or civil organizations, such as participation in search and rescue missions, is not eligible for military leave or military leave of absence.
Jury Duty or Court Witness Regular staff & most Faculty
Temporary Employees Extended Temps Paid Jury Leave: Code 440 LWOP May use accrued annual leave or LWOP Turn in court pay Keep court pay Turn in court pay only if on paid leave “Jury duty” or duty as a court witness refers to that service and time spent away from a university job as a result of a subpoena issued by a court. Service as a volunteer expert witness or other volunteer court duty is not included in the provisions of this leave. Any pay received by employees from a court system for service on jury duty or as court witness duty will promptly be returned by the employee to the university if they are being paid by the university for their service (Jury Duty Leave or Annual Leave). Service as a volunteer expert witness or court duty is not included
Find Your Balance UA Online Employee Menu Time off Balances
Resources Board of Regents Policy 04.06: Benefits and Leave
UA Benefits Page – UA Benefits Handbook UAA HRS > Benefits > Leave Programs Union CBA Your HR Consultant
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