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An Induction-Mentoring Model for New Counselors: Partnerships between School and University American Counseling Association (ACA) 2001 Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "An Induction-Mentoring Model for New Counselors: Partnerships between School and University American Counseling Association (ACA) 2001 Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Induction-Mentoring Model for New Counselors: Partnerships between School and University American Counseling Association (ACA) 2001 Annual Conference March 19, 2001 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

2 Presenters Beverly B. Kahn, Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Human Services, Villanova University, Villanova, PA; email: Robert Murray, Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Human Services, Villanova University, Villanova, PA; email: Wallace J. Kahn, Professor, Department of Counselor and Educational Psychology, West Chester University, West Chester, PA; email: to download a copy of handouts and this presentation go to the following web address:

3 Session Goals To review the existing literature on induction and mentoring for new school counselors and explore a rationale for a more comprehensive model. To gain knowledge of a comprehensive Developmental Induction Model for New Counselors (0 to 3 years). To understand the nature of the triadic relationship among the counselor educator, induction-mentor, and new counselor. To apply this model to practical situations and levels of participants’ school sites.

4 Agenda Introductions Goals A Highlight of Existing Models of Induction- Mentoring for New Counselors A Comprehensive Developmental Induction Model for New Counselors The Triadic Relationship of Counselor Educator, Induction-Mentor, and New Counselor Applying the Model to Participants’ Sites and Levels Discussion and Questions

5 Induct (in-dukt) v. to bring in as a member; to initiate in knowledge, experience, etc. Mentor (men-tor) n. a wise and trusted guide “a person who cares deeply about the development of his or her protégé and in addition, is ready willing and able to help the protégé accomplish the developmental tasks of life. The scope of the role may be broad, encompassing life itself, or narrower, focusing only on career” (Data, 1991)

6 Issues of concern expressed by new school counselors: Many counselors work in isolation. Counselor role is inadequately defined. Case-loads are not adjusted for their novice state. Support personnel are frequently the same faculty/administrators who evaluate performance. Graduate programs did not prepare them for the reality of the practicing counselor’s world. School districts either ignore new counselors in professional induction or employ a teacher induction process for new counselors.

7 Possible limitations of existing induction/mentoring programs for new school counselors: Programs are determined by state legislatures or mandates instead of needs of new counselors. Programs follow a teacher-induction model. Counselors are mentored by teachers or principals who also evaluate them, instead of a peer counselor. Mentors are in essence “buddies” with little training. Mentor’s time with new counselor is only spent in clinical supervision/case management and does not cover other issues and roles. Programs are haphazard with little structure.

8 What we have learned from effective induction/mentoring programs There is a need for extensive mentor training and support throughout the process. Mentor selection must include specific criteria; one aspect of criteria should include a taped sample of mentor’s work with a group or individual; potential mentors should not be generated by volunteerism alone. Mentors need to be provided a tangible token for their time and effort, such as reimbursement, certificates, CEU’s, or course credit. Districts and administrators must fully support program and be prepared to provide released time to mentor and new counselor, in addition to adjusting new counselor’s responsibilities.

9 What we have learned from effective induction/mentoring programs (continued) The process of mentoring should reflect a developmental process, consistent with cognitive developmental stage theory of adult learning. The process of mentoring should encompass all the roles and issues of the new counselor. “Methods of reflection” should be built into process to allow the new counselor to gain meaning from experience.

10 What Research tells us about Adult Learning and Mentoring (Knowles, 1980; Zachary, 2000): Adults learn best when they are involved in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating their own learning. The role of the mentor is to create and maintain a supportive climate that promotes conditions necessary for learning to take place. Adult learners have a need to be self-directing. Readiness for learning increases when there is a specific need to know. Life’s reservoir of experience is a primary learning resource; the life experiences of others enrich the learning process. Adult learners have a inherent need for immediacy of application. Adults respond best when they are internally motivated to learn.

11 Developing Induction Model for New School Counselors Components: Career Transition (CT) - Legal, ethical, and certification issues; Career Development System Learning (SL) - Demographic and physical organization; Structure of school district/school/program as a system Support Development (SD) - Support relationship, professional friend Resource/Information (RI) - Resources, internal and external; procurement Skill Refinement/Program - Skill development, case management, Development developmental conceptual problem-solving and decision making (theory-practical linking); program development

12 The Triadic Relationship of Counselor Educator, Induction-Mentor, and New Counselor; the benefits accrued from this model Counselor Educator Consultant Trainer Supervisor Induction- Mentor Coordinator Supervisor Support New Counselor Develop and Implement Program

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