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Lab Zone Directed Inquiry Explore: What can change a marble’s speed?

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2 Lab Zone Directed Inquiry Explore: What can change a marble’s speed?

3 Materials Marble ruler with groove 2 Books timer meterstick masking tape

4 What to do  First make a ramp laying the book down and placing the ruler on the edge creating a ramp.  Place masking tape at the end of the ruler (starting point).  Measure 180cm place masking tape (finish point).  Roll a marble down a ramp. Time how long it takes to move 180 cm. Find the speed. Speed = distance divided by time

5 Predict Predict how raising the ramp would change the speed. Test your prediction by assing one book.

6 Explain Your Results 1.Interpret Data: Make a bar graph to show your results. 2. Infer: How did raising the ramp change the speed of the marble.

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