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Pine Ridge Middle School Interactive Fitness Unit Cathy Rafuse 2008 Enter.

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1 Pine Ridge Middle School Interactive Fitness Unit Cathy Rafuse 2008 Enter

2 Table of Contents Unit One: Five Components of Fitness Unit One: Five Components of Fitness Unit One: Unit One: Unit Two: Major Muscles of the body and Exercise Unit Two: Major Muscles of the body and Exercise Unit Two: Unit Two: Unit Three: Fitness Circuit Unit Three: Fitness Circuit Unit Three: Unit Three:

3 Unit One Five Components of Fitness Back to contentsNext

4 Unit one In this unit you will: 1. Learn the five components of fitness. 2. Understand the importance of exercise. 3. Learn how your heart works. 4. Find your BMI. 5. Find out what activities you like. 6. Read a variety of articles. Back to contentsNext

5 Read articles: 1. “Why exercise is Cool” 1. “Why exercise is Cool”“Why exercise is Cool”“Why exercise is Cool” 2. “ Many benefits of exercise” 2. “ Many benefits of exercise”“ Many benefits of exercise”“ Many benefits of exercise” Back to contentsNext

6 Five Components of Fitness How do we know when we are "strong" or "physically fit?" 1. Cardio - Respiratory Endurance Cardio - Respiratory EnduranceCardio - Respiratory Endurance 2. Muscular Endurance Muscular EnduranceMuscular Endurance Muscular Strength 3. Muscular StrengthMuscular StrengthMuscular Strength Flexibility 4. FlexibilityFlexibility 5. Body Composition Body CompositionBody Composition Once you have completed all Five components click on Unit Quiz Unit QuizUnit Quiz Back to contents

7 Cardio - Respiratory Endurance The ability to do moderately strenuous activity over a period of time. It reflects how well your heart and lungs work together to supply oxygen to your body during exertion and exercise. Also called aerobic fitness. Watch Video with explanation: Video Video Back to 5 components of Fitness Back to contents

8 Muscular Endurance Muscular Endurance The ability to hold a particular position for a sustained period of time or repeat a movement many times. Read article: “stamina” “stamina” Back to 5 components of fitness Back to contents

9 Muscular Strength The ability to exert maximum force, such as lifting the heaviest weight you can budge, one time. Read articles: Read articles: 1. “Getting muscles”“Getting muscles” 2. “What is Strength Training?”“What is Strength Training?” Back to the five components of fitness Back to contents

10 Flexibility The ability to move a joint through its full range of motion; the elasticity of the muscle. This is how limber you are. Assignment #3: Perform these stretches and answer the following questions? Stretches Stretches 1. Which stretch did you like the best? 2. What did you notice when doing the stretch a second time? 3. Why do you think it is important to stretch after exercise? Submit your answers to Mrs Rafuse Back to five components of fitnessBack to contents

11 Body Composition Body composition is the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass, bone and organs. This can be measured using underwater weighing, Skin fold readings, and bioelectrical impedance. Assignment #4: Read the article and do BMI BMI Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: 1.What is BMI? 2.What did you find out about your BMI? 3.Is BMI reliable in children? Submit your answers to Mrs Rafuse Back to five components of fitnessBack to contents

12 What do you know? Unit One Quiz INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the quiz link below and print the quiz. Complete all questions and than hand in the quiz to Mrs Rafuse. Quiz Quiz Quiz Back to contents

13 Unit Two Major Muscles of the body and Exercise Back to contentsNext

14 Unit Two In this unit you will: 1. Learn how the heart and lungs work. 2. Learn the names of the major muscles. 3. Learn the function of the major muscles. 4. Learn exercises that will work a certain muscle of the body. Back to contentsNext

15 Heart and Lungs Click on the narrated tour, to learn more about how the heart works. Click on the narrated tour, to learn more about how the heart works. Click on English link, than the animated heart. Click on English link, than the animated heart. m/vbody.aspx m/vbody.aspx m/vbody.aspx m/vbody.aspx Back to contentsNext

16 Major Muscles of the body Instructions: Click on the picture below to go to the anatomy diagram. From this picture you can select different muscles to learn more about each muscle group, and what exercises can be used to train those muscles. Back to contents

17 Go to unit quiz

18 Triceps The great extensor muscle along the back of the upper arm The great extensor muscle along the back of the upper arm Pushups Pushups Pushups Adapted Push Ups Adapted Push Ups Adapted Push Ups Adapted Push Ups Dips Dips Dips Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Back to Muscle page

19 Latissimus Dorsi Usually, it functions to pull the arm toward the back as in rowing a boat or swimming Usually, it functions to pull the arm toward the back as in rowing a boat or swimming Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Upright Row Upright Row Upright Row Upright Row Dips Dips Dips Back to Muscle page

20 Abdominals The part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis. The part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis. The thin flat muscles forming the middle and outer layers of the lateral walls of the abdomen. The thin flat muscles forming the middle and outer layers of the lateral walls of the abdomen. Back to Muscle page  Push ups Decline Push ups DeclinePush ups Decline  Curl ups Curl ups Curl ups  Push Ups Incline Push Ups InclinePush Ups Incline  Push Ups -Adapted Push Ups -AdaptedPush Ups -Adapted

21 Obloquies Lies on the sides and front of the abdomen and is the largest and the most superficial of the three flat muscles in this area. Lies on the sides and front of the abdomen and is the largest and the most superficial of the three flat muscles in this area. Curl ups Curl ups Curl ups Curl ups Push Ups Push Ups Push Ups Push Ups Push Ups- Incline Push Ups- Incline Push Ups- Incline Push Ups- Incline Push ups- Decline Push ups- Decline Push ups- Decline Push ups- Decline Back to Muscle page

22 Erector Spinae A bundle of muscles and tendons, and its prolongations in the thoracic and cervical regions, lie in the groove on the side of the vertebral column. A bundle of muscles and tendons, and its prolongations in the thoracic and cervical regions, lie in the groove on the side of the vertebral column.musclestendons vertebral columnmusclestendons vertebral column Curl ups Curl ups Curl ups Curl ups Back to Muscle page

23 Adductors Adductor muscles move a limb toward the central line of the body. Adductor muscles move a limb toward the central line of the body. Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Jump Over Bench Jump Over Bench Jump Over Bench Jump Over Bench Back to Muscle page

24 Quadriceps Includes the four prevailing muscles on the front of the thigh. It is the great extensor muscle of the knee, forming a large fleshy mass which covers the front and sides of the femur. Includes the four prevailing muscles on the front of the thigh. It is the great extensor muscle of the knee, forming a large fleshy mass which covers the front and sides of the femur.thighextensor musclefemurthighextensor musclefemur Bench Jumps Bench Jumps Bench Jumps Bench Jumps Hops Hops Hops Forward Bench Jumps Forward Bench Jumps Forward Bench Jumps Forward Bench Jumps Jumping Jumping Jumping Steps Ups Steps Ups Steps Ups Steps Ups Back to Muscle page

25 Gastrocnemius (Calf) The largest and most superficial muscle of the calf of the leg arising by two heads from the condyles of the femur and attaching to a tendon that becomes part of the Achilles tendon. The largest and most superficial muscle of the calf of the leg arising by two heads from the condyles of the femur and attaching to a tendon that becomes part of the Achilles tendon. Jump over Bench Jumps Jump over Bench Jumps Jump over Bench Jumps Jump over Bench Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Hops Hops Hops Step Ups Step Ups Step Ups Step Ups Back to Muscle page

26 Soleus Is a thick, flat muscle located beneath the gastrocnemius. These two muscles make up the calf of the leg. The soleus rises from the tibia and fibula, and it extends to the heel by way of the Achilles tendon. Is a thick, flat muscle located beneath the gastrocnemius. These two muscles make up the calf of the leg. The soleus rises from the tibia and fibula, and it extends to the heel by way of the Achilles tendon. Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Hops Hops Hops Step Ups Step Ups Step Ups Step Ups Jumping Jumping Jumping Back to Muscle page

27 Pectorals Is a large, fan-shaped muscle that covers much of the front upper chest. Is a large, fan-shaped muscle that covers much of the front upper chest. Its main use is in moving the arm across the body. Its main use is in moving the arm across the body. Push Ups adapted Push Ups adapted Push Ups adapted Push Ups adapted Up Right Row Up Right Row Up Right Row Up Right Row Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Push Ups Push Ups Push Ups Push Ups Back to Muscle page

28 Gluteus The outermost muscle of the three glutei found in each of the human buttocks. The outermost muscle of the three glutei found in each of the human buttocks. Jumping Jumping Jumping Hops Hops Hops Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Straddle Jumps Step Ups Step Ups Step Ups Step Ups Back to Muscle page

29 Biceps The large flexor muscle of the front of the upper arm. The large flexor muscle of the front of the upper arm. Bicep Curls Bicep Curls Bicep Curls Bicep Curls Bicep Curls- Double Arm Bicep Curls- Double Arm Bicep Curls- Double Arm Bicep Curls- Double Arm Push ups Push ups Push ups Push ups Up Right Row Up Right Row Up Right Row Up Right Row Back to Muscle page

30 Deltoids The deltoid is the triangular muscle of the shoulder that forms the rounded flesh of the outer part of the upper arm. It passes up and over the shoulder joint. The deltoid is the triangular muscle of the shoulder that forms the rounded flesh of the outer part of the upper arm. It passes up and over the shoulder joint. Dips Dips Dips Push ups Push ups Push ups Push ups Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Up Right Row Up Right Row Up Right Row Up Right Row Back to Muscle page

31 Rhomboids The muscles associated with the scapula and are chiefly responsible for its retraction. There are two rhomboid muscles. The muscles associated with the scapula and are chiefly responsible for its retraction. There are two rhomboid muscles. scapula Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Shoulder Press Dips Dips Dips Push ups Incline Push ups Incline Push ups Incline Push ups Incline Push Ups Decline Push Ups Decline Push Ups Decline Push Ups Decline Back to Muscle page

32 Test your knowledge of the major muscle groups! Match the correct label with the muscle. 1. Pectorals [ ] 2. Trapezius[ ] 3. Gluteals [ ] 4. Quadriceps[ ] 5. Biceps [ ] 6. Triceps [ ] 7. Latissimus dorsi [ ] 8. Deltoid [ ] 9. Abdominals [ ] 10. Hamstrings[ ] Submit your answers to Mrs Rafuse The Major Muscles Quiz Back to contents Back to Muscle page

33 Unit Three Fitness Circuit Back to contentsNext

34 Unit Three Your will learn in this unit: 1. Learn what a fitness circuit is? 2. Develop your own fitness circuit to include the 5 components of physical fitness. 3. Know how to present the circuit to your classmates. 4. Follow the rubric for assessment. Back to contentsNext

35 What is a Fitness Circuit? Read the Article to know the background of how to organize Fitness circuit. Read the Article to know the background of how to organize Fitness circuit. The Fitness Circuit The Fitness Circuit The Fitness Circuit The Fitness Circuit Back to contentsNext

36 Template of a fitness circuit: Follow the link to see an example of a completed Fitness Circuit Demo Demo Demo Back to contentsNext

37 Fitness circuit template: Choose one of the following samples and include your exercises for your Fitness Circuit. Print your completed Circuit and hand it in to Mrs. Rafuse. Sample #1 Sample #1 Sample #1 Sample #1 Sample#2 Sample#2 Sample#2 Back to contentsNext

38 Rubric Follow the link to see the rubric for your Fitness Circuit. Follow the link to see the rubric for your Fitness Circuit. Make sure you follow the guideline in the rubric for your presentation. Rubric Rubric Rubric Back to contentsNext

39 References Back to contents

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