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MedArt ® 456 The most advanced scanning system for facial skin resurfacing available.

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Presentation on theme: "MedArt ® 456 The most advanced scanning system for facial skin resurfacing available."— Presentation transcript:

1 MedArt ® 456 The most advanced scanning system for facial skin resurfacing available

2 Table of contents:  Product highlights  Remote control  Scan line duration  Scan area size  Scan area shape  Scan fading choices  Scan modes  Skin resurfacing Tools

3 Product highlights  Remote control.  Smoke evacuation direct at point of operation.  Superior scanning pattern.  Flat beam profile.  Light and ergonomic design.  3-Dimensional scanning modes.

4 Product highlights The MedArt ® 456 offers you superior scanning and heating characteristics: The pulsed MedArt® 456 secures even and safe distribution of energy.  No stop/start effect on the laser beam during scanning.  The scanner moves the laser to the outer point. Accelerates and the laser beam is first activated when it is in motion.The beam is switched off before motion stops.  The fiber in the MedArt ® 450 and the MedArt ® 456 generates a flat beam profile, providing even distribution of the heat.

5 Product highlights The traditional CO 2 laser and scanner generates a gaussian beam profile concentrating the heat in the centre of the spot. Traditional spiral scan provides overheating in the centre. Traditional square scan provides overheating each time the beam changes direction.

6 Smoke evacuation  A groove provides easy insertion of a smoke evacuation tube.  Ensures a clear view of the operation area at all times.  Keeps the lens clean and reduces the risk of smoke and particle contamination.

7 Remote control  Control of laser settings from the scanner, enabling you to maintain your cencenration on the patient.  Control of both fading, scan size, scan time, scan mode and scan pattern at your fingertips.  Keeps your nurse free to focus on other tasks during the operation.

8 Scan time duration The first line enables you to control the duration of each scan. Three different steps can be chosen:  Minimum (0.7 sec)  Medium (1.0 sec)  Maximum (1.5 sec)

9 Scan area size The second line enables you to determine the size of the scan area. It defines the side-length of the square, the diameter of the circle or the length of the line).  Minimum (3 mm)  Medium (6 mm)  Maximum (10 mm)

10 Scan area shape The third line determines the shape of the scan area. You can choose between circle, square or line.  Beware: Line scan is a special mode. Read the instruction manual regarding stop/start functions in this mode.

11 Scan fading choices The fourth line determines fading choises of the chosen scan pattern. Four settings can be chosen: Fading is important to secure an even and natural look from treated to untreated skin.  Standard skin resurfacing – no fading  Full fading (four sided fading)  Double sided fading  One-sided fading ”none”

12 Scan modes  4 different scan modes optimises the treatment options.  Each scan mode can be applies to each scan pattern, making the scanner truly versalite.

13 Scan modes  Spot removal Full effect in the centre and feathering in periphery.  Deep Wrinkle Removal Full effect in centre and feathering left and right.

14 Scan modes  Edge Feathering Full effect in the centre and feathering to one side.  Standard Skin Resurfacing Full effect on the complete area.

15 Skin resurfacing tools Successful skin resurfacing.


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